
Ah Hua, who loves fish

author:Tell the stories around us

I was listening to stories.

She said.

That summer, Ah Hua fell in love with eating fish, just like a cat fell in love with fishy. Buying fish is often not fresh, so he began to fish.

Later, the sense of accomplishment of the harvest made him a little addicted, and fishing seemed to become a physical need.

He also set the motto, "If there are fish, you can catch straight whiskers, and you can't wait for no fish to catch water." "After all, life encounters, regret is not a miracle."

Such talents have been in the water field for a long time, and they must be handy. Soon he found that the day was hot and noisy, the fish just wanted to sleep, the night was quiet and cool, and the fish wanted to fill their stomachs.

In other words, the best time to catch fish is at night.

So Ah Hua became a veritable night cat, and the kind that fished on time every day.

After a while, he found a place with many fish and fat, which was really exciting and made him full of combat every day. In his own words, man must have a destination, and once he has it, it is a place of battle.

The battle ground was a pool of water—big and deep, with small streams of water constantly renewing the water source, and small outlets below constantly excreting turbid gas.

Looking at this shape, Ah Hua also described it as a "stomach", the stomach of the river, like a lying S, most suitable for fish peek-a-boo. Ah Hua found that at night the fish turned over the river and the sea in the "stomach", fierce and enthusiastic.

He was overjoyed, but also genuinely afraid that the "stomach" could not bear it, and felt that it was necessary to reduce the burden on the river, otherwise he would be sorry for his fish addiction.

After a few days, Ah Hua seemed to know the waterhole very well, and the more he caught, the smoother he went. In turn, the fish here also know Ah Hua and know his fishing net.

Familiar with each other, the stage is the game of you chasing me in the water. Ah Hua chased and chased, tired, but not happy; the fish hid and hid, and their hearts were fearful, but they were full of joy.

Needless to say, it is always Ah Hua who wins, and it is always fish who are unlucky.

The unlucky fish was eaten into the stomach by Ah Hua, and the stomach absorbed the nutrients, and at the same time seemed to absorb the water, otherwise how to explain that Ah Hua went to the toilet more and more frequently?

Before Ah Hua went out once to solve it, it was just right to come back and solve it again, but slowly, he needed to borrow a nearby abandoned hut to solve the urine in his bladder.

Maybe it was an extra sip of fish soup at dinner, Ah Hua thought.

After having this idea, Ah Hua stopped drinking soup at night and didn't drink much water. After all, wearing fishing pants, taking them off, and putting them on again is a troublesome thing.

It is strange that in the absence of soup and water, urination is as frequent, and even the number of times a day only increases. And what is even stranger is that everything is normal during the day, and there is no phenomenon of frequent urination and urgency.

Later, Ah Hua did not even go to the small abandoned house, and solved it directly under the surrounding trees or grass, and no one could see it anyway. If the tree does not speak, the grass does not speak, the earth does not speak, then no one will know.

But one day, Ah Hua had just gone to the water's edge, and the urine became urgent. There is no way, people have three emergencies, can't bear it and can't wait, so they solve it under a big tree.

After putting on his pants, he came to the water's edge, and as soon as he stepped into the water, the urine went straight to his limbs and skeletons, so urgent that he had to return to the grass to solve it on the spot.

Just lifting his pants, Ah Hua, who was bent on catching fish, came to the water's edge again, and just stepped into the water, and the urine came again. Strange, just after two bubbles of urine, the faucet is not so fast, right? Bear with me, and the other foot also stepped into the water.

He suddenly fought a cold war, feeling that the urine was going to squeeze through the bladder, and the next second he was going to go into his pants, no, he had to hurry ashore to solve it.

It was so comfortable after peeing, Ah Hua sighed heartily. However, tonight is really strange, and did not drink soup and did not drink much water, where did the urine in the stomach come from? If you pull out a little bit every time, the key is a big bubble.

Isn't it possible to have a faucet in the stomach? It's really confusing. Ah Hua took a cigarette from the pocket on the chest of his jacket, and the simple light on his head shone in the water, and there seemed to be countless fish playing in the illuminated water.

Ah Hua suppressed the fish addiction with his smoking addiction, and after he smoked one in a distraction, he found that he did not have any intention of urinating. Is this the end of the pee? Or something else? Try again!

As a result, one foot down, the urine came again!

Ah Hua finally panicked, even if he was really a cat, now he didn't dare to think about the fish, and quickly ran home.

When he got home, he didn't have any intention of urinating, but the next day, he couldn't move in bed, and at first he thought that he hadn't fully woken up, and his hands and feet were not listening to the call.

He squinted his eyes for a while, but his hands and feet still couldn't move! His mind immediately panicked, and he shouted, resounding through the clouds, instantly alarming his relatives and neighbors.

Everyone came to see it, and they were all surprised, only to see that his whole body was wet, and he couldn't wipe it dry, and he was about to flood the bed. The hands and feet were there unable to move, but the body could move, a bit like a fish lying down in shallow water.

The relatives invited a nearby barefoot doctor, and seeing that Ah Hua's whole body was bubbling with water but he had no clue, he could only ask him how he felt.

"I felt like I was in the water, and my throat was like I was constantly getting water." At this time, Ah Hua spoke a little gruntingly, as if he had a mouthful of water in his mouth.

The barefoot doctor had never heard of it, and it was really not possible to let his family take care of it carefully, and he should try something else. This statement is tacitly accepted by everyone.

So the family asked Ah Hua what had happened unexpectedly recently.

Ah Hua seemed to be holding back his saliva to keep it from flowing, saying that there was as much urine as the faucet when fishing.

Everyone immediately understood, and agreed that Ah Hua should have peed on some "uncle" (which is a name for the local gods). There are big and small uncles, psychic and unspiritual, known and unknown. Therefore, not all "uncles" have people to worship, and many of them are little known.

Therefore, many people will inadvertently offend the "uncle" somewhere, the most common is that children urinate in the wild. When we were young, we were often told to "say hello" in advance when we urinated in the wild, that is, to avoid offending the invisible.

If anyone's child comes back abnormally outside, usually his family will ask his partner where he pulled the urine today, and then go to find a burning paper to apologize.

After this, the child will generally get better immediately, so people are in awe of the "uncle".

Now that it has been speculated that Ah Hua may have offended the "uncle", let's look for an apology. Looking east and west, his relatives really found an "uncle" in the lush grass and trees along the river.

Without looking closely, it is difficult for anyone to find that it is slightly raised in the weeds, and there are three stones that have not been able to see the color but are shaped like bricks as a stele, and it is really difficult to find when it is integrated into the grass color.

After his relatives completed their affairs according to customs and customs, they looked forward to Ah Hua's recovery, but after waiting day after day, nothing worked, and Ah Hua was still becoming more and more vain.

Everyone was in a hurry and sent to the hospital quickly, but the doctor had never seen such a "wet person" before, and the examination did not find anything unusual, and I really couldn't understand how Ah Hua, who did not drink water, would keep coming out of the water.

Some people say that is it that the "uncle" is not sincere enough? Why not forgive?

If someone dares to say it, someone will dare to believe it. Ah Hua's relatives really apologized "solemnly" once again. As a result, how grand, how disappointed, Ah Hua's skin began to wrinkle.

So some people said, "Uncle Gong" toast does not eat, then do not blame eat the penalty wine, first salute and then soldiers are not wrong.

Whether it is a medical emergency or a dead horse doctor, just try it, anyway, everyone can't think of a better way.

An experienced cousin who is good at scolding the village and takes the initiative to ask for help. She staged three hundred and sixty sentences of insults by the river. Even the bugs hidden in the grass could not be heard, and they fled out to hide.

Unfortunately, it still had no effect. At this time, Ah Hua's wrinkled skin was accompanied by a strong dry feeling.

This has aroused everyone's sympathy and curiosity, what is the reason for Ah Hua? So there was unprecedented unity, and while sending people to see Ah Hua, he tried to find a way.

The method has been tried more, and it is inevitable that it will increase sadness and sorrow, plus Ah Hua can't eat and can't eat, and people are becoming more and more unenergetic. Everyone's heart is even more anxious.

No, day by day, night by night, the cousin who had introduced herself before actually dreamed that "someone" said to her, you big mouth, indiscriminately went to my old house to have a war of words. I'm also a half-immortal, how can I be a rat belly chicken intestine? Mo said that I had been away from the river for a hundred years, and even if I was there, would I be damaged by a bubble of urine? Quickly ask the fish spirit to forgive!

No one cares if the dream is true and accurate, saving people's lives first. After all, Ah Hua's skin vesicles had begun to fester.

In order to do their bidding, everyone prepared a lot of fish food, it is said that the day was clear but the clouds were dense, the river was turbulent, it seemed that there were many, many fish stirring under the water, and there seemed to be a big and large fish churning.

People were daunted and retreated, "It seems that the fish spirit is going to be angry, so quickly carry Ah Hua over." "I don't know who proposed it.

After the trance-like Ah Hua was lifted up, his mouth kept grunting, "I... Wrong, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, I don't catch fish again..."

I don't know whether it was because of Ah Hua's sincere remorse or some other reason, the river slowly calmed down, and the sunlight that had just been blocked by dark clouds suddenly hit the ground, flashing everyone's eyes.

"I saw a fairy." Someone was amazed.

But no one paid any attention, just for a moment, everyone was stung by the light, and what they saw was an illusion.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a few days, or maybe a few months, Ah Hua was finally able to get out of bed, and slowly, he moved freely, except for the skin, everything was business as usual.

Speaking of his skin, it was really strange, wrinkled like an eighty-year-old man, the skin of his hands and feet was rough and wrinkled, a bit like the bark of a tree, and it would crack and bleed at will; the body was also difficult to say, the dander was like fish scales, and it was thick and thick, and it was itchy, and it would bleed when it was scratched.

Everyone began to stay away from the scarred Ah Hua, afraid that the dander on his body would fly to him and would be the same as him. What is even more cautious is that everyone has quit even fish, in the stream, in the river, and does not eat it, and even the fishmonger knows to avoid this place.

So troubled, there is no cure, Ah Hua depression into a disease. One day, he stood inside the wall and said to the people outside the wall, "I just love to eat fish, one did not steal, the other did not rob, but ended up like this." ”

But there was no response outside the wall.

"Fish is my favorite, I have even lost my favorite, and the other mountain treasures and seafood have nothing to do with me, since I am the one who makes everyone afraid to eat fish, let me solve it." 」 Ah Hua continued.

Outsiders only when he was talking gibberish.

Soon, someone found him thrown into the river pool and no longer appeared.

Time flies, the S-shaped river area that is lying down is straightened unconsciously, the river is clear to the bottom, cute little fish often flock to the water, and sometimes there are crucian carp with large palms shuttling through the water, with a plump posture and a beautiful posture, making people's minds only delicious and delicious, can't remember Ah Hua, can't remember the fish essence.

She said that it was said that people who ate fish at that time would forget Ah Hua and forget the story.

I was surprised, who told you that story?

She said, my grandmother, never eat a little fishy in her life.