
The baby's sepsis life hangs on the line, and the doctor makes every effort to rescue him for 25 days

"Thanks to Dr. Liang and the medical staff of the team, if they had not insisted on rescuing and not giving up with their superb medical skills, the child's life would not have been saved." Recently, a family member expressed his gratitude to Liang Guilin, director of the children's intensive care unit of Qingyuan Maternal and Child Health Hospital. Recently, the hospital's multidisciplinary joint efforts have successfully treated a child with severe sepsis. At present, the child has been transferred to the general pediatric ward and is in a stable condition.

The baby's sepsis life hangs on the line, and the doctor makes every effort to rescue him for 25 days

Through the joint multidisciplinary efforts of the hospital, the child has been transferred to the general ward of pediatrics and is in a stable condition.

A 1-year-old child develops dangerous sepsis

On March 15, one-year-old baby girl Lele (pseudonym) was admitted to the children's intensive care unit of Qingyuan Maternal and Child Health Hospital for coughing, wheezing for 5 days, and dyspnea for 2 days.

After consultation and comprehensive evaluation, Lele was diagnosed with: severe sepsis, septic shock, acute respiratory syndrome, severe pneumonia, vascular catheter-related infection, urinary tract infection, hypertension, coagulation dysfunction, moderate anemia, hypoproteinemia, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, polyserous effusion, external hydrocephalus, etc.

This is the typical manifestation of sepsis, Lele is very serious, time is life, ICU experts repeated consultations, after many deductions and verification, the best treatment plan was developed.

The baby's sepsis life hangs on the line, and the doctor makes every effort to rescue him for 25 days

Pediatric sepsis is a more serious type of disease in children.

Within two weeks of admission, Lele had intermittent fever and repeated cyanosis, and in addition to helping him find the cause and symptoms, the doctor successively gave her ventilator assisted ventilation, nitric oxide inhalation respiratory support treatment, and multiple bedside blood filtration treatments. Among them, bedside blood filtration is blood purification, also known as dialysis, which is to draw the patient's blood out of the body and purify the blood through a purification device, removing some of the pathogenic substances, to achieve the purpose of treating diseases. With the efforts of the medical staff of the ICU, after many blood purification treatments, the inflammatory factors in Lele's body were filtered and gradually removed.

From March 15 to April 10, Lele's condition was repeated many times, and his life was in danger several times, and the medical staff of the ICU went all out to carefully diagnose and treat, often rescuing until late at night. "We didn't dare to sleep, and the medical staff took turns to watch her day and night, always observing her progress, afraid that if we were not careful, we would lose this young and precious life." Liang Guilin said that it was not until the 25th day that the peak period really passed, and Lele's vital signs also tended to stabilize.

After a comprehensive assessment of various departments, it is fortunate that the dangerous sepsis has not left any sequelae for Lele. The child survived the dangerous period and was transferred to the general pediatric ward on 23 April and is now in stable condition.

Pediatric sepsis requires early diagnosis and early treatment

Liang Guilin introduced that pediatric sepsis is a more serious type of disease among children, the cause is due to the emergence of viruses, bacteria and other infections, in the low autoimmunity, resulting in excessive and uncontrolled systemic inflammatory response. Sepsis generally occurs when the body reacts to extreme reactions to infection or injury. At this point, the immune system will work at high speeds to try to kill the virus that has invaded the body. This can lead to failure of vital organs such as the kidneys, heart, and brain, while the body goes into a state of shock.

Mainly there are symptoms of systemic poisoning, including drowsiness, poor mental appetite, poor response, skin patterns, and symptoms of fever, body temperature will be relatively high, and if the nervous system is involved, meningoencephalitis will occur, and symptoms of meningoencephalitis will also occur, including drowsiness and cerebral screaming. If other organs are also involved, such as the manifestations of acute renal failure, the manifestations of lung infection, etc., but in general, the most typical is the manifestation of systemic toxicity.

"Pediatric sepsis has a lot to do with congenital constitution and family genetics, Lele is a premature baby, born more than 28 weeks ago, and the physical fitness has been relatively poor." Liang Guilin said that children's sepsis is dangerous and the case fatality rate is high, and 6 million newborns and young children around the world die of sepsis every year.

"Our children's intensive care unit is one of the city's critical care centers, and the level of pediatric treatment is advanced in the city, equipped with advanced equipment such as blood purifiers, artificial membrane lungs, ventilators, bedside blood gas analyzers, non-invasive heart displacement monitors, bedside B ultrasound machines, bedside dynamic EEG machines, multi-functional monitors, etc., which can treat most of patients with severe sepsis." Liang Guilin said.

Liang Guilin believes that pediatric sepsis is very dangerous, and the key steps in treatment are early identification, early intervention, and the formulation of appropriate and practical standardized processes to improve the success rate of treatment. He reminded parents that children with sepsis symptoms should go to the hospital with conditions in time to seek medical treatment, so as not to miss the best time for treatment.

[Reporter] Huang Jianqin Liu Qiuyi

[Correspondent] Liao Silan

【Author】 Huang Jianqin; Liu Qiuyi

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

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