
Hada, chairman of the shipping group: A century-old "time-honored" enterprise pressed the "fast-forward button" and "14th Five-Year Plan" of reform and development to establish goals and then set sail

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily - Heilongjiang Channel Original draft

Hada, chairman of the shipping group: A century-old "time-honored" enterprise pressed the "fast-forward button" and "14th Five-Year Plan" of reform and development to establish goals and then set sail

Hada, chairman of Heilongjiang Shipping Group. Courtesy of Heilongjiang Shipping Group

As a leading enterprise in longjiang water transport logistics, Heilongjiang Shipping Group Co., Ltd., a company funded by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Heilongjiang Province, is a "time-honored" state-owned enterprise with a century-old heritage. Over the years, it has played an important role in building a three-dimensional transportation network in Longjiang, ensuring the smooth flow of water transport and logistics channels to Russia, and promoting the economic development of the hinterland.

Recently, Hada, chairman of Heilongjiang Shipping Group, said in an interview with the Heilongjiang channel of the People's Network that 2021 is the year of the three-year reform of state-owned enterprises, and the shipping group will effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency of promoting reform, promote the high-quality development of enterprises, and lay a solid foundation for a good start and a good start in the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan".

"Time-honored" state-owned enterprises press the "fast-forward button" of reform and development

"The 'time-honored' state-owned enterprise shipping group takes reform and innovation as the driving force, takes becoming stronger and better, enlarges the main business, and enhances the sense of gain of employees as the goal, actively responds to the new situation and new changes, grasps the key points, makes up for the shortcomings, and strengthens and weak points, highlights system integration, coordination and efficiency, the reform ideas are more clear, the pace of reform is more firm, and the results of reform are gradually emerging." Hatta said.

Hada introduced that in the past two years, shipping groups have given priority to the comprehensive use of reform measures that are conducive to stimulating the vitality of enterprises and improving operational efficiency, and promote the efficient linkage of reform and development. By promoting quality change, efficiency change and power change, we will effectively improve the group's competitiveness, innovation, control, influence and anti-risk ability, and stimulate the inherent vitality of the enterprise. The first is to vigorously promote the reform of the three systems. Flip chart operations, on time to complete the reform goals issued by the provincial STATE-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. The institutional setup was reduced from 100 to 57, and 105 talents of various types were collected and stored in 2020, an increase of 35% year-on-year, and the shortage of talents and insufficient reserves were effectively improved. The second is to comprehensively clean up the problems left over from history. Organize the investigation of historical problems, sort out 38 problems, formulate three-year solutions, and implement the policy of socialized management and transfer of retirees. The third is to effectively revitalize inefficient and ineffective assets. Carry out an inventory of fixed assets, establish a fixed asset database, and increase efforts to revitalize idle assets. The fourth is to improve the corporate governance structure of enterprises. The internal structure of the board of directors of the group has been improved, and three special committees have been added to strengthen the decision-making function of the board of directors. Further improve the corporate governance structure of mixed reform enterprises and safeguard the rights and interests of state-owned shareholders. Fifth, vigorously promote the optimization of industrial layout and structural adjustment. Strengthen the integration and reorganization of resources in various sectors from decentralized operation to centralized integration and reorganization of the same industry, carry out strategic reorganization of some enterprises, and improve the efficiency of state-owned capital allocation.

According to the requirements of the "Three-year Action Implementation Plan for the Reform of State-owned Enterprises in Heilongjiang Province", the shipping group has set the dual positioning of the group as "comprehensive service provider of water transport logistics" and "leader of the regional shipping ecosystem" from the three dimensions of industry, society and itself, and formulated the "Three-year Action Implementation Plan for the Reform of Enterprises of Heilongjiang Shipping Group Co., Ltd. (2020-2022)" to refine the timetable and road map. "We have established the overall goal of three-year reform by 2022: to initially establish a modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, the market-oriented operation mechanism is more perfect, the industrial layout and structure tend to be reasonable, the internal control, risk prevention, corporate governance, and ability to deal with deadlocks and difficulties have been significantly improved, the industrial chain has been upgraded, and the vitality, efficiency and market competitiveness of enterprises have been significantly enhanced." Hatta said.

Focusing on the "five focuses and one strengthening" to resolutely complete the reform task in 2021

"In 2021, the shipping group will effectively enhance its sense of responsibility and urgency in promoting reform, and resolutely complete the work target of more than 70% of the reform task." Hada introduced that the shipping group will focus on "five focuses and one strengthening", promote the three-year reform action, and deepen the structural reform of the supply side.

The first is to focus on the "primary task" and strengthen ideological guidance. Clarify the direction of reform, understand the core essence, grasp the requirements of practice, arm the mind with theory, guide practice, and lead the reform and development of enterprises.

The second is to focus on "standardized governance" and establish and improve the modern enterprise system. Further improve the "triple majority" decision-making and deliberation system and the list of major matters discussed by party organizations in advance, and accelerate the establishment of a corporate governance mechanism with statutory powers and responsibilities, transparent powers and responsibilities, coordinated operation, and effective checks and balances. Earnestly integrate the party's leadership into all aspects of corporate governance, and realize institutionalization, standardization, and proceduralization. Strengthen the construction of the board of directors and implement the powers of the board of directors. Strengthen system construction and improve management level. Strengthen all kinds of risk management and control, and establish a strict, standardized, comprehensive and effective internal control system. Promote the in-depth integration of information construction and enterprise production and operation management.

The third is to focus on "industrial upgrading" and enlarge the effectiveness of industrial layout optimization and structural adjustment. Strengthen the water transport and port logistics sector, fully tap the potential of integrated port and shipping resources, focus on the three cores of Harbin Port, Heihe Port and Tongjiang Port, promote the development of scale, intensification, specialization and containerization, and create an industrial development pattern of "three points, two lines, one network and one water transport logistics channel for Russia". Strengthen the shipbuilding repair and dismantling plate, closely focus on the "3060" goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality proposed by the state, learn from the development mode of green shipping in the Yangtze River such as "green port, green ship, green transportation organization", and take the goal of leading the green cycle and low-carbon development of the Longjiang shipping ecosystem, deeply study new energy ships, plan to establish a green and intelligent port and shipping industry system, and make due contributions to the green transportation of longjiang water transport.

The fourth is to focus on "improving quality and efficiency" and improving the market-oriented operation mechanism. In 2021, 2 to 3 qualified enterprises will be selected to implement contractual management of managers on a pilot basis. On the basis of the basic salary and welfare and guarantee salary and welfare model, establish a salary system oriented to the career development, quality ability, incentive and constraint of employees, and take the post skill performance salary as the main form, and constantly improve the multi-channel salary system of "management, professional, technical and skill". Establish a system and system linking the performance appraisal of all employees with salary, and give play to the role of salary distribution incentive mediation. Establish an appraisal mechanism and an excess profit sharing mechanism that link the results of business performance appraisal with the rewards and punishments, appointments and removals of enterprise leaders. Combine current benefits with long-term development to motivate enterprises to achieve medium- and long-term sustainable development goals.

The fifth is to focus on "deep integration" and strengthen the leadership of enterprise party and party building. Carry out the three-year action of comprehensively upgrading enterprise party building, and promote the deep integration of enterprise party building work and production and operation.

The sixth is to strengthen assessment, implement responsibilities, and establish a new mechanism for completing reform tasks. Determine the focus of reform, and earnestly enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of reform. Do a good job of organization and implementation, establish and improve work mechanisms; do a good job of overall planning and coordination, and work together to solve reform problems; do a good job of supervision and assessment, and actively promote the implementation of tasks; do a good job of publicity and guidance, and create a good atmosphere for reform.

Fight well in the "three major offensive battles" And the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" has made a good start

Hada introduced that in order to promote the "14th Five-Year Plan" high-quality development strategy and the realization of the long-term goal of "ten years and three steps", the shipping group must first do a good job in preventing risks, dealing with deadlocks, and upgrading the industrial chain. The battle to prevent risks focuses on preventing and controlling financial risks, operational risks, investment risks, legal risks, security risks, etc. Through the three-year action of deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises, by 2022, all-level sub-enterprises will be turned around losses, problems left over from history will be properly resolved, and idle and inefficient assets will be revitalized. The battle to upgrade the industrial chain will amplify the effectiveness of industrial layout optimization and structural adjustment.

The new stage shipping group will focus on the new positioning of 'duality' development, firmly grasp the 'root' and 'soul', cultural bloodline and main direction of the new development concept, work prejudgment, planning and creativity, focus on the entrepreneurship of officials, and reflect the responsibility of responsibility. Hada said that the shipping group will gather talents with the "Houlang Project" and "56123" plans. Actively advocate the fine tradition of "fighting against the wind and waves, first-class must compete", stimulate the awareness of innovation and competition in various enterprises and departments, take the initiative to integrate into the modern three-dimensional transportation system of Longjiang, shoulder the responsibility of "bridgehead" and "big channel" for trade with Russia, and show the new deeds of the shipping group in serving the country and the implementation of major strategies in Longjiang.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" has made a new start, and the shipping group has also anchored the "14th Five-Year Plan" high-quality development strategy and medium- and long-term development goals. Hada introduced, "We will take the three-year reform action as the engine, focus on the four core main business sectors of water transportation and port logistics, ship manufacturing repair and dismantling, port and waterway engineering, tourism and tourism real estate development, and actively integrate into the national strategy, regional development strategy, industry development strategy, and state-owned enterprise reform and development strategy, so as to lay the foundation for the realization of the group's long-term goal of 'doubling in three years, quadrupling in five years, and creating first-class in ten years'." ”

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