
A constellation with a calm personality and great wisdom, who will not arbitrarily express his position in the face of great right and wrong?

A constellation with a calm personality and great wisdom, who will not arbitrarily express his position in the face of great right and wrong?

Third place Libra

Libra is eloquent and a diplomat. They may talk to you about some small things and talk about everything. However, when it comes to matters of right and wrong, Libra has an unusual calmness and composure, and they will use diplomatic rhetoric to cleverly avoid sensitive issues, saying neither yes nor no. Perhaps to outsiders, Libra is like a wall of grass, upside down on both sides. However, their approach is undoubtedly extremely wise, and it also avoids the risks that "choosing sides" may bring to themselves. Libra knows very well that it is not easy to express one's position on major events, not to have no opinion, not to be muddy, but to be a prudent performance. Therefore, Libras are generally not easily involved in disputes, because they will not go to the edge of the whirlpool.

A constellation with a calm personality and great wisdom, who will not arbitrarily express his position in the face of great right and wrong?

Second place Cancer

Cancer is extremely defensive, they know the power and destructive power of words, so they generally only hide their thoughts and hearts, and will not easily reveal them. Although Scorpio, who also belongs to the water sign, is usually very calm, but Scorpio is not afraid of offending people, and even has a rebellious psychology of opposing others in their bones, so Scorpio sometimes has a clear banner in front of the big right and wrong, and even fierce speech, which is completely different from their usual style of hiding. However, compared to Scorpio, Cancer is much more conservative, preferring to be obscure and obscure, without saying a word, and will not easily show their cards. Of course, this is not to say that they like to pretend to be confused, or afraid of offending people, but they choose not to cause unnecessary trouble as much as possible and save their strength. Cancer is sophisticated, even a little cunning, they will only silently use their own practical actions to show their position and attitude, but easily will not say it.

A constellation with a calm personality and great wisdom, who will not arbitrarily express his position in the face of great right and wrong?

1st Place Capricorn

Capricorns are the most suitable constellations for politics, because they are definitely thick and dark enough. Capricorns certainly have their own position, and the position is clear, but they will not easily show it unless it is really necessary. For Capricorns, especially Cancers who are not in a leadership position, they are well aware of the principle of "not seeking government without being in their position", so they will not easily express their attitudes on certain major issues. However, Capricorns will resolutely carry out the orders of their own leadership, because they only carry out the orders, but do not take a stance, so even if the situation is reversed in the future, or the leader suddenly changes his previous idea, others or leaders will not blame capricorns who only do things and do not take a stance. In contrast, those who shout slogans to break the sky, but finally they are caught by people to calculate the guys, Capricorn's fate is undoubtedly much better. For those subordinates, you only need to obey the order and listen to the command, don't say too much nonsense, and don't show loyalty!

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