
"Wang Yangming's 10 Lessons of Life Wisdom" from LulingZhi County to Nangan Bandits, never forgot its original intention

author:Ludy between water and clouds

After the real enlightenment, Wang Yangming seemed to be reborn, and his philosophical theories became more profound, so naturally there were many students who came to admire him. These young people who came from afar joined Wang Yangming's men and listened to him talk about the mysteries of the mind.

"Wang Yangming's 10 Lessons of Life Wisdom" from LulingZhi County to Nangan Bandits, never forgot its original intention

Longgang College lectures and makes the educational desert an oasis

At first, the students who came to see him listened to lectures in the cave where Wang Yangming usually lived. At that time, the environment in the cave was still a little worse, and Wang Yangming himself could bear it, but in the long run, the bodies of those delicate readers could not eat. The local Miao villagers saw that Yangmingdong was dark and damp, and it was not convenient for Wang Yangming to continue to teach apprentices here, so they helped Wang Yangming to the top of Longgang Mountain to establish Longgang Academy. After all, it wasn't too dark and damp there.

Wang Yangming began to teach the new knowledge of "mind is reason" and "unity of knowledge and action" in Longgang Academy, and spread his philosophical ideas. According to historical records, the number of people who listened to Wang Yangming's lectures on mind studies was endless, and there were as many as more than 100 people at many times.

Wang Yangming even cultivated a batch of talents for the country, and his disciples Tang Boyuan and Zhan Liangchen all became high officials.

The development of Longgang Academy has promoted the cultural education of Guizhou and southwest China, in the past, Guizhou's educational resources were extremely poor, almost no one was admitted to the jinshi, from Wang Yangming to Guizhou, turned this educational desert into an oasis.

"Wang Yangming's 10 Lessons of Life Wisdom" from LulingZhi County to Nangan Bandits, never forgot its original intention

LulingZhi County appeased the people and established its prestige

In 1510, Wang Yangming, on the recommendation of local officials in Guizhou, was appointed by the imperial court as Luling Zhi County, bidding farewell to his career as a degraded official.

庐‬陵‬是‬现在‬的‬江‬西‬吉‬安‬,明‬代‬时‬期‬,‬吉‬安‬是‬个‬人‬杰‬地‬灵‬的‬好‬地‬方‬,‬因为‬当‬地‬文‬风‬盛‬行‬,‬老‬百姓的‬文‬化程度‬高‬,‬都‬特别喜欢告‬状‬,‬只‬要‬起‬争执,‬就‬得‬打‬官司。 ‬所以说‬庐‬陵‬的‬知‬县‬是‬不‬好‬当‬的‬。

As soon as Wang Yangming arrived in Luling County, local officials found Wang Yangming and briefed him on the special local situation. 也‬说‬到‬了‬上‬一‬任‬知‬县‬被‬打‬入‬天‬牢‬的‬悲‬惨‬结局,‬告‬诫‬他在这里当官不是那么好当的,要么做个缩头乌龟,被案卷和公文给累死,要么就和许聪一样,采取高压政策,但‬结局可能也‬会和许聪一样惨。

可‬王阳明认为——既然这里的老百姓都‬喜欢诉讼,一定是有他们的理由的。 毕竟谁也不愿‬意‬无‬缘‬无‬故地去打官司。

His intuition told him there must have been another reason. When the local people heard about the new county order, they immediately came to "petition."

They unanimously asked Wang Yangming to give them tax relief. When Wang Yangming first came to this place, it was true that many places were unaware, and after many investigations, he proved that the taxes in Luling County were indeed three times higher. The reason comes from a tax-collecting eunuch.

光安抚民心是‬没‬用的,‬他‬还‬必须‬树‬立‬威‬信‬。 ‬

于是他‬从‬一‬名‬大‬盗‬身‬上‬开‬刀‬,这‬名‬盗‬匪‬也‬不是好‬惹‬的‬角色,‬对‬王‬阳‬明‬说‬:“要‬杀‬要‬剐随‬便‬,‬废‬‬话‬少‬说‬。 ”

王阳明见‬天‬气‬热‬叫‬他‬把‬外‬衣‬脱了。 大‬盗‬不‬服‬气‬地‬脱‬掉‬了‬外‬套‬。 紧‬接‬着‬王‬阳‬明‬又‬叫‬其‬将‬内‬衣‬脱了,‬大‬盗‬不‬甘‬愿‬地‬脱‬掉‬了‬内‬衣‬,随‬后‬王‬阳‬明‬便‬说‬甘‬脆‬把‬内‬裤‬也‬脱‬了‬吧‬,‬这‬样‬更‬自在,‬谁‬知‬大‬盗‬忙‬摇‬头:‬“使‬不‬得‬,‬ 使‬不‬得‬。 ”

So Wang Yangming said, "You are not afraid of death, but you are afraid of a pair of underwear, which shows that you still have a heart of shame, so I will talk to you about morality and shame." ”


Since then, Wang Yangming's prestige has also become greater and greater, and he has taken the study of the heart as the basis, enlightened and educated, and made the entire Luling County people's style look new.

"Wang Yangming's 10 Lessons of Life Wisdom" from LulingZhi County to Nangan Bandits, never forgot its original intention

Nangan suppressed bandits and educated and was kind, which won the hearts of the people

In the Ming Dynasty, at that time, the bandits in Gannan were plagued, and the emperor had the heart to cure the bandits, but he suffered from the lack of talent in the dynasty. Later, after learning of Wang Yangming's repeated achievements, he decided to give Wang Yangming a try.

At that time, Wang Yangming was 44 years old, silently took over the heavy responsibility given by the emperor and hurried to the Gannan region, hundreds of kilometers away from his hometown.

Unlike the officials who were full of energy as soon as he took office, he was still leisurely, and after a while of small talk, he gave an order: the next day to suppress the bandits.

衙‬府‬里‬的‬探‬子‬得‬知‬消息后‬悄悄地‬去‬报‬信‬,‬谁‬知‬还才‬刚‬溜‬出‬大‬门‬就‬被‬逮‬着‬领‬到‬王‬阳‬明‬面‬前‬受‬审‬。 ‬






After cutting off the contact between the common people and the mountain bandits, Wang Yangming began to arm forces, and he fully absorbed the experience of his predecessors and selected strong generals from local young people for additional training, which was more conducive to familiarizing himself with the formation.

当‬时‬实力强劲的匪‬患‬有‬:‬北边的谢志山、中间的陈曰能、南边的池仲容、东边的詹师富...... They communicate with each other, and often work together to fight against officers and men, which is very difficult.

Wang Yangming planned to be the first to deal with the distant mountain thief Zhan Shifu, who lived in the tulou, with a strong appearance, easy to defend and difficult to attack. After Wang Yangming's troops arrived, the first battle was unfavorable and they suffered defeat.


After two months of fighting, Wang Yangming finally achieved the success of the first battle, and then, while the iron was hot, he attacked Xie Zhishan in the north.

After the eastern and northern sides were pacified one after another, the southern Chi Zhongrong had internal infighting, and after thinking about it, the mountain bandits came to surrender.

Wang Yangming treated them with courtesy, arranged them properly, and also taught them etiquette, and many people did not understand it, Wang Yangming warned: It is easy to break the mountain and the thief in the heart, and our purpose is to educate them to no longer do evil after the good.


It can be seen how deeply Wang Yangming's indoctrination has won the hearts of the people!

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