
The "immortal tea" to drink after the summer! Drink until you fall into the ambush, drive away the cold and dampness, raise the yang qi, and live a healthy summer

author:Beijing Satellite TV Health Hall

Summer has arrived, which also means that the hot summer is coming

Speaking of which, every summer, the hot weather always makes people listless, the appetite is poorly digested, the sweat is more and the body is weak, the whole day is not strong, and it is easy to get sick.

Therefore, during the spring and summer seasons, it is important to give the body a good foundation! So, what can we eat to nourish our bodies?

There is a saying called "Lixia ginger jujube tea, into the volt three bean soup", from Lixia to Sanfu before, drink some ginger jujube tea is more appropriate ~ ~

The "immortal tea" to drink after the summer! Drink until you fall into the ambush, drive away the cold and dampness, raise the yang qi, and live a healthy summer

Ginger jujube tea, as the name suggests, is the two ingredients of ginger and red dates.

As the saying goes, "eat turnips in winter, eat ginger in summer". Summer is the best time to eat ginger, ginger has the effect of dispersing cold in temperature, strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness, eating it in summer can expel the cold and dampness in the body, and lay a good foundation for the body.

It is better to drink ginger tea and add some dates. Ginger and red dates, two common health ingredients, are not only effective, but also a perfect match!

The "immortal tea" to drink after the summer! Drink until you fall into the ambush, drive away the cold and dampness, raise the yang qi, and live a healthy summer

Among the 113 prescriptions of "On Typhoid Fever", 37 formulas are used to match ginger and red dates, which are good partners to replenish the spleen and stomach qi, jujube is warm and sweet, ginger is warm and spicy, Chinese medicine believes that xinganhua yang, the combination of the two can stimulate yang qi.

Ingredients: 6 g of ginger (2-3 slices), 6 large dates

Directions: Wash and slice the ginger, break open the dates and add water and cook for 20 minutes. If it is not convenient to boil water, you can also put it directly into the cup and pour boiling water into the lid to brew.

The "immortal tea" to drink after the summer! Drink until you fall into the ambush, drive away the cold and dampness, raise the yang qi, and live a healthy summer
The "immortal tea" to drink after the summer! Drink until you fall into the ambush, drive away the cold and dampness, raise the yang qi, and live a healthy summer

From Lixia to Sanfu, it is the best time to drink ginger jujube tea, and most people are suitable.

After a winter and a spring, a lot of sick qi has accumulated in the human body. From now on, drink a cup of ginger jujube tea every three forks and five minutes until you enter the ambush, just to drive out the cold and damp evil qi, and many small problems will also be solved.

1 Healthy spleen and stomach

Ginger, jujube mainly belong to the spleen meridian, suitable for nourishing the spleen and stomach, the spleen and stomach play a protective role, a cup of ginger jujube tea every day, can strengthen the spleen and qi, reconcile digestive ability.

It has a certain regulatory effect on digestive system problems such as loss of appetite, gastrointestinal discomfort, and diarrhea that are common in summer. The spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow, the spleen and stomach are good, and the body's immunity will naturally increase.

The "immortal tea" to drink after the summer! Drink until you fall into the ambush, drive away the cold and dampness, raise the yang qi, and live a healthy summer

2 liters of sunlight to remove dampness

After entering the summer, the temperature rises, the blood flows on the surface, the body is relatively cold, and the yang qi is insufficient. Coupled with modern people's greed, drinking cold drinks, turning on air conditioning, it is more likely to hurt the spleen and stomach, often cold hands and feet, diarrhea, every day feel weak, no strength.

At this time, drinking a cup of ginger jujube tea can not only warm the spleen and stomach, but also help the rise of yang qi, raise the sun and disperse the cold, in line with the health principle of summer yang. Adjust your physique, and your body will be much more comfortable in the middle of summer.

3 Nourish blood and replenish qi

Ginger has a blood-activating effect. Jujube is a good tonic product, and red dates are often added to dietary and medicinal diets to nourish the body, which has the effect of nourishing yin, replenishing qi, nourishing blood and calming the spirit. Suitable for people with cold physique, insufficient qi and blood, easy to breathe, or easy to fatigue and pale face. Brown sugar can also be added to ginger jujube tea for people with qi and blood deficiency.

The "immortal tea" to drink after the summer! Drink until you fall into the ambush, drive away the cold and dampness, raise the yang qi, and live a healthy summer

4 Warm Palace Adjustment

A cup of ginger jujube tea every day can regulate qi and blood, dredge menstrual blood, and for women with cold palaces, irregular menstruation, and low menstrual volume, they often drink ginger jujube tea, which can help and regulate menstruation to a certain extent and alleviate abdominal pain during menstruation.

The "immortal tea" to drink after the summer! Drink until you fall into the ambush, drive away the cold and dampness, raise the yang qi, and live a healthy summer

1 Ginger is not peeled, and the dates should be chopped

Ginger skin is cool, and it is not easy to catch fire when eaten with skin.

When many people cook ginger jujube tea, they directly throw the jujube down, which is actually not conducive to the effect of jujube in the cooking process. Generally speaking, it is recommended to cut the jujube in half and then cut it into strips, which is conducive to the nutrition and sugar inside running into the water, and the effect of drinking it will be better.

The "immortal tea" to drink after the summer! Drink until you fall into the ambush, drive away the cold and dampness, raise the yang qi, and live a healthy summer

2 Best time to drink is: in the morning

The best time to drink ginger jujube tea is in the morning, eating ginger in the afternoon is easy to be too hot, especially at night, it is easy to be energetic and affect sleep.

3 Suitable people and contraindicated groups of ginger jujube tea

Ginger jujube tea can be drunk by most people, especially suitable for these two groups of people:

► People with heavy cold and wet: afraid of cold all year round, hands and feet are cold to the touch, easy to abdominal pain and diarrhea;

► Elderly: Insufficient yang qi, frequent urination, and non-solid kidney qi are problems that plague many elderly people, and drinking ginger jujube tea helps to improve.

The "immortal tea" to drink after the summer! Drink until you fall into the ambush, drive away the cold and dampness, raise the yang qi, and live a healthy summer

However, if it is the following 4 categories of people, it is not recommended to drink ginger jujube tea.

  1. Do not drink when there are symptoms of fire such as mouth and tongue sores, sore throat;
  2. It is not recommended for women with large blood volume in the third trimester and physiological period;
  3. It is not recommended to drink when there is acute inflammation of the skin and eczema;
  4. It is not recommended to drink when there are wounds on the body that do not heal.