
Pain is no more! 12 zodiac signs once in a lifetime [love pain points]


If life is like a drama, then the most heart-wrenching thing to watch is often the love bridge; especially the wrong love script of "obviously loving each other deeply, but unable to continue to live together", such heartbreak will definitely be imprinted in the mind for a lifetime. And what I want to say is that even if you fall heavily in your feelings, you still have to believe that there is still love waiting for you in this world, and what you have experienced makes it a nutrient in life, nourishing and waiting for the next love.

This time I want to talk to you about what "heart-wrenching and wrong love" the 12 zodiac signs will experience in their lifetime, even if they love the wrong person, after struggling, they must walk forward with their heads held high and not be defeated;

Every gathering and dispersion is a story that can be sung and wept??


Childish Aries, always think that love is only a matter of two people, did not expect to be because of the other party's family, and embarked on a separate road, did not think of such a heart-wrenching plot, not only appeared in the idol drama sprinkled with dog blood, but really happened to themselves, in the face of such a situation, can only accept the facts, wave the wrong love.


The stable Taurus seriously looks at each relationship, but after falling into the whirlpool of love, he realizes that it is "easy to fall in love with the person in front of him, it is difficult to get along", even if he wants to do a good job, he tells himself every time: "Work harder, it should be OKAY", but it is still in vain, knowing that life will not always follow the ideal script every time, and it is time to let go.


Gemini is a sign that desperately needs a sense of security, and it is only when Gemini feels that you are always by his side to feel at ease. As everyone knows, but in a certain partner, almost can not find a sense of identity, for your work, thoughts, feelings, dreams, etc., the other half do not know how to support, the two people rarely have resonance, so love is not right, had to be released.


Cancer's gentle and considerate, everyone can see it, Cancer single-mindedly only wants to use his true feelings for the feelings, helpless but suffered from the lover's verbal violence, originally thought that the other party was a good Mr. (or Good Miss), but after being together to find the true character of TA, sensitive Cancer can not stand such a mode of getting along, can only recognize that they love the wrong person and flee.


Leo, who has a strong desire for anything, has no idea about life, is extremely lazy and the other half, originally thought that he could change each other by his own strength, but it was "the cow led to Beijing or the cow", the original personality is really difficult to change, watching him unwilling to work hard for each other's future, recognizing that there is no future with each other, and painfully cutting off this relationship.


The emotionally clean Virgo actually fell in love with the leg-splitting habitual offender; at first, he was coaxed into love by sweet words, meekly obeyed and pasted, but unexpectedly found that the other party was picking flowers and weeds everywhere outside, and after unveiling the mask of the ideal lover, the world seemed to collapse, even if he did not want to accept it, he had to face reality, leave the wrong love, and have a chance to meet the right person.


Libra, who is good at seeking romance, is creating surprises for the two worlds all the time, and strives to manage the results of feelings, but he can't see the care in the other party, and the equal return, the enthusiasm is exchanged for an indifferent response, after several quarrels, looking at the object in front of him makes himself more and more cold, helpless to let go, say goodbye to the wrong love to welcome a new life.


Scorpio, who longs for love in his heart, has a deep affection for each relationship and cherishes another partner, however, even the most good-tempered person always has a bad mood, and he is fed up with himself who has always been the first to bow his head, expecting the other party to also take out an attitude of valuing each other and putting down the lofty figure, which is still not feasible?? After several nights of insomnia, I found that "fate is really not you".


After the playful Sagittarius invests in feelings, he will put away his heart, cherish it, and like to take each other to the party, as if to tell the world, he is your favorite person; however, the other half is always very mysterious, never saw his friends around him, and never mentioned that he has a partner on the social network, as if the feelings can not see the light, such a lover, is it really what he wants?


Love you unconditionally, that is the characteristic of Capricorn, Capricorn will fight for love, but unfortunately in a certain relationship, fall in love with an object that only loves himself, not not to love you, but to love yourself too much, far better than you love him, body and mind are repeatedly tossed, determined to let go, it is better to go, and say to yourself: Cheer up, "You are not brave, no one is strong for you."


Willing to pay 100% of the partner Aquarius, quite tolerant of the other half, but the payment and tolerance is limited, the partner to you demand excessively, you are close to becoming the other party's materialistic slave and wishing pool, without the slightest consideration of your financial situation, you are used as a cash machine, feelings are based on money, fall in love with such a person can only quickly break away, in time to stop the loss.


The emotionally rich Pisces, easy to plant into the world of love, every time you meet a person who believes that the other party is their true love, but unexpectedly in a relationship that loves unforgettable, unexpectedly found that he was a little third (or little king), even if he was sad to put down the other party, he had to cut off this love and leave the wrong person in front of him.

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