
When it is tender, it is a dish, and it can be used in medicine after drying! Don't miss these beneficial wild vegetables

author:Beiqing Net

Now is the growth period of various wild vegetables, the field, or the forest field can be seen everywhere ~ some can not only be eaten as a dish, but also dried and can be used for medicine. See if these potent wild vegetables are on your table?

Plantain: "Urinary Road Cleaner"

Chinese medicine records that plantain has the effect of clearing heat and diuresis. For people with poor blood pressure and more vascular problems, proper use of plantain diuresis can reduce the pressure of blood vessels and help reduce blood pressure; at the same time, it can also help excrete uric acid in the body and alleviate the symptoms of gout.

In addition, plantain also has antitussive and anti-inflammatory effects, so it is very suitable for people with respiratory-related diseases such as asthma and pneumonia.

When it is tender, it is a dish, and it can be used in medicine after drying! Don't miss these beneficial wild vegetables

1 health pill, clear fire

Plantain with yin artemisia, the food can also help us to clear the scorching fire, that is, people with frequent urination and rapid heat and pain are very suitable for eating.


Tofu, fresh plantain, artemisia annua, pork, shiitake mushrooms, eggs


1: Chop plantain, artemisia annua and shiitake mushrooms, crush the northern tofu with a knife and mix with the pork filling. Beat the egg and beat it so hard that you pour the cup without spilling it.

2, the water boiled until slightly bubbling, the balls into the pot, keep the water as if open and not open, until the balls are slowly cooked and fished out.

3: Pour sugar-free tomato sauce, oyster sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine, simmer until slightly viscous, pour in the cooked balls, stir-fry and then get out of the pan.

When it is tender, it is a dish, and it can be used in medicine after drying! Don't miss these beneficial wild vegetables

2 Thanh Hoa soup, remove heat and dampness

After the plantain is dried, it can be paired with Yin Chen to make a tea substitute.

Dry mouth, bitter mouth, yellow urine and heavy smell, and skin problems such as folliculitis and pustular acne are often hot and wet people, which is very suitable for drinking this bowl of Seisewa soup.

【Method】 Taizi ginseng 10g - healthy spleen and qi, plantain 10g - clear heat and moisture; Yin Chen 10g - damp and clear heat; barley 10g - healthy spleen and dampness.

Soak the four herbs in water for 1 hour, then put them in a pot and fry, then cook for 15 minutes on low heat after boiling.

Purslane: "Longevity Dish"

Chinese medicine believes that purslane has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, stopping diarrhea and anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and healing sores.

When it is tender, it is a dish, and it can be used in medicine after drying! Don't miss these beneficial wild vegetables

From the perspective of modern nutrition, the potassium content in purslane is very high, which can help expel excess sodium in the body and help reduce blood pressure; it is rich in norepinephrine, which can promote the secretion of insulin by the pancreas, reduce blood sugar concentration, and maintain blood sugar stability.

And experiments have proved that it has an inhibitory effect on bacteria such as dysentery bacillus, E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

1 purslane garlic soup, anti-diarrhea

Directions: Take a handful of purslane, wash and cut into sections; take a few garlic and peel and set aside. Add some water to a pot, add purslane and garlic and cook until cooked.

When it is tender, it is a dish, and it can be used in medicine after drying! Don't miss these beneficial wild vegetables

Garlic also has a strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, and pairing with purslane can better prevent diarrhea and improve resistance. However, pregnant women should use with caution.

In addition to cooking, it can also be used externally, if the skin has some swelling and pain, ulcers, you can mash fresh purslane and apply it to the affected area; you can also use dry purslane boiling water, regularly bathe with purslane water, which can make the skin smooth.

The dried purslane product 30-50 grams of soaked water to drink, help relieve intestinal heat and intestinal inflammation.

Houttuynia cordata: "Natural Anti-Inflammatory Herb"

Houttuynia cordata is also known as folded ear root, nine-section lotus, etc., because it has a special smell, people who like it like it, do not like it to avoid ~ but its effect is very gratifying.

When it is tender, it is a dish, and it can be used in medicine after drying! Don't miss these beneficial wild vegetables

Houttuynia cordata can enhance the secretion function of white blood cells, improve the body's immunity, and have a conditioning effect on the damage caused by cancer radiotherapy;

Quercetin and flavonoids contained in it have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, which can prevent skin infections and diseases; the houttuynia cordin contained in it is also an antibacterial ingredient, which has obvious inhibitory effects on influenza bacillus, pneumococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, etc.

1 houttuynia fried papaya, anti-cancer medicinal diet


(1) Wash the houttuynia cordata, drain the water and cut into inches for later;

(2) Peel and seed the papaya and cut into thick slices;

(3) Add a little bottom oil to the pot, pour in the cut papaya and stir-fry evenly;

(4) Add minced green onion and ginger, stir-fry in a pot until fragrant, add the chopped houttuynia cordata, mix a little salt and serve.

When it is tender, it is a dish, and it can be used in medicine after drying! Don't miss these beneficial wild vegetables

Houttuynia cordata can clear heat, detoxify, eliminate carbuncle and drain pus, and is an anti-cancer assist drug; papaya can and stomach wet, consume food and jin. The combination of the two can not only clear heat, detoxify and fight cancer, but also take into account the digestive function of the spleen and stomach.

2 Houttuynia cordata orange stem tea, clear heat and throat

Directions: Put 10 grams of houttuynia cordata and 10 grams of bellflower into a tea set, fry twice for 10-15 minutes each time, and then drink the tea substitutes obtained twice.

It is beneficial for people with repeated coughs, chest tightness, and sore throat.

Dandelion: "Queen of Herbs"

Dandelion can not only be eaten, but also often used in traditional Chinese medicine treatment, known as one of the "Eight Diamond Gangs" in Chinese herbal medicine.

When it is tender, it is a dish, and it can be used in medicine after drying! Don't miss these beneficial wild vegetables

Its laxative dehumidification, heat detoxification, diuretic loosening, can improve the nausea caused by damp heat, bad breath problems; it also has the effect of de-fire, anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling and loosening, can reduce the swelling and pain of mouth ulcers.

In addition, modern studies have shown that dandelions contain dandelion sterols can affect human metabolism, indirectly increasing the content of liver glycogen and decreasing the activity of liver lipase, thus playing a role in liver protection to a certain extent.

1 cold mix dandelion, anti-inflammatory


(1) After the dandelion is cleaned, blanch the water and blanch the dandelion into sections.

(2) Put some salt, vinegar, sugar and sesame oil in a bowl, stir and drizzle on the cut dandelion.

When it is tender, it is a dish, and it can be used in medicine after drying! Don't miss these beneficial wild vegetables

After drying, it is directly soaked in water to drink, which is suitable for people with mouth ulcers, liver damage, hypertension, mastitis and so on. If you pair it with other herbs, you will have different effects

2 immortal herb tea, rational qi and stomach

【Recipe】Dandelion, Dendrobium, Licorice 3 g each. After boiling water for 10 minutes, drink it.

When it is tender, it is a dish, and it can be used in medicine after drying! Don't miss these beneficial wild vegetables

Dendrobium is beneficial to the stomach, nourishing yin and clearing heat; licorice can replenish the spleen, detoxify, expectorant and cough, and dandelion together, suitable for people with poor stomach qi and long-term constipation.

If you don't pay attention to 4 o'clock, wild vegetables will probably have problems eating

1 Do not pick and eat casually

Wild vegetables that are unknown, unfamiliar, and uncertain cannot be picked and eaten. Many wild vegetables "look" similar, easy to be mistaken, such as long like celery "water celery", long like garlic "mandala", if you encounter inaccurate wild vegetables, it is best to pick less, otherwise eat the wrong light vomiting diarrhea, heavy may endanger life.

Also pay attention to the fact that you should not dig wild vegetables on the side of the road to eat, but should go to regular vegetable farms and supermarkets to buy.

When it is tender, it is a dish, and it can be used in medicine after drying! Don't miss these beneficial wild vegetables

2 not fresh do not eat

Wild vegetables are best eaten immediately, no longer fresh after a long time, the taste has decreased, and harmful substances may also increase, and eating again may affect the health of the body.

For example, after the toon is stored for too long, the nitrite content will increase exponentially, and it will have a large or small adverse effect on the body when it is eaten.

3 blanched water + protected from light

Some wild vegetables are difficult to clean and difficult to wash; some wild vegetables contain nitrates and nitrites; some wild vegetables are cold and bitter... Blanching water can help solve these problems.

In addition, it should also be noted that many wild vegetables contain photosensitive substances, if eaten by strong sunlight, it will produce photochemical reactions, damage to the skin, may lead to serious plant solar dermatitis.

When it is tender, it is a dish, and it can be used in medicine after drying! Don't miss these beneficial wild vegetables

Therefore, avoid exposure to the sun within 3 hours after eating wild vegetables.

4 Special groups eat with caution

People with a history of allergies should eat with caution, and patients with lupus erythematosus, dermatitis and other patients should not eat.

(Health Care Doctor)

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