
The 60th version of Dungeons & Dragons is too difficult to play, like a niche single-player game

The 60 version of dungeons and dragons is too difficult to dnf, like a niche single-player game, the stand-alone content experience is good, but it is not suitable for most players, players need to overcome a lot of difficulties, and many systems are inconvenient, such as lack of auction houses, too few task lists, too small backpacks, insufficient skill bars, etc. Today's dnf players will be extremely uncomfortable if they return to the 60 version, and even lead to regression due to some bad experiences. DNF ushered in an update, this time added 3 activities, namely: special pocket jar of earthen pots, Arad wandering tour, kryptonite pots of treasures, new versions, new activities waiting for you to experience ~ ~

The 60th version of Dungeons & Dragons is too difficult to play, like a niche single-player game

And now (Ozma version) of dnf? It is a pure 2D horizontal version of the MMO, in addition to the raid gameplay has no single-player experience, the most interesting gameplay is those limited time open operation activities, such as what Monopoly, card battles, simulated business navigation and so on. What does it mean to brush a normal diagram?

A skill a map, 8 rooms 8 skills are finished, the player now does not care about the non-raid experience, because the output of those copies is useless, at most is to brush the abyss, but the brush abyss can brush 10 in 3 minutes, everyone has a dozen or twenty numbers in the account waiting for fatigue, where is the effort to study the ordinary map? Only the PK field is the only conscience of DNF, and it is also a place where DNF is neither profitable nor unpopular. Ironic and helpless. Obviously, DNF has not developed in the direction of becoming more and more interesting in the past decade, but has developed in a more and more profitable way.

The 60th version of Dungeons & Dragons is too difficult to play, like a niche single-player game

People who stay, the ability to pay is extremely strong, the more roles you have, the higher the sunk cost handle, every year Labor Day summer vacation Mid-Autumn Festival can be harvested on time, the planning is also very smart, a pay point is split into multiple festivals to sell one by one, coupled with the "detail discrimination" of the environment, you miss important components will increase the risk of a social experience, the atmosphere can not be less liver at the same time.

The 60th version of Dungeons & Dragons is too difficult to play, like a niche single-player game

Therefore, the dnf players who have persisted until now, without exception, are all prison workers, willingly paying for their faith. DNFer is not a brainless blowing version of 60, but because version 60 has the strongest smell that DNF should have, the taste of being worthy of the title of "the world's strongest 2D side-scrolling fighting game", they prefer to be a warrior who braves dungeons rather than a green herb of the lily family.

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