
In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

author:Little Red Riding Riding Hood

Marilyn. Monroe's fame in high society is more famous than her acting skills. Mentioning her makes people involuntarily think of the list of men behind her.

The first to emerge from these lists must be Kennedy.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

Monroe, who is like a butterfly among men of all colors, has said that some people would rather spend $1,000 on your kiss than 50 cents to listen to your soul.

It seems as if the world is awake, but because the two men of the Kennedy family have become poor worms in the world.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

Maybe she felt Kennedy was the one who would spend 50 cents listening to her soul?

Although the two have been secretly dating from Kennedy's presidency to president, this open secret has never been corroborated by photographs.

It wasn't until decades later that White House photographer Cecil. Stoughton released a photo from 1962.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

In the filmmaker Arthur. In Krim's private home, Monroe wears an almost transparent tight long skirt connected by silk thread and diamonds, which is framed with Kennedy, charming and charming, and upside down.

Along with kennedy's younger brother Robert, as well as politicians in the White House and celebrities in the entertainment industry.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

Monroe's almost vacuum-like battle robe should be her most proud weapon in front of Kennedy. Otherwise, how can the president in the photo look down so intimately and obediently listen to her?

Perhaps, Kennedy at that time was really listening to Monroe's soul.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

In 1962, on Kennedy's timeline, it was not actually the party taken in this photo, but Monroe parachuting into Madison Square Garden to sing a high-profile birthday song for Kennedy.

The host of the birthday party, Lauder, who is Kennedy's brother-in-law, has been intentionally or unintentionally mentioning Monroe throughout the birthday party, and the spotlight has also pursued Monroe from time to time.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

Until finally, Monroe finally appeared.

Like Lauder said, Mr. President, belated Monroe.

The moment the white fur coat slipped over her shoulders, a nearly nude, nearly nude, long, jewel-studded dress worth $12,000 left the country for the first time on May 19.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

This finale is really enough. Monroe's hourglass curve captivated all the men in the room. But she was only for one person, Mr. Kennedy.

That night, Monroe's somewhat trembling, low, hoarse voice made a birthday song unique, and also made her and Kennedy's open secret in the White House secret a secret.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

Kennedy, 45, said that after listening to this sweet birthday song, he quit politics without regrets.

Although he was joking with ease, although monroe was sent to the Carlisle Grand Hotel after the banquet and Kennedy spent a few hours alone.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

However, after that, Kennedy began to alienate Monroe.

He agreed to let her sing that day, but didn't expose her so high-profile.

And, on the day of the president's birthday, the first lady took her children on vacation on the East Coast.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

Isn't this a clear way to tell the world that Monroe is competing with Jacqueline for the throne?

Kennedy loved beauty. But the man who claims to have a headache if he doesn't look for a woman for three days is always online.

He understands well what a president would do in politics if he abandoned his wife.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

When he was a small parliamentarian, he put the poster of Monroe wearing a short skirt and opening her legs upside down.

But when the admiration of the heart became the call of the pillow, he only regarded her as one of thousands of women.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

Kennedy's sister, Lauder's wife, who created the opportunity for Monroe and Kennedy to meet, is sober that Kennedy is walking the kidneys and wants the thrill of a man conquering Hollywood's sexiest star.

Monroe, on the other hand, has lost her heart. She wanted to be the only one of Kennedy's many colors.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

After several years of dating, Kennedy and Monroe's conversation has been recorded.

Moreover, Monroe also wrote a small diary from time to time. The more Kennedy alienated her, the more frantically she searched for trouble in the White House.

Monroe spoke to the press about her past with Kennedy. Kennedy knew best what secret things he had said after happy life.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

So he sent his most trusted brother, Robert, to negotiate with Monroe.

Who knows, when these two people meet, it is actually more hormones than negotiations. Monroe's feelings were temporarily transferred to Robert.

Did Robert also show that he was willing to spend 50 cents listening to her soul? Otherwise, how could Monroe fantasize about Robert divorcing and marrying her?

She also went around telling people that she was pregnant with Robert's child.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

At this moment, the brothers were dumbfounded.

Only then did it become clear that illegitimate daughters with schizophrenia could not be easily provoked. Although she longs for the salvation of her soul, she is always ready to exchange her body for comfort.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

Robert tasted his brother's annoyance of being chased by eight phone calls a day.

Not only that, but Monroe also called Robert's house. Monroe, who was again deceived by a blank check, warned Robert that she was going to make their relationship public.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

However, before it could be implemented, Monroe mysteriously died in her bed on August 5, 1962. She just had a fall on July 20th.

The little diaries and recordings from before them are all gone.

Her death is also a big mystery in this world.

Monroe's funeral was hurriedly held the next day. One of her ex-husbands, Di Macho, conducted her funeral. Kennedy had hooked Monroe in his hands.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

He refused to allow those of high status to attend Monroe's funeral.

In fact, even if they don't declare it, the Kennedy brothers will certainly not go. This is clearly a reference to Monroe's death.

Interestingly, Kennedy's brother-in-law, Lauder, ran away but was stopped.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

How could the actor, who had facilitated Monroe and Kennedy's rendezvous, be stupid enough to take the initiative to touch ash?

The Scythians are gone, leaving only the long skirt that is tight and moped. The stories of the wind and snow moon experienced and their historical significance have multiplied their value.

In 1962, an American journalist secretly photographed Monroe dating Kennedy, wearing a transparent diamond dress

It was sold for $1.3 million in 1999 and auctioned for $4.8 million in 2006. It, along with those old photographs, became a witness.

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