
Elevated uric acid is usually related to 4 behavioral habits, and drinking 2 more waters helps to excrete acid

author:Minfu Health Care Hall

Now, gout is no longer the "exclusive" of the elderly, has begun to gradually younger, some young people are only twenty years old most of them suffer from gout, generally common in men, gout if it is attacked, that kind of pain really does not know how to say good, can not tolerate, otherwise it will affect the health of the joints, there are problems with joint function, the cause of this "les misérables" and a substance can not be separated from the relationship, that is, uric acid, high uric acid will not only lead to gout but also seriously cause other diseases of the body, not to be underestimated.

Elevated uric acid is usually related to 4 behavioral habits, and drinking 2 more waters helps to excrete acid

What is high uric acid and why does it affect the human body so much?

Uric acid is a metabolite of purines, generally formed in the human liver, muscles and bone marrow, some of the excess will be discharged from the body under the action of the kidneys or other digestive organs, the uric acid in the normal human body blood should not be higher than 200ml / dl, that is to say, if it is higher than this value, it will lead to high uric acid. Foods that contain purines should be avoided, and there is a problem with the kidneys that metabolize uric acid, and uric acid cannot be excreted from the body, and accumulation in the body will also lead to the formation of high uric acid.

High uric acid is very unfavorable to the body, can be ranked with the "three highs", is the "fourth highest" of the human body, common in the elderly, but the young people with irregular diet are also inevitable.

High uric acid is a very common phenomenon, belongs to a kind of metabolic disease of the body, not only will lead to the occurrence of gout, and then lead to joint deformities, stiffness, but also affect the health of the kidneys, because too high uric acid will increase the burden of the kidneys, and then the salt crystals of uric acid will accumulate in the kidneys, there will be polyuria in the night, there will be foam urine (proteinuria), hematuria, and even lead to uremia.

Uric acid in the blood is too high, and it will also stimulate the blood vessel wall, which will lead to myocardial infarction, stroke and angina. The body's digestion and absorption of glucose will also become smaller, and then the body's sugar will become more, resulting in high blood sugar, making the body sick, how the body will be good, it can be seen that the body is high in uric acid, and must be acted upon.

Elevated uric acid is usually related to 4 behavioral habits, and drinking 2 more waters helps to excrete acid

There is a reason for the rise in uric acid, and several bad habits have been quickly changed

1. Do not like to drink water: now people do not have the habit of drinking water, only in the body feel thirsty, and then take a few sips or large sips of water, this is not right, when you feel cola, in fact, your body has begun to lack of water, drinking water and uric acid is related, if the body is sufficient water, it will be conducive to body metabolism, the kidneys for uric acid metabolism will also become high, and then conducive to excess uric acid excreted out of the body.

2. Like to eat seafood, animal offal: uric acid is the product of high purines, if you consume too much food containing high purines, it will lead to too much uric acid of the body, resulting in an increase in the probability of hyperuricemia, generally containing high purine food is animal offal and seafood.

3. Love to drink: drinking alcohol will make people temporarily forget the troubles of life, many people choose to use alcohol to paralyze themselves when they are in a bad mood or stress, so that not only hurt the body, the wine will also contain purines, which will lead to the rise of uric acid in the body, and the body metabolizes alcohol, produces lactic acid, which also requires the metabolism of the kidneys, which will delay the metabolism of uric acid, resulting in an increase in uric acid in the body, which is why most people in gout have the habit of drinking, and quickly advise friends around the "alcoholism", Drink less at bars.

4. Do not exercise like to stay up late: exercise can accelerate the flow of blood in the body, and then improve the body's metabolism, is conducive to the discharge of uric acid, the body's immunity will also be improved, take out four or five days of time every week, a week adds up to 150 minutes of exercise time can be, you can jog, play badminton or aerobics are OK, try to choose outdoor sports, more contact with sunlight, breathe fresh air, can alleviate the symptoms of gout. To maintain the mental vitality of the body, there must be sufficient sleep, normal adult sleep at least 7-8 hours, want to work and study efficiently, good sleep is indispensable.

Elevated uric acid is usually related to 4 behavioral habits, and drinking 2 more waters helps to excrete acid

Drinking more water can help drain acid, and you can also drink more of these teas

1. Psyllium tea: Psyllium can clear the heat, for lowering uric acid is also effective, suitable for the body of damp heat, urinary abnormal gout patients, you can use psyllium, purslane, soil poria and other herbs and then cook for about 20 minutes on it, if you feel that the taste is not good, you can put a little sugar in it to improve the taste, savor or quite delicious.

2. Gardenia chicory tea: If you feel that the ingredients are troublesome, you can buy the tea bags that have been prepared, and then soak and drink, drink once a day, which can alleviate the symptoms of gout and reduce uric acid. Studies have shown that the effect of the substances contained in chicory on uric acid is more obvious, which can help the body promote the excretion of urine, and with gardenia lilies, it can alleviate urinary abnormalities, swelling and other physical discomfort.

Disease is not formed overnight, and our lifestyle and diet in our lives are inseparable from the relationship, sometimes you do not care about one thing, may invisibly lead to your body slowly caused by disease, or even cancer, so several things that lead to high uric acid pay attention to.

In summary, the harm to the body when uric acid is high is really not small, there is a healthy life to have a healthy body, if you do not want gout to find yourself, bad habits quickly corrected.


1. "High uric acid, not only easy to induce gout, but also these 4 complications, do not ignore! 》——Guangming Network 2018-12-23

2. "The "nemesis" of hyperuric acid gout, drink it every day after meals, uric acid drops rapidly by 150!"——People's Daily 2019-05-04