
Shoulder pain, don't always let frozen shoulder "back pot"! In this case, we must be vigilant...

Shoulder pain, don't always let frozen shoulder "back pot"! In this case, we must be vigilant...

With the increase of age, the body will have some small problems from time to time. Especially in middle age, many joints of the body begin to stiffen, lifting weights more and more difficult, arms and shoulders always feel unable to stretch, and sometimes there will be pain. For people who often work and study, shoulder pain is also a common thing.

At this time, many people will think that they have frozen shoulder, but as long as the shoulder pain must be frozen shoulder? Can multi-activity alleviate it? Look down.

Shoulder pain, don't always let frozen shoulder "back pot"! In this case, we must be vigilant...


What is frozen shoulder?

Frozen shoulder, or periarthritis of the shoulder, is a general term for all inflammations that occur in the tissues surrounding the shoulder joint. We often call it "fifty shoulders" in our daily lives, that is, shoulder joint pain, stiffness and adhesion that occur in middle-aged and elderly people around fifty or sixty years old. The patient's shoulder joint is as if it were frozen, hence the medical terms call it "frozen shoulder".

Due to the severe limitation of the function of the shoulder joint,

The patient's arm can not be lifted, sleep can not turn over, can not complete the daily housework, the slight movement of the body may stimulate the patient's adhesion shoulder joint and cause severe pain, it can be said that there is a feeling of "the whole person is wasted".


What causes "frozen shoulders"?

The most important manifestation of "frozen shoulder" is that the active and passive activities of the shoulder joint are limited, that is to say, the patient not only cannot lift it on his own initiative, but others help the patient still cannot lift it, which is due to the severe contracture and adhesion of the soft tissue of the shoulder joint.

It is related to several factors:

Age, high incidence in middle-aged and elderly people around 50 or 60 years old. If young people have shoulder pain, they often do not consider "frozen shoulders", which is often caused by cervical spondylosis caused by desk work or aseptic inflammation of muscles and soft tissues around the shoulder joint, and rotator cuff tendon injuries caused by exercise.

Due to various reasons, the shoulder joint is chronically painful, the shoulder joint is slowly reduced due to pain, and gradually, the mobility of the shoulder joint also regresses, so the soft tissue around the shoulder joint contracts.

Chronic underlying diseases, especially diabetes, tumors, and uremia. Chronic underlying disease can cause lesions of peripheral blood vessels and contractures due to ischemia in the soft tissues around the shoulder. This condition is different from the first two types, and often manifests as acute stiffness of the shoulder joint, that is, the shoulder joint suddenly cannot move. Therefore, if there is acute shoulder stiffness, be vigilant.

Shoulder pain, don't always let frozen shoulder "back pot"! In this case, we must be vigilant...


Shoulder pain must be frozen shoulder?

In fact, frozen shoulder is a very broad and inaccurate concept. In the past, because of the limited understanding of shoulder joint diseases, all shoulder pain was often considered to be frozen shoulder. In recent years, our understanding of the causes of shoulder diseases, especially shoulder pain, has greatly improved, and frozen shoulder is an outdated concept in the field of medicine.

There are many causes of shoulder pain, not necessarily frozen shoulder.

One of the important causes is damage to the rotator cuff tendon. Our humerus head is wrapped like an cuff by a set of tendons, the rotator cuff, which consists of the tendons of the superior, inferior, scapula, and small round muscles. The flexible movement of the shoulder joint in all directions is inseparable from the traction of these tendons in all directions.

Rotator cuff tendon injuries due to various causes,

If there is a tear due to violence, or friction, impact, tear, calcification, etc. due to chronic strain use, the rotator cuff cannot perform its normal function, which will lead to pain and limited movement of the shoulder joint.

One of these diseases is called

In subacromial impingement syndrome, we can touch a bony protrusion above the scapula and on the outside of the collarbone, called the acromion, which is just talked about in the rotator cuff tendon tissue, which is just walking in the gap below the acromion. If our acromion shape is a bird's beak-like hook, then as our shoulder joint is abducted and lifted, the tendon will collide with the "bird's beak" under the acromion, and this repeated impact will cause damage, degeneration, and even rupture of the rotator cuff tendon, which is an important cause of rotator cuff injury.


Shoulder pain to exercise more?

Shoulder joint pain, can not blind movement. Be sure to identify the cause. If the shoulder joint pain is caused by a rotator cuff injury, more exercise may lead to the aggravation of the rotator cuff injury. If the shoulder joint gradually declines due to chronic pain, some functional exercises can be carried out to prevent the aggravation of soft tissue contractures around the shoulder, such as doing the action of "climbing the wall with the hand" and "attracting the cat".

In daily life, pay attention to maintaining a correct posture and avoid bowing your head for a long time. Diabetic patients pay attention to the detection of blood sugar control. If you feel that your shoulder joint is limited, you should seek medical attention in time to avoid further damage and adhesions to the soft tissues of the tendons.

Source: Science China (ID: Science_China)

Expert of this article: Wang Qiuyuan, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, MD

Producer: Mou Yanqiu Huang Linhao

Editor: Liu Yiran

Proofreader: Gu Peng Zhao Gang

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