
Cuba has been in short supply of food for 65 years, which is very different from Taiwan Province at the same latitude

author:Bullhead Lakers

Turn back 65 years to 1959.

That year, Castro's Cuban Revolutionary Army overthrew the dictator Batista, and Cuba became a socialist state. In the decades that followed, this small tropical country endured the blockade and diplomatic isolation of the United States, but it still stood tall and became an important standard-bearer of the "anti-imperialist and anti-colonial" movement.

Cuba has been in short supply of food for 65 years, which is very different from Taiwan Province at the same latitude

Not so long ago, however, the "pearl" of the Caribbean once again caught the world's attention – but this time, because of an unprecedented food crisis.

Media reports say that almost all Cuban families are currently facing food shortages against the backdrop of economic stagnation and severe shortages. Many people have had to drastically reduce their food intake to maintain a minimum of survival.

Once upon a time, this tropical island nation straddling the Straits of Florida was known for its unique music, food, and aromatic cigars. But at the moment, a picture of unspeakable suffering of the people has eclipsed this once glorious "pearl of the Caribbean".

Cuba has been in short supply of food for 65 years, which is very different from Taiwan Province at the same latitude

What is embarrassing is that compared with Taiwan, which is located at the same latitude and has similar natural conditions, Cuba's current predicament is simply a world of difference.

Since Taiwan's economic take-off in the middle of the last century, it is now a veritable developed economy, with a per capita GDP of 33,000 US dollars, almost 10 times that of Cuba! Especially in the field of high-end technology, products such as electronics and semiconductors dominate the world.

In contrast, Cuba's main economic pillar is still low-value-added primary products, such as molasses, cola cool, cigar rolls, etc. In recent years, tourism has gradually become a point of economic growth, but the overall level of development is still stretched.

Cuba has been in short supply of food for 65 years, which is very different from Taiwan Province at the same latitude

Why is there such a huge gap between Cuba and Taiwan? Why did this small Caribbean island, once considered "full of development potential", end up in such a difficult situation?

In fact, Cuba is not lacking in natural and geographical advantages, with a territory area of about 110,860 square kilometers, nearly three times more than Taiwan, with flat terrain, moderate climate and abundant products. In the early days of its establishment, Cuba nationalized a large number of factories and farmland in order to promote industrialization in an all-round way.

However, the deterioration of relations between Cuba and the United States and the total blockade of Cuba have devastated the Cuban economy, forcing it to follow the example of the former Eastern European countries in pursuing a highly centralized planned economic system.

Cuba has been in short supply of food for 65 years, which is very different from Taiwan Province at the same latitude

At the same time, the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries became Cuba's largest markets for economic support and exports. In 1972, Cuba joined the Venezuelan Conference on Mutual Economic Assistance, an economic integration organization of the socialist camp. In the decades that followed, foreign aid became an important pillar of the Cuban economy.

To this day, however, Cuba has not fully emerged from the double blow of the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 90s and the long-term blockade imposed by the United States. Today, foreign aid, tourism and agricultural exports, which had supported the Cuban economy, are on the verge of collapse.

Cuba has been in short supply of food for 65 years, which is very different from Taiwan Province at the same latitude

At the same time, problems such as the decay of the domestic economy, the shortage of means of production, and the aging of infrastructure are also exacerbating. It has to be said that Cuba's current predicament stems not only from external embargoes and sanctions, but also from serious shortcomings in its economic policy.

Cuba should assess the situation, fully liberate the productive forces, allow the market to play a decisive role in the allocation of resources, and adopt a more open, flexible and pragmatic approach. For this once "Caribbean Revolutionary Highland", perhaps opening up is the only way to regain its glory.

Cuba has been in short supply of food for 65 years, which is very different from Taiwan Province at the same latitude

Looking back at the history of the Cuban Revolution, the idealism pursued by heroes such as Castro and Cevagra in those years is in a heavy contrast and irony with today's situation of isolation, internal and external troubles.

But in any case, what kind of shock Cuba has brought to the world, it was a force to be reckoned with in the middle of the last century, and all its achievements are destined to become a good story in the history of world anti-imperialist and anti-colonialism.

Cuba has been in short supply of food for 65 years, which is very different from Taiwan Province at the same latitude

This tropical island with blue sea and white waves will one day regain the glory and dreams of the past, and regain the light of the long-lost "Caribbean Pearl"!

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