
Jazz infighting escalated, Mitchell left the team, New York became the biggest winner, and the Lakers are expected to pick up leaks

The first round of the playoffs is over, and the Utah Jazz are eventually eliminated by the Mavericks. A-Smith, a well-known ESPN reporter before the game, said in an interview: Utah stopped in the first round, the star Donovan Mitchell will apply for a trade, and the next home also has a clear designation.

Perhaps there is a definite number in the dark, with Bojan's empty three-point kill failed, the Iron-Blooded Jazz once again ended their season journey, when the post-game reporter asked Mitchell about the rumors of the deal, he vowed that he would not consider it for the time being. Today, with the report of basketball magazine reporter Tim Mac Mahon, it is even more to make the forum fryer.

Jazz infighting escalated, Mitchell left the team, New York became the biggest winner, and the Lakers are expected to pick up leaks

Gobert openly bombarded his teammates in the locker room, triggering Mitchell's bottom line and directly annoying the Mitchell camp, who would apply for a trade in the offseason and leave the Utah Jazz. If the simple verbal comments, there will not be such a great lethality, but the contradictions between the two have been accumulated for a long time, and it is not a matter of one day or two days. As early as when Gobert was diagnosed with the new crown, Mitchell became infected, and the latter became a post to scare Gobert, looking back at the first game between the Jazz and the Lone Ranger this season, Gobert contributed 4 points and 17 rebounds in 1 shot, and Mitchell scored 32 points in 29 shots, so that the unfair distribution of the ball was also the main factor in the breakdown of the relationship between the two.

Jazz infighting escalated, Mitchell left the team, New York became the biggest winner, and the Lakers are expected to pick up leaks

Mitchell's application to leave the team will soon come to fruition, but before it happens, bookmakers will also be active in the fun, and Mitchell is currently in the first place to join the Knicks. For this former giant team, in order to restore the glory of that year, the management should do everything possible, as far as possible to use the salary space to attract big stars to join, New York even in the season of the duel, personally sent to scout Mitchell, it seems that the team is prepared.

At this juncture, Mitchell chose to turn against the team and teammates, at this time the Knicks can make a big shot, from the Knicks' point of view, they urgently need a core player, end their embarrassing NBA journey, and then get Mitchell, the team's offensive end of the score is like chopping melons and chopping vegetables. This season, he has averaged 25.5 points, 4.3 rebounds, 5.7 assists, 0.6 steals and 0.5 blocks, shooting 40% from the field and 21% from three-point range, but not at all in his career, and even in next year's offseason, Mitchell will receive a contract worth the most.

Jazz infighting escalated, Mitchell left the team, New York became the biggest winner, and the Lakers are expected to pick up leaks

Ancients Cloud: A slap does not sound, although Mitchell made an application to leave the team, but the team management will fight ideologically, Gobert and Mitchell choose one or the other, for the future of the team, the management will endure the pain of sending Rudi Gobert. Recently, former NBA star Barnes posted his prediction on social media — Gobert goes to Dallas, Mitchell joins New York, and Schneider will become the lakers' new head coach.

Jazz infighting escalated, Mitchell left the team, New York became the biggest winner, and the Lakers are expected to pick up leaks

Since Schneider took charge of the Jazz, the team has been unable to make a substantive breakthrough, and even with the introduction of Conley and Clarkson, it still has not changed the habit of losing. During the regular season, a reporter revealed that the Los Angeles Lakers will sincerely invite Schneider to join the Lakers in the offseason and become the new coach of the team, although such speculations have been rejected by myself, but the probability of Schneider becoming the manager of Los Angeles is still leading the league.

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