
Hi, are you okay? "No. 600" psychological tips please check

Hi, are you okay? "No. 600" psychological tips please check

Source/Oriental IC

Citizens and friends, under the long-term home situation, is everyone's psychological state okay? Please accept this psychological tip from "600"!

1, from the first day of sealing, every time I encourage myself in this way, endure it, it will soon get better. However, looking at the same neighborhood, residents of other buildings can go downstairs to move. In the building where I am located, there are constantly positive infected people appearing, and the unsealing is far away. I couldn't hold on any longer, I don't know when such a day will be a head!

A: When there are new positive infected people in the building, it is a stress for everyone, and it is normal to have the above emotional reactions. You can: 1. Tell yourself that the current short adjustment is for the sake of comprehensive unsealing in the future; 2, change your concept, see the present as an exercise of your own willpower, and persist in order to win; 3, look at it from another angle, usually work is very hard, why not put yourself a "long vacation" now? 4, of course, you can divert attention, reduce the attention to negative events, maintain communication with the outside world, and when there are negative emotions, you must be reasonable catharsis.

2, recently it is difficult to get a community pass, you can go out with vouchers, but now you dare not go downstairs, do not dare to go out. Want to shop but worry about queuing up, go to the supermarket and afraid that you may encounter positive infections to become close contacts, always worried about whether there will be another epidemic, will not be infected, what should I do?

A: You have a more obvious sense of anxiety right now. Anxiety often stems from the unknown and ignorance. You can: 1. Take the initiative to learn the knowledge of epidemic prevention, understand the way of virus transmission, and do a good job of protection when going out to reduce the possibility of being infected. 2. It is necessary to change the cognitive model of "going out will definitely be infected" and establish the cognition that "there is a certain probability of being infected when going out, and effective protection can reduce this probability". 3. Learn some ways to relieve anxiety, such as mindfulness, meditation, exercise, talking, etc.

3, the last month are sealed at home, the day is dark, do not know the day of the week, often lie on the sofa during the day to watch TV, watch and watch on the fall asleep, can not lift the spirit to do things, is there a way to adjust it?

A: Sleep disorders such as day and night upside down, too much or too little sleep can affect our mental state. You'll need to make a daily schedule. Set times for going to bed and getting up, and strictly enforce them, no matter how late you slept the night before, and get up on time the next morning. You can develop some good habits, such as not playing mobile phones before going to bed, not doing strenuous exercise, not drinking caffeinated drinks; you can help yourself fall asleep quickly through breathing training; you can leave bed when you can't sleep, and then go to bed when you are sleepy. Of course, please let yourself have something to do during the day, complete certain work tasks every day, do some home exercise, and give yourself time to relax, such as watching your favorite movies.

4, because the epidemic is closed at home, the plan is disrupted, the mood is not good, brush Weibo to see a variety of negative news, the mood is more irritable. I want to ask the next expert, how to judge whether my psychology is wrong? Need to see a doctor? How do I adjust?

A: When you are in a bad mood and then contact negative information, you will indeed have anxiety and irritability. First of all, all you need to do is control the amount of information you consume. Second, you need to understand whether there are stressors in the production of these emotions, and when the stressors disappear, can they be relieved quickly? Finally, if negative emotions persist, are difficult to resolve on their own, and have affected your daily life, you need to seek medical attention in time. If mood swings only appear briefly in specific situations, there are some ways to regulate emotions on their own, such as changing cognition, rational catharsis, relaxation training, and proper talking.

5, I have been sealed at home for more than a month, the community has just become a prevention area, but the last time a nucleic acid test appeared positive infection, I feel that the mentality is about to collapse, I want to ask experts how to adjust?

A: It can really be frustrating and unsettling. You can: 1. Correct your mindset and understand that this is a small twist and turn in the process of epidemic prevention and control, but it does not affect the overall trend. 2, you can try to do relaxation training, etc. to improve your mood. These simple trainings can be found in the APP, and sticking to it two or three times a day for ten minutes each time can gradually calm us down. You can also do some moderate exercise, try to do "Liu Qihong girl, boy", can be very good to decompress. 3. A good social support system is good for coping with stress. Try to generate more links with family, friends, etc., when we get more psychological support, the time of sealing is not so difficult.

6, recently saw Weibo has a hot search, from the end of the year there are 250 days, feel that the days passed so fast, this year's flag has not been completed, recently has been sealed at home, the days are muddy, the whole person is very emo, how should be adjusted?

A: At home, many plans are difficult to achieve, but there is no need to blame yourself, and it is necessary to understand that the epidemic is an emergency, unpredictable, and even force majeure. As the old saying goes, "Misfortune depends on blessings." "There are two sides to everything. At the same time that the pause button is pressed, it also gives us more time to accompany the elderly and children; the things that we usually have no time to take care of are just on the agenda, fitness, learning to recharge, improving cooking... You can record these "small luck" and "small achievements" in the form of pictures and videos and share them with everyone, which will increase the sense of gain. Of course, the epidemic has broken our inherent rules of life, and we need to make a regular schedule for ourselves, get up on time, eat, study, work, and play. A regular, healthy pace of life is important for maintaining good sleep and mood.

7, I sealed control at home for more than a month, some time ago at home every day to change the pattern of food, these days began to lose interest, do not want to do anything, can not raise interest in other things, how to do?

A: As the home isolation time is prolonged, it may gradually produce fatigue and boredom. If you are only reluctant to do things for a short time, you can improve by taking a full break or self-adjustment, such as enjoying a relaxing movie, soothing music, or cultivating other hobbies. At the same time, you can discuss with your family whether you really have emotional problems, or are you troubled by life and work? If you can find the cause of bad emotions and eliminate them, you can increase your interest. If you find that your low mood obsession, loss of interest improvement is not obvious, the duration is more than 2 weeks, and changes such as sleep and appetite loss occur at the same time, it is recommended to seek professional help.

8, I am a volunteer "regiment leader", from April 1 to now, a day has not rested, recently because of the group shopping funds problems, by everyone all kinds of spit and misunderstanding, feel thankless, psychological pressure is particularly large. Insomnia at night, and more and more serious, can only sleep three or four hours a night, what should I do?

A: The work of volunteer "regiment leaders" is tedious, which can be described as brain-burning and laborious. But the crowd is difficult to reconcile, sometimes thankless, will be spit on. Netizens said: "After 6 days of work, the regiment leader has lost 6 pounds." Often, the more responsible the "regimental leader" is also more pressured. First of all, it is necessary to do a good job of physical and mental debugging, reasonably arrange the work time and workload of organizing group purchases, do not be too tired, and find enthusiastic neighbors to take over, negotiate and share. Don't deny yourself because of a few complaints. I believe that the "regiment leader" will gain the understanding and gratitude of the majority of the people, which is the greatest affirmation. Of course, if the pressure is too high, you can try to trim and let go for the time being.

9. Recently, the circle of friends saw many people following Liu Qihong to jump exercises, and I didn't exercise much; and then I also saw that others either wrote several papers or learned a lot of new skills... Everyone worked so hard that I couldn't get anywhere. Every day I feel like a failure. Although I am very anxious, but what do I think is not interesting, what should I do?

A: When we see others making progress and we stop moving forward, we will be anxious and self-blamed. At this time, if you continue to magnify the achievements of others and reduce your own value, you will only further enhance your negative emotions. What we need to do is to explore our strengths and goals, and then further refine them into practical actions every day. For example, if you're a "foodie" and want to learn to cook during lockdown, all you need to do is try to make a new dish every day with the recipe. After half a month, you will find that you are slowly reaching your goal. Without accumulating steps, there are no thousands of miles. Try to let go of your anxieties and start acting now!

10, I sealed control at home for nearly a month, home office has been almost a month and a half, every day while going to work, while coping with three meals a day, but also received a variety of requirements from the company's leaders, feel powerless, want to hear what a good way to adjust the psychological experts?

A: Today's work from home is a big challenge for everyone. You need to readjust your rhythm and complete the balance of life, work, family and other aspects. An effective way is to divide everything into three levels: important, sub-important, and ordinary. Try to get important work done first, which will make you feel relaxed and productive. Of course, even at home, it is also very important to maintain a regular schedule, develop a stable work schedule, and try to simulate the rhythm of life before sealing. You can also say "no" to something that isn't important and reduce your burden. These are all effective means, try it!

Source of this article: Shanghai Mental Health Center

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