
In love, the constellation woman will get better and better, and after difficulties and run-ins, the heart and the heart will be more similar

In love, the constellation woman will get better and better, after difficulties and run-ins, the heart and the heart will be more similar, and the understanding of love, when young, will basically be associated with "tightly glued together, never separated."

But after moving from "one person's life" to "two people's world", everything is not as perfect as we think.

It was discovered that love is not the "prince and princess" fairy tale we imagined, it needs to be managed.

Among them, there are things like "the personality of the two people, the trivialities of life, and the family relationship between the two parties are combined".

These may seem simple, but they are not simple.

In particular, the "love brain" that dreams of "love" and is full of "talents and beautiful people" will feel "frustrated, entangled, and troubled" in the stage where "dreams" are easy to fall into "reality".

That is, we often say "the greater the hope" and "the greater the disappointment".

That said, many of the readers' friends said "The lover's personality is very strange, I thought he was gentle before we were not together, but I didn't expect him to be such a person, I was really disappointed,"

However, I will also tell you, "Maybe the lover's mood is the same as yours,"

"Longing" satisfies "loss" by "honing reality."

In fact, don't be surprised, why love is like this, a long time ago Li Zongsheng's "Love has become a thing of the past" has already told you the reason: "In fact, you don't know, there is love and pain in this world; when you know, I think there is no difference in this world without me."

Not because "love" hurts you, but because you don't know what "love" is.

However, all girls are still full of longing for love in their hearts, so today, from the perspective of horoscopes, the older they are, the more they can understand what "love" is.

At the same time, you know why you have a sense of loss of "love"? And how to achieve their own "happiness"?

01 Cancer

All Cancer girls, most of them have experienced their own "tearing", but they are love that cannot reach the end.


This constellation is dominated by the planet Moon, which represents "motherhood", so it is easy to center on other people.

If you are with friends, it is easy to treat your friends as your own affairs, and you will bring all of your friends' problems to you, which is more positive than your own affairs.

However, if the other party is a person with good interpersonal communication, if the other party's personality is also very strong, it is easy to think that "Cancer women" are nosy, in addition, too strong, too worried, but will be complained.

In the relationship, it is like this again, because it is too fond of taking care of people, too sympathetic, too sympathetic; on the contrary, it is easy to cause "mother's baby man, cheating man".

Everyone will feel unfair when it comes to saying this, why would such a good woman meet such a man?

But, to be reasonable, I know what it is for.

Thanks to my mother's care, she has been cooking and washing clothes since she was a child, worrying about your studies.

However, these will soon become "habits" in your heart, and in most cases, instead of "thanking", you will resist arguing with her.

Similarly, it is also used in "love".

Therefore, many "Cancer girls" are easy to meet boys who have no sense of responsibility, no sympathy, and are doted on when they are exposed to feelings.

These "sunny boys" have the "liveliness and energy" that wants "Cancer", but they do not want the "steadfastness and security" of "Cancer" women.

They are "doing", Cancer women are waiting, I am waiting for them to grow.

But unfortunately, cancer women's initial relationships are difficult to get perfect results.

Yes, these boys will definitely say "regret it for the rest of their lives" after breaking up with Cancer girls, and "Cancer girls" have long been "selfish and unable to believe in love".

After the relationship ends, they become reluctant to fall in love and think about themselves.

Under multiple reflections, choose "study, study, entrepreneurship, training", and spend time and money on how to make yourself "excellent".

For lovers to let their suffering and worry about the "grandmother" become a passing man, is the "goddess" that attracts their attention.

From the initial emotional feeling to "I have no choice", to "choose a lot".

Therefore, among the many suitors, choose the partner she likes who is "responsible, responsible, responsible, and secure".

Then, really like a fairy tale, the prince and princess lived happily.

02 Libra

Countless emotional dramas have said: "Why are women bitter? Embarrass women".

But there are very few "Libra women" who don't regret themselves.

Ming ming disguised himself as a "princess", but in his feelings he was a "servant".

Because she always chooses a lover who is not suitable for her in the "first relationship".

Because she cares about the value of her face, she always controls this aspect of temperament.

Therefore, nature is not short of people's likes; but, incredibly, Libra's choice is difficult, and people always make the wrong choice.

Just like she buys things, there are two hand creams, and she always likes to choose things that look good and don't work well.

Just looking at it is disgusting, it is a pity to throw it away, or it will be just a moment.

However, she did not know that she hated the "make-up" constellation.

Therefore, her "entanglements and troubles" also followed.

She wanted to desperately say to herself that because she wasn't wrong, she had to try to change herself, adapt to her choices, and deceive herself, which was my favorite thing.

But is the heart of the autumn sign so easy to be "shaken"?

Therefore, while she degraded herself, she also began to look down on herself.

In this state, her other half began to slowly ignore her.

Constantly torturing myself, asking myself, "I've given so much, why is there such a time?"

Libra women are beginning to awaken.

Because she is no longer indecisive, I think this inappropriate "hand cream" should be "used in conjunction with the timing".

She suddenly found the "dumpster".

If she made this decision, she would become very relaxed, and BGM instantly changed from "Erquan Yingyue" to Wu Bai's "sudden self".

Then, there is a saying called "almost discouraged" Libra in order to bother themselves, what are they struggling with? ”

Be more active in disguising yourself, correcting yourself, and improving yourself.

When more people come to demand herself, she will strictly control herself so that she no longer likes a person for the sake of "packaging".

Do you really like this guy and can you be with him? Do you have regrets in your heart?

I said to myself that I had absolutely no regrets, it was him, "I'll decide for myself."

After that, the happy Libra wore the wedding dress he wanted, finally understood this truth, if hesitating, I explained that this is not what I wanted, knowing patience and seriousness, I finally became my own princess,"

03 Leo

Although it is a strong constellation, it has its own sadness.

Leo girls, very strong, very independent, also very sensible, very responsible.

But, it's because of that character.

If you give each other feelings for the first time, it is easy to meet "married men".

They have half the patience, but the young man is not easy to take, she needs half of the self-motivation, the young man's playfulness is very strong, they need "good eloquence, good heart", men who can't fall in love need an incomprehensible woman's heart.

"Married men and love masters" easily meet their psychological needs,

With the premise of "attractiveness" catching people's attention, "Leo women" often unconsciously become "women who are obviously deceived, but pretend to be strong".

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