
Hailed as "the greatest book in the world, this white Tallinn group of Burma, is amazing."


Similar to the Sanda muni pagoda is that the Kuthodaw Pagoda has a large area of white pagodas, the different place is the top, the mountain big Muni pagoda is a spire, the top here is relatively round. There is also a point that is more into my heart, that is, the white pagoda group can enter, when you enter such a spectacular white sacred world, the feeling is very different. In terms of number and position, it is also more spectacular, so there are many people taking pictures.

Hailed as "the greatest book in the world, this white Tallinn group of Burma, is amazing."

Such a shocking white Tallinn is the most emblematic temple group of Gudu Tao Pagoda, and each temple here has an inscription, which is the stone stele of the "Three Tibetan Classics". In 1860, more than 2,700 monks were gathered here, and the summarized Sanzang Sutra was engraved on 729 specially made Fangyun stone tablets. If you read 8 hours a day, it takes 450 days to read all the inscriptions, so it is also known as the "greatest book in the world" and a World Heritage Site.

Hailed as "the greatest book in the world, this white Tallinn group of Burma, is amazing."
Hailed as "the greatest book in the world, this white Tallinn group of Burma, is amazing."

The white Tallinn here is truly amazing for its sacred Buddhist academic temple. However, for me who likes white pure tones, taking pictures is also a very important thing ~ romantic white, no matter how to shoot is very good-looking. Dense tallinn, it is easy to get lost in it, who wants to come and play hide and seek with me?

Hailed as "the greatest book in the world, this white Tallinn group of Burma, is amazing."
Hailed as "the greatest book in the world, this white Tallinn group of Burma, is amazing."

Tallinn's inscriptions are now protected by iron bars, and Tallinn's only regret is that when Mandalay was occupied by the British in 1885, it plundered the precious treasures on the stele.

Hailed as "the greatest book in the world, this white Tallinn group of Burma, is amazing."

Gudu Tao Stupa is the greatest and most impressive meritorious stupa in the world, and his full name is Maharaja Ma ruosheng Stupa (Ma Ruosheng is the title of Buddha). In the middle of the white Tallinn is the Golden Pagoda, which is a golden palace monastery, surrounded by places of worship. Walking around the Golden Pagoda, the heart can also be baptized.

Hailed as "the greatest book in the world, this white Tallinn group of Burma, is amazing."

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