
The sworn enemies of the Middle East shook hands and made peace, Saudi Arabia and Iran began to "brothers are good", and the United States went coolly


The United States was rejected in the Middle East, and Saudi Arabia took the initiative to reconcile with Iran in order to break away from the United States. The united States brazenly withdrew its troops from Afghanistan last year in disregard of the feelings of its international allies, and its nature of ignoring the lives and deaths of its allies for its own selfish interests has caused those Middle Eastern countries that have been counting on the military protection of the United States to plummet in their trust in the United States. Today, after pushing Ukraine to the forefront of anti-Russianism, the United States has turned around and retreated, and then directly put Ukraine on the fire by providing military aid and other means.

The sworn enemies of the Middle East shook hands and made peace, Saudi Arabia and Iran began to "brothers are good", and the United States went coolly

The inherent cold-blooded selfish nature of the United States toward its allies makes its allies in the Middle East afraid to base their security on the "promises" that the United States does not believe. Therefore, according to the Observer Network, because of the provocation of the war in Ukraine, Washington began to be considered a spoiler in the Middle East, and the US media also described the US government as an "arsonist who played the role of a firefighter."

CNN also "unexpectedly" found that the Gulf region's attitude toward the United States and its Western allies has shifted as a result of the war in Ukraine. They are all beginning to discuss the question that the West may no longer have as much say as it once was, not least because the Gulf states are unwilling to publicly condemn Russia, including U.S. allies such as Israel and Saudi Arabia, as demanded by the United States.

The sworn enemies of the Middle East shook hands and made peace, Saudi Arabia and Iran began to "brothers are good", and the United States went coolly

Obviously, the thinking triggered by the war in Ukraine has made the Gulf countries feel more deeply that the United States is no longer reliable. Washington politicians, who can abandon the former Afghan regime for their own benefit or send Ukraine as cannon fodder to be destroyed under Russian gun emplacement, can certainly treat their allies in the Gulf in the same way when necessary.

In light of the collapse of trust in the United States, many Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, have unusually stopped taking the Words of the United States as "holy wills." After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States and the European Union have strongly urged the above-mentioned oil-producing countries to increase oil production in a short period of time to help Europe alleviate the energy crisis caused by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. However, what the Washington authorities did not expect in their dreams was that Saudi Arabia and other countries not only refused to increase oil production, but also were unwilling to kick Russia out of the OPEC + International Petroleum Organization according to the requirements of the United States.

The sworn enemies of the Middle East shook hands and made peace, Saudi Arabia and Iran began to "brothers are good", and the United States went coolly

The reluctance of countries such as Saudi Arabia to oppose Russia is not only out of economic interests, but more importantly, because confidence in the security commitment of the United States has been lost, they must create a security environment for themselves. Therefore, shaking hands with iran, an old rival in the past, has become an inevitable choice for countries such as Saudi Arabia. According to the Observer Network, Saudi Arabia and Iran recently held the fifth round of talks. In response, Iranian diplomats told the media that the negotiations between the two regional powers are "progressing rapidly and actively."

Saudi Arabia and Iran severed diplomatic relations in 2016 over religious disputes. In addition, Iran-backed Houthi armed forces in Yemen have frequently attacked Saudi Arabia's oil facilities, resulting in long-term tensions between the two countries. Therefore, regarding the contacts between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the US CNN pointed out in the report that the Arab countries in the Gulf region believe that the United States has weakened its interest in its security concerns, which makes them disappointed. Therefore, saudi arabia and other countries can only engage with former adversaries, or enemies, on their own to avoid conflicts that could seriously damage the economy.

The sworn enemies of the Middle East shook hands and made peace, Saudi Arabia and Iran began to "brothers are good", and the United States went coolly

For Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries, the decline of the comprehensive national strength of the United States, it is difficult to continue to maintain the global strategy. Its leadership in the Middle East is gradually being replaced by other emerging powers such as Russia. In this context, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries, which have always relied on the military protection of major powers, cannot continue to trust the United States' protection commitments, so they can only find ways to protect their own interests from infringement.

The sworn enemies of the Middle East shook hands and made peace, Saudi Arabia and Iran began to "brothers are good", and the United States went coolly

Therefore, Saudi Arabia and other countries, under tremendous pressure from the United States, refuse to do things that harm Russia's core interests according to the requirements of the United States, to a large extent, hoping that Russia, which has expanded its military influence in the Middle East, will continue to maintain its strength. At the same time, Saudi Arabia actively seeks to engage with Iran, in order to ease tensions with Iran so that the country most likely to clash with itself will not be an enemy, if not a friend.

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