
6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

author:Balcony garden vegetable garden

Seeing that it is already summer, with the arrival of the rainy season, all kinds of flowers and grasses have also come to a wave of vigorous growth. Although rainwater is extremely beneficial to the growth of plants, it is often said that "snow water is gold, rainwater is silver, and common tap water is used to water flowers and be sick and diligent." Rainwater contains a lot of trace elements and acids, which is particularly good for plant growth. It can promote the dissolution of nutrients in the soil, promote the growth and metabolism of plants, and rain has nourished thousands of lives for thousands of years.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

However, in the summer, many of the flowers and grasses raised in the family are particularly afraid of rain, and when it rains, it will die and warp. Therefore, for these plants that are more afraid of rain, we must get a place to avoid rain to avoid unnecessary losses. To introduce to you a few kinds of flowers that are particularly afraid of rain, once the rain will die, we must pay attention to maintenance.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

First, Junzilan is particularly afraid of rain

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

Junzilan has always been loved by the Chinese people, Junzilan blossoms and stands tall, the leaves are thick and free, raised in purple sand pots, graceful and luxurious, known as the flower of wealth. The peak growing season of Junzilan is in the spring and autumn, as well as in the winter, when it is semi-dormant in the summer. Be sure not to rain on Junzilan, after the rain water enters the leaf core, it will soon cause a rotten leaf core.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece
6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

Moreover, in the summer, Junzilan also belongs to a dormant and semi-dormant state, growing very slowly. If too much water accumulates in the rain basin soil, Junzilan will die nine times out of ten. Its fleshy roots will quickly develop burns from rotten roots. Therefore, if you encounter a rainy day, you must take Junzilan indoors or cover it from rain to prevent water from entering its leaf core, and usually remember when pouring Junzilan.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

Do not spray too much water on the leaf core, otherwise the leaf core is also particularly easy to rot, as long as you can grasp the shade in the summer and control the water maintenance, then in the autumn Junzilan leaves will be fat and green, and the recovery of fast flowers and arrows will be more.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

Second, don't rain on geraniums

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

Geranium is also called stinky hydrangeas, it blooms gorgeously, flowers into balls, beautiful plant shapes, flower-shaped leaf shapes are varied, flower-shaped and diverse, there are large flowers geraniums, hanging geraniums, and vertical geraniums, each flower is a unique charm, on the balcony, very suitable for making a small garden.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

But in the summer, geranium is in a dormant semi-dormant state is not rainy, its leaves have a layer of fine villi, try not to pour on the leaves when watering, otherwise its layer of villi can absorb water, not easy to evaporate quickly, resulting in leaf spot disease, leaf surface dry, dry situation.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

It grows slowly and cannot absorb the moisture in the pot soil, and after the rain, too much water accumulates in the geranium pot, and it will soon rot and rot. So, on a rainy day, bring the geranium indoors. Geranium prefers a warm and dry environment, the suitable growth temperature of 15 degrees to 25 degrees, in the loose and fertile soil can easily grow into a small garden, but in the summer to shade and control water dormancy maintenance.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

Third, the upside-down golden bell is particularly afraid of rain

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

The upside-down golden bell blossoms dazzlingly, just like a small palace lamp, hanging down with brilliant and diverse colors, rich in strong ornamental value. However, the upside-down golden bell is also famous for the summer death, although it blooms so much, but it is only suitable for blooming in spring, autumn and winter, and in the summer to spend the hot dormancy in a shaded place.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

If you are not careful, you will directly raise a dead warp, so few people will raise the upside-down gold into an old pile, and the upside-down gold should not rain, in the summer when the temperature is high, it belongs to the dormant period, and a little watering will also rot the roots and die. Not to mention the rain, after the rain, its soil is too much moisture to absorb and evaporate, there is a good chance that it will be directly hung up.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

Therefore, in the summer, it is necessary to raise an upside-down golden bell to be cared for for twelve minutes, otherwise it will not be able to pass the summer. It is suitable for growth at temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees, so keeping cool and ventilated is the basis for upside down Admiralty summer.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

Fourth, the little hibiscus is particularly afraid of rain

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

The small hibiscus blossoms and blossoms, the flowers are dense, fragrant and fragrant, and the purple is red, which is particularly beautiful. Its flowers are extremely large, each branch can bloom more than a dozen flowers, and its branches are scattered, so it is not unusual for a small hibiscus to bloom hundreds of flowers at the same time.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

Small hibiscus is also more like the cold and cool season, in the spring growth is particularly vigorous, to the summer into a dormant semi-dormant state, must remember to put it in a semi-shady place, otherwise a rain may be dry leaves in half, the plant directly yellow dead warp. In the summer, it is the dormant period of the small hibiscus, so no matter how exuberant the small hibiscus is, in the summer, it is also necessary to take proper care of the rain, otherwise it will be drenched and warped, which is a pity.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

Fifth, do not rain in the summer

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

Although its flowers are small, but exquisite and transparent, exquisite and beautiful, just like a graceful and gorgeous little peony, the petals are layered, the flowers are gorgeous, the flowers are elegant, the purple and red, the atmosphere is dignified, although it has the reputation of the queen of the greenhouse, but the ornamental value is extremely high.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

It can bloom all year round, but its growth temperature is between 15 degrees and 25 degrees. Casually can flower and burst the pot, but in the summer weather up to 30 degrees, it also enters the dormant semi-dormant stage, this time is not to give it rain, to indoor shade, ventilation maintenance.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece
6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

There are many fine villi on its leaves, if the rain fluff is contaminated with moisture and is not easy to evaporate quickly, it will cause rotten leaves and rotten roots of the plant, so that the flower buds wither away affect the ornamental effect. Therefore, in the case of rainy weather, be sure to take the big rock tree to the indoor semi-shaded place for maintenance, and do not let it rain.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece
6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

Sixth, do not rain on potted lilies

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

The lily is a potted green plant that many people like, it is a kind of bulb plant, the bulb is planted for two months, and soon it will grow a beautiful flower stem and bloom densely. Lilies are colorful and simple to maintain, but remember not to rain potted lilies in the summer. Especially the lily with flower buds, thrown to the outdoor rain, its flower peduncle between the accumulation of moisture, not easy to quickly evaporate, if you take the indoor ventilation is not good, it is easy to cause the situation of rotten flower buds.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

If you encounter even cloudy weather and cannot quickly evaporate the water, it will also cause a large number of flower buds to fall off. Therefore, the lilies raised at home, try to put them in a warm and dry place for maintenance, try not to rain more,

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

Otherwise, the hard work of raising so many large flower buds, crackling and falling off, is also particularly painful.

6 kinds of "foreign gas flowers", can not be heavy rain, summer rain, drowned a large piece

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