
Cuba held a "May Day" rally march against U.S. sanctions

Cuba held a "May Day" rally march against U.S. sanctions

Cubans marched in Havana on May 1 for the International Workers' Day rally. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Wanjun

Havana, 1 May (Xinhua) -- On May 1, millions of people took to the streets to oppose the US blockade against Cuba, express patriotic feelings, and pay tribute to Cuban medical workers and scientific researchers.

On the same day, in the Square de la Revolution in Havana, cuban revolutionary leader Raúl Castro and first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of Cuba, Díaz Canel, attended the event and waved to the procession on the review platform.

Girat, general secretary of the Central Trade Union of Cuban Workers, said in a speech in The Revolutionary Square that the long-term US blockade against Cuba is the main obstacle to Cuba's current development, and the United States is trying to create divisions in Cuba through the imposition of sanctions. He also praised the contribution of ancient researchers to the development of indigenous vaccines to fight the new crown epidemic.

Cuba held a "May Day" rally march against U.S. sanctions

Cubans marched in Havana on May 1 for the International Workers' Day rally. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Joaquin Hernandez)

About 50,000 health workers and researchers then marched for nearly two hours under giant banners reading "Cuba Survives and Labor." The rallyers marched through the square holding the Cuban flag and portraits and photographs of the late Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, revolutionary hero Che Guevara and others, as well as slogans such as "Don't put the United States blockade" and "We are a continuation of the revolution", and chanting slogans such as "Long live the Cuban revolution".

According to Giraat, this year, more than 1,000 representatives from 219 trade union organizations and social groups in 60 countries participated in the "May Day" rally and march across Cuba to show support for Cuba.

Since the victory of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, every year on May 1, a grand rally and procession has been held simultaneously across Cuba. Due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, the "May Day" rally and march in 2020 and 2021 could not be held.

Cuba held a "May Day" rally march against U.S. sanctions

Cubans marched in Havana on May 1 for the International Workers' Day rally. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Joaquin Hernandez)

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