
The appearance of cerebral infarction may be related to three kitchen seasonings, not salt, and you may have inadvertently eaten a lot

author:Minfu Health Care Hall

According to the authoritative magazine "The Lancet", nearly 40% of the new cerebral infarction patients in the world are from China, which is already a serious problem that must be paid attention to. Many people feel that there is nothing wrong with their usual lives, why do they inexplicably suffer from high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and even cerebral infarction?

The appearance of cerebral infarction may be related to three kitchen seasonings, not salt, and you may have inadvertently eaten a lot

Why do I have cerebral infarction?

Generally speaking, cerebral infarction is actually due to some impurities or garbage blocking blood vessels, or narrowing of blood vessels causes insufficient blood supply to the brain part of the brain, causing brain tissue necrosis, which is what we often call cerebral infarction. Basically, the population with cerebral infarction is mostly suffering from patients with underlying diseases such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia, so if they suffer from such cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, it is easy to become the onset of cerebral infarction.

In fact, suffering from these diseases is often related to the three common seasonings in our kitchen, and inadvertently ingesting a large amount of salt can easily lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hypertension. In life, many patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases know the harm of excessive salt intake, so they will reduce the amount of salt when cooking. But the salt we consume often comes not only from edible salt, but also from other seasonings, so in addition to salt, we should also pay attention to three types of condiments.

The three common seasonings in the kitchen must be put less

Sauce, soy sauce

This kind of seasoning we often use, many dishes will be with soy sauce, bean paste and other spices to increase the flavor and freshness, the taste is indeed very good, but we also overlooked a point, most of these sauces contain a lot of salt, but also contain a lot of sodium. We all know that eating too much salt can easily lead to the problem of high blood pressure, so many people choose to put less salt when cooking, but these sauces also contain a lot of salt, which will lead to excessive salt intake and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hypertension.

monosodium glutamate

MSG is also a commonly used food seasoning in our homes, many people feel that MSG seems to have no problem, but in fact, MSG also contains a lot of sodium. The main component of monosodium glutamate is sodium glutamate, once too much intake is also easy to lead to excessive sodium intake, it is also easy to appear cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hypertension, must be paid attention to.

cooking oil

As the old saying goes, more oil is not bad for vegetables, and more oil can indeed make some dishes taste better. Some vegetarians also like to put a little more oil, but in fact, the calories of oil are relatively high, and the main ingredient is fat. A large amount of fat intake is easy to lead to the accumulation of fat in our body, easy to cause obesity, high blood lipids and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, so it is better to cook in daily life or less oil.

Cerebral infarction often appears without warning, but once it occurs, it can cause serious damage to our body and even directly threaten our lives. If you suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, you should be vigilant for so long that there are often three problems on your body, and you may be targeted by cerebral infarction, and it is best to send them to the hospital for treatment in time.

The appearance of cerebral infarction may be related to three kitchen seasonings, not salt, and you may have inadvertently eaten a lot

There are three abnormalities in the body, and it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time

1. Tired and yawning

Some people are full of energy every day, but some people are not energetic every day and have been yawning, and people who often yawn at this time should actually pay attention. Yawning is generally a symptom of hypoxia in our brain, and the yawning will take a deep breath, which can help us get more oxygen, but this is actually a common signal of cerebral hypoxia.

If yawning is still normal in the case of lack of sleep, but if you have slept enough or yawn frequently, you should pay attention to the signal that this may be due to arterial embolism causing lack of oxygen in the brain. At this time, it is recommended to go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment in time to avoid delaying the disease.

2. Weakness and numbness of legs and feet

It is also a common symptom of cerebral ischemia, which is usually not caused without heavy physical activity or excessive physical fatigue. This is actually the lack of oxygen supply to the brain, some can not control the movement of their own limbs, resulting in numbness and weakness in the hands and feet and other symptoms, need to pay attention to.

3. Dizziness, headache

Dizziness and headache such a problem, many cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease patients also often appear, but often do not care, in fact, such a situation is mostly because of cerebral ischemia or lack of oxygen caused, if there is a persistent headache, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time for diagnosis and treatment, to avoid small diseases dragged into major diseases, endangering our health.

The appearance of cerebral infarction may be related to three kitchen seasonings, not salt, and you may have inadvertently eaten a lot

Once the cerebral infarction occurs, it is a serious threat to our lives, even if the treatment is timely, it may also cause some irreparable damage to our body, so it is quite important to prevent it in advance, and we want to prevent cerebral infarction in daily life, in fact, we must start from three points.

Take medication on time and regularly to control the underlying diseases: The many people with cerebral infarction are patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, generally because they have not controlled their underlying diseases, resulting in the emergence of cerebral infarction. Therefore, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases must follow the doctor's instructions and take drugs on time and regularly to control their condition in the most stable state, so as to reduce the risk of cerebral infarction.

Thirty minutes of exercise time per day: This is a common topic, but we must abide by it, in daily life we must eat more green vegetables, low-oil and low-salt diet, and should also pay attention to ensure that the daily exercise time of about thirty minutes, which can help us regulate the state of the body, for the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are helpful.

Happy every day: a long time in the repressed emotions, but also easy to lead to the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, so we should ensure a positive and optimistic mood every day, as the saying goes, smile and smile for ten years less, more outdoor exercise every day, more communication between friends, to ensure a comfortable mood can also improve their physical condition, for the prevention of cerebral infarction is also good.

Although cerebral infarction has no shadow, but in fact, it can be prevented, when our body is abnormal, we should go to the hospital in time for treatment, and some bad habits in life should also pay attention to control, so as to better protect our life safety.


"The precursor of cerebral infarction is not obvious, but these four abnormalities occur frequently, so you must seek medical treatment quickly!" Medical Community2020-07-12

"Cerebral infarction loves to find such young people" People's Daily - Health Times2017-02-15