
Why do cutting-edge | only have a beer belly and no red wine belly? New research suggests that drinking beer can be more harmful

▎ WuXi AppTec content team editor

The scientific community's research on alcohol and health has never stopped, and it seems that every once in a while a new conclusion pops up. But overall, many studies have been relatively consistent about the relationship between alcohol consumption and health. That is: every drop of wine is bad for health.

For example, a previous Lancet study that covered 28 million drinkers found that there is no so-called "safe intake" of alcohol at all, while a bulletin published by the World Heart Alliance (WHF) in early 2022 noted that there is no safe dosage for alcohol consumption. Even if you drink a small amount of wine, it will change physiological functions over the years and affect health.

But sometimes drinking enthusiasts really can't help it, must drink a mouthful to enjoy, then it is best to choose the type of wine carefully before drinking.

Why do cutting-edge | only have a beer belly and no red wine belly? New research suggests that drinking beer can be more harmful

Image credit: 123RF

Data from a recent study by Iowa State University in the United States suggests that in order to offset the negative effects of alcohol as much as possible, it is best to drink wine instead of beer and spirits.

We often hear the saying "beer belly", but no one has ever said "red wine belly", why is this phenomenon? In addition to the beer culture is more prevalent, more people drink. The new study may shed some light on the physiological mechanisms, focusing on the link between different liquors and fat storage processes, and they found that beer is more likely to cause heat accumulation.

Of course, one of the indicators focused on in the study was visceral fat, rather than subcutaneous fat most directly associated with beer belly, which, while not as conspicuous as beer belly, is often associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and other complications.

Why do cutting-edge | only have a beer belly and no red wine belly? New research suggests that drinking beer can be more harmful

Image credit: 123RF

According to the study's data and sample analysis of 1869 adults, drinking beer and spirits was associated with elevated levels of visceral fat. But drinking wine doesn't have that link, and it even protects the body from the harmful effects of visceral fat.

If you want to really achieve the recognition of whether alcohol is good or bad, you need to understand two of the more popular hypotheses. One theory is that alcohol promotes fat storage by reducing lipid oxidation, that is, alcohol slows down fat metabolism on the basis of extra calories.

Another believes that alcohol hinders calorie absorption and increases energy expenditure, and when consumed with food, even loses weight.

The two hypotheses are even somewhat contradictory, which is likely to be that the types of alcohol consumed by the study subjects were not distinguished before these conclusions were drawn. The study, published in Obesity Science and Practice by researchers at Iowa State University, considered the specific effects of four common alcoholic beverages, including beer, white wine (sparkling wine), red wine, and spirits.

Why do cutting-edge | only have a beer belly and no red wine belly? New research suggests that drinking beer can be more harmful

Based on their analysis of drinkers' body composition, beer and spirits simply provide calories, but red wines also provide polyphenols. Among them, resveratrol is one of the common polyphenols in red wine, which can reduce inflammation and prevent fat storage. This is most likely a reason why drinking red wine does not easily accumulate belly fat.

Of all the wines, red wines had the highest levels of resveratrol, so regular red wine drinking also showed a correlation with reduced levels of visceral fat.

In addition to red wine, drinking white wine has a clear relationship with higher bone mineral density, which may be related to the high content of protocatechin in white wine.

This suggests that drinking white wine in older groups may be better for bone health. People who are afraid of gaining weight can choose to drink red wine.

Dr. Brittany Larsen, one of the researchers, summed up the heart of the study in one sentence: "Not all alcohol is the same," she noted, noting that many older adults may think that drinking a little alcohol is good for the heart and good for blood vessels. But wine may be the only one that offers benefits.

Drinkers really want to drink, it is best not to drink beer and spirits.

People who don't drink alcohol don't have to start drinking for the slightest potential health benefit of the wine.


[1] Not All Kinds of Alcohol Are Equally Bad For Body Fat, Study Suggests. Retrieved Apr 28th, 2022 from

[2] Beer, wine, and spirits differentially influence body composition in older white adults–a United Kingdom Biobank study. Obesity Science & Practice (2022). DOI: 10.1002/osp4.598

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Why do cutting-edge | only have a beer belly and no red wine belly? New research suggests that drinking beer can be more harmful
Why do cutting-edge | only have a beer belly and no red wine belly? New research suggests that drinking beer can be more harmful
Why do cutting-edge | only have a beer belly and no red wine belly? New research suggests that drinking beer can be more harmful
Why do cutting-edge | only have a beer belly and no red wine belly? New research suggests that drinking beer can be more harmful

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