
Professor Song Yang introduced: What are the common postpartum diseases

Professor Song Yang introduced: What are the common postpartum diseases

Yang Song, male, Ph.D., Professor, Clinical Academic/Professional Doctoral Supervisor of Integrative Medicine. He is currently the vice dean of the School of Nursing of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine and a standing member of the Gynecology Committee of the Guangdong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Outstanding young teacher training object of Guangdong Province, school-level training object of "thousand hundred and ten talents" in Guangdong Province, the first batch of young talents training object of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, visiting professor of The Open University of Hong Kong. Mainly engaged in the clinical and scientific research of integrated Chinese and Western medicine gynecology, he is good at the diagnosis and treatment of menstrual irregularities, infertility, uterine fibroids, gynecological inflammation, pregnancy and common diseases after childbirth. His main research direction is the prevention and treatment of female reproductive disorders in traditional Chinese medicine, especially for thin endometrium and tubal pregnancy.

Many pregnant women neglect the care of physical health after giving birth to their babies, and it is easy to get some postpartum diseases. Postpartum illness, as the name suggests, is a birth-related disease that occurs during the puerperium. Postpartum diseases are very harmful to women's bodies, so we must pay attention to them and achieve timely treatment and prevention. Professor Song Yang will come to talk to you about three common postpartum diseases.

Professor Song Yang introduced: What are the common postpartum diseases

Postpartum lochia is inexhaustible

Postpartum lochia is inexhaustible, lochia refers to the residual blood and turbidity left in the womb after the mother gives birth, under normal circumstances, generally within 20 days after childbirth, lochia can be eliminated. However, if it is still dripping after this period of time, it is "inexhaustible". Postpartum lochia is not exhaustive, which can lead to local and systemic infection, and in severe cases, sepsis. Incomplete lochia is also easy to induce late postpartum hemorrhage, and even heavy bleeding shock, endangering the life of the mother.

Therefore, if postpartum lochia is inexhaustible, an obstetrician should be consulted.

Postpartum constipation

The postpartum diet of the mother is as usual, but the stool is not available for several days or the stool is dry and painful, and it is difficult to get out, which is called postpartum constipation, or postpartum stool difficulty, which is one of the most common postpartum diseases. Constipation can increase toxins in women's bodies, resulting in metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders and imbalance of trace elements, resulting in skin pigmentation, itching, dull complexion, and dry hair.

Maternal constipation is preventable. Through body movements, it promotes intestinal peristalsis and helps restore muscle tension. Diet should be reasonable, meat and vegetarian combination, appropriate to eat some fresh vegetables, melons and fruits, less pepper, pepper, mustard and other irritating foods.

Postpartum hemorrhoids

Postpartum hemorrhoids are a common near-anal disease of postpartum mothers, and postpartum hemorrhoids are mostly a legacy of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. When postpartum hemorrhoids gradually worsen, it is easy to have different degrees of bleeding symptoms.

If postpartum hemorrhoids are serious, they can be treated by drugs and surgery, and it is usually necessary to do a good job of preventing hemorrhoids, such as drinking water frequently, defecating on time, and keeping the anus clean, which are all effective ways to prevent postpartum hemorrhoids.

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