
On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence

author:Interface News

记者 | 底伊乐 实习记者 | 钱天则

编辑 | 汤威

On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence


本期美食情报也带来不少相关消息,从北京东隅推出春日限定野餐系列礼篮到璞瑄酒店携手艺术家康春慧推出“春·会”艺术下午茶;从隅田川咖啡斩获阿里妈妈m awards年度3项大奖到Nespresso浓遇咖啡“致敬世界咖啡之都”系列推出三款全新浓缩咖啡;从雀巢咖啡多趣酷思引进三款植物基拿铁咖啡胶囊到TWG Tea推出母亲节甄选系列产品;从北京华尔道夫酒店推出时尚礼粽到王府半岛酒店诚献半岛裹蒸粽都是最新动态。

On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence

想拥抱自然,与好友共赴春日野餐计划但又想省去食材采购搭配的繁琐步骤?北京东隅酒店近期特别推出三款野餐系列礼篮,MEET THE SWEET、SUPER ENERGY、ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT,每款都别具风味。


On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence
On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence

4月18日,阿里妈妈2022经营力云发布暨m awards年度颁奖典礼成功举办,各项年度经营大奖悉数揭晓。凭借打造全球最低残氧量的挂耳咖啡产品——“锁鲜小红袋”,以及在“锁鲜咖啡”品类的超级经营力,隅田川咖啡一举斩获年度货品经营金奖、年度市场创新银奖、年度经营优胜奖3项大奖,为全球品牌商业经营实战贡献了极具创新性和代表性的优秀案例。


On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence
On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence



On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence
On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence

近日,雀巢旗下胶囊咖啡产品品牌雀巢咖啡多趣酷思(Nescafé Dolce Gusto)宣布,将三款植物基拿铁的咖啡胶囊新品正式引入中国市场。


On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence
On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence

伴随母亲节的临近,TWG Tea推出了母亲节甄选——时尚定制系列皇后早餐茶(Breakfast Queen Tea)。该茶以绿茶为茶底,搭配清甜柠檬与芬芳玫瑰,尽显花果交织的丰富。茶罐舒缓的绿松石锡压花搭配哑光金色装饰,也展现出了一种高贵优雅的气质。

同样以绿茶为底的手工纯棉茶包后选茉莉花茶(Jasmine Queen Tea),注入茉莉清新诱人花香,细细品尝仿佛进入伊甸之境,将浓情惬意的祝福献给每个人的“皇后”。

On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence
On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence



On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence
On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence



On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence
On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence



On Nespresso's new "Tribute to the World Coffee Capital" series, Pu Xuan Hotel launched the "Spring Festival" art afternoon tea | food intelligence


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