
Professor Song Yang: Finding out the reason is the key to treating infertility

Professor Song Yang: Finding out the reason is the key to treating infertility

Yang Song, male, Ph.D., Professor, Clinical Academic/Professional Doctoral Supervisor of Integrative Medicine. He is currently the vice dean of the School of Nursing of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine and a standing member of the Gynecology Committee of the Guangdong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Outstanding young teacher training object of Guangdong Province, school-level training object of "thousand hundred and ten talents" in Guangdong Province, the first batch of young talents training object of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, visiting professor of The Open University of Hong Kong. Mainly engaged in the clinical and scientific research of integrated Chinese and Western medicine gynecology, he is good at the diagnosis and treatment of menstrual irregularities, infertility, uterine fibroids, gynecological inflammation, pregnancy and common diseases after childbirth. His main research direction is the prevention and treatment of female reproductive disorders in traditional Chinese medicine, especially for thin endometrium and tubal pregnancy.

For many newly married people, they always think that pregnancy is a very simple thing, as long as the sperm and egg combine with each other, the fertilized egg can appear, but if there is any problem with the body of both husband and wife, it will affect whether the fertilized egg is successfully implanted, and the reason for infertility is that there is a certain relationship with the body of either spouse. Let's take stock of what are the causes of infertility?

Professor Song Yang: Finding out the reason is the key to treating infertility

What are the causes of female infertility?

1. If a woman suffers from uterine diseases such as uterine fibroids, uterine polyps, etc., it can cause abnormalities in the state of the uterus, resulting in the failure of implantation of fertilized eggs.

2. If a woman's fallopian tubes are blocked, it will also affect the output of eggs, resulting in infertility. This, coupled with the fact that some women suffer from polycystic syndrome, can also affect their ability to conceive.

3. Mental reasons. Many people give themselves too much pressure because they are not pregnant for a long time, resulting in serious endocrine disorders in the body, so that they are not easy to conceive.

What are the causes of infertility in men?

1. Men themselves suffer from azoospermia, oligospermia and amblytropia, which will lead to abnormal fertility and infertility.

2. Men who smoke and drink for a long time will have their sperm quality affected to a certain extent, resulting in weak ability to conceive.

Infertility between men and women, in addition to the above reasons, but also with their life schedule has a certain degree of impact, such as long-term stay up late, irregular diet and excessive obesity will affect their fertility caused by low fertility, autoimmunity and resistance greatly reduced.

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