
Hot search first! Labor is a small expert, and the baby is a cute baby

-Happy Life Labor to Create-

Love labor and grow happily

~Record the growth of 10,000 infant kindergartens~

Hot search first!

The Ministry of Education issued a document: primary and secondary school students should learn to cook.

Labor classes will officially become independent courses for primary and secondary schools,

It is formulated according to different school segments

"Tidying up and organising"

"Daily life labor such as home cleaning, cooking, home beautification"

and other segment objectives,

Implementation began in September this year.

A Guide to Learning and Development for Children Aged 3-6

The needs of children are also clearly identified

"Have basic self-care ability in life",

And the ability goals to be achieved at different ages are divided,

Educational recommendations were made.

Whatever children can do on their own,

He should be left to do it himself.

Give back the right to life to the child,

Do not deprive children of the right to work.

The importance of labor education is self-evident.


Let's take a look

Children of the 10,000 Infant kindergarten

Let's grow up in the moment of labor!


Self-care: Do your own thing

Wash your hands before and after meals

Eat on your own Pack the dishes

Organize your school bag

Wear shoes and change shoes

Toy Classification Swing chair

Peel the egg fold the clothes

Fold the quilts and make the bed

Wan Infant Kindergarten pays attention to cultivating children with basic self-care ability in life, prompting children to learn to take care of themselves in life and learning, develop good habits and self-reliance qualities of not relying on adults and loving labor in life, and lay a good foundation for the development of life.

Teachers will form labor consciousness and cultivate labor habits throughout the day's activities. For example: in the morning, let the children and teachers work together before the activity; let the students on duty distribute tableware at lunch; put on and undress and make the bed during the lunch break; clean up the venue, materials, etc. after the activity. Start with self-service, work in life, and learn in labor.


Food Education: I am a small master of cooking

Sweet and sour fruit salad

Crystal clear rock sugar gourd

Fragrant osmanthus nectar

Sweet or savoury tea

Delicate and soft baked sweet potatoes

A variety of winter solstice day dumplings


In the food education curriculum of wan infant kindergarten, the children do their own work and carry out imaginative creations. More food, more fun, more growth.

We take our children and use food as a vehicle for education. Teachers and students work together, communicate together, explore solutions to problems together, walk into real life, and return to the most authentic needs of individuals for growth. Labor can nourish not only the body, but also the soul.


Labor Practice: I am a small expert in labor

Under the warm sun, meet a happy childhood

I love my kindergarten: weeding with my friends

Nature education curriculum: rice paddies are planted in kindergartens

Ten thousand infant kindergarten melons and fruits are fragrant

Play is the most basic way for young children to move,

It is also the best way to promote early childhood development.

10,000 infant and toddler kindergartens are based on

Age characteristics of physical and mental development,

Launched "I am a small melon farmer",

"My Happy Little Farm" and other labor education activities

Highlight the integration of children's labor and play activities,

In a pleasant, relaxed way

Lead the children to experience the hardships and difficulties of labor,

Feel the glory and greatness of labor.


Serving others: Feeling the joy of labor

Clean the class tidy up the equipment

Help your partner undress and make the bed

Pick up garbage clean environment

Take the initiative to share the housework

I do things for my family

In festivals such as Lei Feng Day and Chongyang Festival,

Wan Infant Kindergarten actively guides children

Take the initiative to care for others through labor,

Improve children's labor awareness and labor feelings,

Cultivate respect for labor and

Respect for the basic qualities of others,

Form a good quality of independence and self-confidence,

Have a positive, optimistic attitude towards life.

Labor creates the most glorious,

Looking forward to the babies and children

Grow up healthily and vigorously in labor education!

Did you take "labor lessons" when you were a kid?

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