
Tai Wei Dun's past and present lives, after reading the full text, he knew the way to avoid the destruction of the front!

Tai Wei Dun's past and present lives, after reading the full text, he knew the way to avoid the destruction of the front!

The disadvantage that Tai Wei Shield could not get around was that the "when the front destroyed" combat method, when the false report effect hit Cao Cao, it would make his 3 battle method effects disappear.

Many people say that their team hangs the Tai Wei Shield, in fact, because the team has brought the decisive battle method of the pawn.

How to avoid this disadvantage?

Hua Xi takes you to see the past and present life of Tai Wei Dun, starting from the birth of this game, when it comes to the current fashion trend, when you read the whole text, you will know the way to avoid the decisiveness of the front.

1: Tai Wei Shield Initial Stage - Grass Boat Borrowing Arrows

Tai Wei Dun's past and present lives, after reading the full text, he knew the way to avoid the destruction of the front!

Sima Yi: Three days of Shibetsu + use martial arts to communicate with the gods

Cao Cao: Sharp arrow array + grass boat borrowing arrows

Full of favors: Fu Ji military and civilian + scraping bone to cure poison

The starting time of this game is from May to July 2021, when The Full Pet has just appeared, that is, to replace the old Wei Dun's Hao Zhao with the Full Favor, which should be tried by many people, and it is not clear who developed it.

Straw boats can borrow arrows to clear the negative effects of the front, but many people do not have grass boats, or give grass boats to other teams to coexist, so there is not much to play now.

What if there are no straw boats?

Adjusting the position of the tactics can be solved, and Hanagi once said this in an article.

2: Tai Wei Shield Stage 2 - Charm

Tai Wei Dun's past and present lives, after reading the full text, he knew the way to avoid the destruction of the front!

Hua Xi wrote about the gameplay of Taiwei Dun in July 2021, but it was not called Taiwei Dun at that time, so she did not write the name of Taiwei Dun.

[Sima Yi + Man Pet is very strong] Instead of playing like a vine armor soldier, Sun Quan and Lü Bu were beaten and cried

▲ This is the article above

In the article at that time, 2 different ways of playing were introduced, and the effects were different.

【The first way to play】Submitted by "Blood Stained Thousand Autumns"

Tai Wei Dun's past and present lives, after reading the full text, he knew the way to avoid the destruction of the front!

Sima Yi: Use martial arts to communicate with the gods + Shibetsu for three days

Cao Cao: Fu Ji military and civilian + charm

Full of favors: Sharp Arrow Array + Scraping Bone Healing Poison

The tactics are exactly the same as the current Taiwei Shield, but this is an article 9 months ago, and from the perspective of tactics, "Blood Stained Qianqiu" should be the originator of the current Taiwei Shield gameplay.

Tip: The Whiteboard Lieutenant Shield should use such a soldier book as attacking it and not being prepared to deal with chaos, otherwise the damage will not be enough.

【The second way to play】Contributed by "Mythical Sakura God"

Tai Wei Dun's past and present lives, after reading the full text, he knew the way to avoid the destruction of the front!

Sima Yi: Shibei + use martial arts to communicate with the gods

Cao Cao: Feng Ya Array + Charm

Full of favors: scraping bones to cure poison + caress the military and civilians

The mythical Sakura God and Blood Stained Chiaki were connected to the flower mat on the same day, so the article Hanagi at that time put the war reports of both of them on it.

The tactics of the two men are roughly the same, the difference is that the mythical sakura god let the manchu belt caress the soldiers and civilians, and Cao Cao led the front.

And this adjustment is the way for Tai Wei Dun to avoid the decisive blow of the pawn.

Cao Cao led the army and the people:

After the rescue, the Fuji army and civilians were invalidated because of the decisive blow.

Full of pets to care for the military and civilians:

Cao Cao came to the rescue, and the soldiers and civilians on the full pet would not be small.

Why were these 2 teams not popular at the time?

Reason 1: At that time, the full pet had just appeared, and the fans of the flower mat were basically not full of favors, nor did they caress the military and the people.

Reason 2: A month later, the studio's matching table launched the "Fujika Taiwei Shield", and many people followed the trend to play Fujikashi.

Therefore, only some fans have played this version of Fuji Military and Civilian + Charm, and more people have played the Fuji armor soldier Tai Wei Shield.

3: The third stage of the Tai Wei Shield: - Vine Armor

Tai Wei Dun's past and present lives, after reading the full text, he knew the way to avoid the destruction of the front!

Sima Yi: Shibetsu Three Days + Use Of Force

Cao Cao: Fuji Armor Soldier + Charm

Full of favors: sharp arrow array + scraping bone

This gameplay appeared in mid-August 2021, a month after Hanagi posted the article, and appeared on a studio's matching table.

Although Hanagi is not worthy of the studio, it has to be said that the Fuji armor soldiers are indeed more suitable for civilian players, because the kitchen knife fighting team is more stable, and the fuji armor soldiers are easier to obtain than the Fuji soldiers and civilians.

Therefore, Hua Xi believes that Cao Cao with vine armor soldiers is the most suitable for civilians to play, as long as they do not touch the team with fire, and they are not afraid to encounter the team with the pawn to destroy, because Cao Cao has the effect of avoiding the injury of the vine armor soldiers and the front arrow array, and he is not afraid of being beaten at all.

However, this team is not suitable for high-level play, so there is a fourth stage.

4: Stage 4, back to Stage 2

Civilians playing Taiwei Shield does not have much pursuit, and the vine armor soldiers can be satisfied, but Gao Zhan is not satisfied with fighting kitchen knife warriors, they also hope that Taiwei Shield can play the French system and fight the team with fire.

As a result, the Fuji armor soldiers fell out of favor, and fu ji military and civilians returned to the throne.

Tai Wei Dun's past and present lives, after reading the full text, he knew the way to avoid the destruction of the front!

In fact, when the article was just sent, Hua Xi expected that this team would not spread too quickly, because the full favor had just appeared, many people were not full of favor, and when many people had full favors, this team would break out.

In fact, this is also the case, half a year after the article was published, many players have been white and full of favors, so the gameplay of charm + caressing the military and civilians has appeared again.

Tai Wei Dun Summary:

How to avoid the effect of false retribution when the front is destroyed.

1: Soldiers with vine armor

2: Borrow arrows with a straw boat

3: Let the full pet belt care for the military and the people

So don't think that knowledge will be outdated, some of the gameplay in the old team can just change the current dilemma.

The above is some of Hua Xi's experiences on the full pet Tai Wei Dun, thank you for watching, see you in the next issue.

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