
Save Gemini

Save Gemini

1, no matter how painful it is, Gemini people always show happiness, and sadness hides itself, which is probably a common disease of Gemini. Even if they are really in pain and feel that their hearts are painful to death, they will never show their sadness, and those who know how much pain they have will always have themselves.

2, self-esteem super gemini people have super self-esteem, which is why, they always want to show the good side, the negative side of their own good. Their self-esteem is so strong that all the pain seems to be no longer painful, and all the sadness can be carried by them with a smile, so that they always live very tired and hard.

3, the flowery and dedicated contradiction Gemini people can be said to be the flowery and dedicated contradiction, they treat the world very carefully, always want to try new things, curiosity makes them unable to stop. But they are very dedicated to feelings, and when they meet the right person, they will be inseparable because they love them very much, change themselves for you, and give everything for you.

Save Gemini

4, hot and cold Gemini is always friendly to strangers, try to maintain a good image, their bad temper is often reserved for the people closest to them. They talk a lot of nonsense about people close to them, unconsciously they will instill their own ideas into others, they are actually a little forgetful, do not care much about the things around them, care more about themselves, their hot and cold, in fact, even the closest friends, will be a little unbearable.

5, the temper is very stubborn Gemini people look very easy-going, but in fact, their temper is very hot, very stubborn, usually not angry, angry can be out of control. Although they are very sociable, they still have their own ideas and opinions, and it will be difficult to clean up when they are provoked, so don't try to provoke them.

6, some neurotic Gemini people are actually a little neurotic, they are easy to think a lot because of a small thing, or someone else's word. They always hope that they can be carefree, but the reality is not as good as they think, some neurotic them, in many cases are also tense nerves in life, always think a lot of them, not as open-minded as they seem on the surface.

Save Gemini

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