
Statically managed diabetic foot care at home

Statically managed diabetic foot care at home

This is the 3766th article of Da Yi Xiao Nursing

Statically managed diabetic foot care at home

Diabetic foot is one of the chronic complications of diabetes and generally occurs in patients with a history of diabetes for more than 5 years. With the increase of diabetic population in mainland China, the incidence of diabetic old rotten feet is increasing, which seriously affects the work and life of patients.

There are usually peripheral neuropathy, minor trauma, foot deformities, edema, ischemic lesions, corpus callosum and infection. It is a peripheral vascular lesion that is relatively difficult to cure, which is very difficult to deal with, expensive to treat, and painful to the patient.

Usually, patients can go to the hospital for wound treatment and dressing change, but in the sealed state, it is inconvenient for patients to go out to change drugs, so how should they deal with sugar foot wounds in time?

1. Systemic basic treatment

At home, we should also pay attention to the systemic treatment of diabetes: including blood sugar, blood lipids and blood pressure control. Good blood sugar control is the foundation and key to treating diabetic foot. Type 1 diabetes requires intensive insulin therapy, and type 2 diabetes also requires insulin to control blood sugar as soon as possible. At the same time, it is necessary to choose appropriate antihypertensive drugs and lipid adjusters to control blood pressure and blood lipids to the ideal range, and create a favorable rehabilitation environment for the treatment of diabetic foot.

2. Treatment of wound infections

At home need family or their own dressing change, need to prepare normal saline and benzalchloramine and other wound disinfectants, wounds are generally 2-3 days to change the dressing once, the dressing change is to open the outer dressing, the inner layer of dressing with normal saline soaking, slowly removed from the wound surface, if there is a wound sinus filling dressing together, and then rinse the wound and sinus with normal saline and benzalchloramine, and then apply the wound with antibacterial ointment, disinfectant gauze to cover the wound, bandage and fixation, and the affected foot remains elevated.

Diabetic foot combination If there are many purulent discharges on the wound, the redness and swelling around the wound are obvious and accompanied by fever, indicating that there is a possibility of wound infection, the patient must take it seriously, contact the neighborhood committee and 120, and go to the hospital in time to deal with it.

Author: Director of the Department of Burn Plastic Surgery, Shanghai Dianli Hospital

Zhu Weiping

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