
A few practical dishes are coming, tender and nutritious, and it is comfortable to eat

author:Ji food culture
A few practical dishes are coming, tender and nutritious, and it is comfortable to eat

【Secret fried chicken breast】


Chicken breast, tomatoes, onions, breadcrumbs, cooking wine, cooking oil, soy sauce, sugar, pepper, tomato sauce


1. Use the back of the knife, remember that the back of the knife is chopped, chopped on both sides, so that the chicken will be delicious and not chai!

2. Put the chopped chicken breast in a large bowl, add the chopped onion tomato grains, then put in a small spoonful of chicken essence, put a spoonful of sugar to freshen, and put in the appropriate amount of cooking wine to fishy, and finally release the soy sauce can not put the old soy sauce, the old soy sauce has color but no salty taste. Seal with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 24 hours

After 3.24 hours, fry until before, pour the breadcrumbs into a plate, the breadcrumbs are sold in the supermarket, 3 yuan more than a bag, a bag can be used 4-5 times. Chicken breast on both sides of the breadcrumbs, when the oil in the pan is hot, put the chicken breast into the pot, cover the pot, low heat and fry for 2 minutes........ Don't forget to cover the pot.

4. Chicken breast turned over also and fry for 2 minutes. Serve with tomato sauce.

A few practical dishes are coming, tender and nutritious, and it is comfortable to eat

【Soybean braised pig's trotters】


2 pig's trotters, about half a catty of soybeans, peppercorns, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, star anise, feast cooking oil, green onions, ginger and garlic, dried peppers, salt, dark soy sauce, rock sugar, chicken essence, cooking wine


1. Wash the soybeans in advance and soak them in cold water for half a day. Cut the ginger and garlic into large pieces, cut the green onion and dried pepper into sections and set aside.

2, after buying a good pig's trotters, chop the pieces (the knife at home is generally not as good as the butcher's shop, and our own skills are not skilled)

3: Blanch the pig's trotters for about 2-3 minutes, drain and remove the remaining hairs.

4, heat the pan to pour oil, when the oil is warm, put in the chopped green onion, ginger garlic slices, peppercorns, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, star anise each appropriate amount of stir-fry, put in about 3 grains of rock sugar stir-fry, then put in the blanched pig's trotters stir-fry, pour in the soy sauce to color, cooking wine to fishy.

5: Stir-fry evenly and add boiling water (not over the pig's trotters), roll over the heat for a while and then add the soaked soybeans to continue to boil over high heat.

6: Pour all the ingredients into a casserole dish, cover the pot and simmer over low heat. Simmer over low heat for about 2 hours.

7: Collect all the juice in the boiling water, add salt chicken essence to enhance the taste, stir evenly out of the pot and plate.

A few practical dishes are coming, tender and nutritious, and it is comfortable to eat

【Fried beef with onions】


1/2 catty of beef, 1 onion, a little salt, raw oil, soy sauce, cooking oil for the banquet, a little corn starch, pepper, monosodium glutamate or chicken powder, a little cooking wine


1: Mix the beef in reverse slices, mix with a little salt, raw oil, soy sauce, a little corn starch, pepper, monosodium glutamate or chicken powder, and a little cooking wine, marinate for 10 to 20 minutes, let it taste.

2: Cut the onion into thin pieces.

3: Heat a pot with a little raw oil and sauté the onion until soft.

4: Set aside the soft onion, pour the marinated beef and the marinade gravy into the pot and stir-fry.

5: Stir-fry, sprinkle with a little black pepper powder (to make the beef taste more fragrant) and stir-fry well, you can get out of the pot.

A few practical dishes are coming, tender and nutritious, and it is comfortable to eat