
Disguised by strength, clever and cunning, seemingly innocent, the city government's deep constellation

Introduction: Really smart people will never show emotions on their faces, sometimes they look like there is no wave on the surface, but in fact, the inside has already surged up. Although he will also treat people peacefully, he also has conspiracy means. Get along with such people and don't easily touch their bottom line, otherwise the sudden retaliation will make you overwhelmed. Today I will talk to you about the disguise of strength, smart and cunning, seemingly innocent, and the deep constellation of the city government.

Disguised by strength, clever and cunning, seemingly innocent, the city government's deep constellation


Water signs have always been a relatively contradictory set of constellations, and Pisces, which has two symbols that swim in opposite directions, is even more unlikely to get rid of this feature. Pisces is a sign that always gives people a very weak feeling on the surface, but Pisces can be said to be the best of the twelve signs who are good at disguise, although they always give people a harmless appearance, innocent and romantic personality, let people always feel very comfortable with it.

But Pisces has a darkness that many people can't have, but many times Pisces will choose to suppress their inner darkness and not show it. Pisces may be honest with their friends, but when friends betray or transform into their enemies, Pisces will choose to explode the darkness in their hearts and give the other party the harshest blow. Once the seemingly gentle and delicate surface is transformed into evil, it is a flawless trap.

Disguised by strength, clever and cunning, seemingly innocent, the city government's deep constellation


Although Geminis belonging to the wind sign are not as complex as the heart of Many Pisces, they have a personality that changes like the wind, so many people are very difficult to see through the true thoughts of Gemini. Gemini people can be said to be star-like beings in the social arena, and they seem to be able to talk to anyone. Therefore, extensive social networking has created Gemini's sleek and fickle personality. Gemini, who also has a dual personality, is also a sign that is very good at hiding their emotions, and although they look smiling on the surface, you don't know that they may be thinking about how to drag you into the designed trap in the next moment. When you interact with Gemini people, you can talk and laugh with them, but you must not let go of your vigilance against them.

Disguised by strength, clever and cunning, seemingly innocent, the city government's deep constellation

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