
She has created a family legend, and without her, China's history could have been rewritten

author:Meet Sister Baby

Wen | high baby

In 1889, in a wealthy merchant family in Shanghai, a baby girl was born. This baby girl is Song Xialing, and she is the first child in this family.

Soong's father, Soong Yao-ru, once studied in the United States and was a close comrade-in-arms who had known Dr. Sun Yat-sen for 20 years. Song Yaoru once devoted his family property to support the cause of the democratic revolution, and was called an "addict" of the Chinese revolution by Sun Yat-sen.

When Song Was 15 years old, she was sent by her father to study at Wesleyan Women's College in Georgia, USA. She was also the first woman in Chinese history to study in the United States.

In 1910, at the age of 21, Song Yiling completed his studies at Wesleyan College with excellent results and returned to China.

After returning to China, Song Yiling initially worked as a secretary at his father's Huamei Printing House, and later served as the secretary of the Treasurer of the League, responsible for handling the use of the League's funds and dealing with the correspondence with Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

In 1911, on the recommendation of Soong Yao-ru, Soong became Sun Yat-sen's secretary, taking care of Mr. Sun's diet and living in addition to English and administrative paperwork.

Soon after, Dr. Sun Yat-sen was elected President of the Republic of China, and Soong Ia Ling served as his confidential secretary. Later, Sun Yat-sen stepped down as president, and Soong also left the presidential palace.

She has created a family legend, and without her, China's history could have been rewritten

In 1914, Confucius's 75th grandson, Kong Xiangxi, a wealthy merchant in Shanxi, appeared in the life of Song Xialing, and the two fell in love at first sight and soon became engaged.

After marriage, Song Xialing recommended his sister Soong Ching Ling to take over his position as the secretary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and thus achieved the marriage between Sun Yat-sen and Soong Ching Ling.

In fact, as early as when he was studying in the United States, Song Xialing had already had a relationship with Kong Xiangxi, who was studying for graduate school at Yale University in New York, at a dance party, but they did not make a deep impression on each other at that time.

After marriage, Song Xialing and his wife, who had accumulated a lot of wealth in Shanxi, returned to Shanghai. Initially, they lived in Chiang Kai-shek's residence. At that time, Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Mei-ling were not yet married, and Soong Ching-ling was already married to Sun Yat-sen.

Kong Xiangxi was a loyal follower of Sun Yat-sen's revolution in his early years, and he maintained close ties with Sun Yat-sen in Shanxi, Shandong, and Beijing.

In 1925, Dr. Sun Yat-sen became seriously ill, and Kong Xiangxi guarded the side of the sickbed and became a witness to the prime minister's will.

She has created a family legend, and without her, China's history could have been rewritten

In the second year of Sun Yat-sen's death, Chiang Kai-shek plotted the "Zhongshan Ship Incident" and subsequently formed the National Government in Nanjing, which was opposed to the National Government in Wuhan. Chiang Kai-shek's behavior was fiercely opposed by Soong Ching-ling and Soong Ziwen.

On the contrary, Song Xialing was very optimistic about Chiang Kai-shek, and she believed that Chiang kai-shek was a person who could achieve great things.

In the winter of 1926, at the invitation of Chiang Kai-shek, Song Xialing took a boat to meet Chiang on the river near the Jiujiang River.

Soong told Chiang Kai-shek that if he wanted to achieve his career and improve his political status, he needed the help of a family like the Song family with an overseas background and local influence in Shanghai. Marrying Song Meiling is his best choice.

Soong Ailing's words are speaking to Chiang Kai-shek's heart: If you marry Soong Mei-ling, you will have the opportunity to become the legitimate heir of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and you can also get the support of the United States and Britain, who have close contacts with the Soong family, not to mention, Soong Mei-ling's beauty and demeanor have long made him salivate...

Chiang Kai-shek's remarks made Chiang Kai-shek overjoyed, and he hurriedly said in a loud voice: If things are accomplished, we must be thanked again!

She has created a family legend, and without her, China's history could have been rewritten

On March 26, 1927, the song family's living room on Seymour Road in Shanghai was lit up, where a blind date was being held. The men and women who were on blind dates were Chiang Kai-shek, who was then the principal of the Whampoa Military Academy, and Song Meiling, the third sister of Song Yiling.

On December 1, 1927, Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Mei-ling were married in Shanghai. This wedding, which takes what is needed and is known as "the combination of East and West", is driven by Song Xialing, the daughter of Song's parents.

Soon, under the impetus of The eldest sister of the Soong family, Song Xialing, her husband Kong Xiangxi, the third brother Song Ziwen, and the younger sister Song Meiling successively entered Chiang Kai-shek's camp, and Chiang Kai-shek also achieved his goal step by step.

Chiang Kai-shek's eventual rise to the pinnacle of power was inseparable from Soong's age. In front of Chiang Kai-shek, Song Xiaoling has always played the role of division commander. Chiang Kai-shek, who was in a great position, was also respectful and obedient in the face of his eldest sister, Song Xialing.

The Song family, on the other hand, also relied on the power in the hands of Chiang Kai-shek and obtained a rich reward.

Song Qiling usually lives in simplicity and does not like to show her face like Song Meiling, but her power can directly affect the major affairs of the country. In addition, she is also the only person who does not need to use titles such as "chairman of the committee" to address Chiang Kai-shek.

She has created a family legend, and without her, China's history could have been rewritten

In order to fulfill his promise to Soong, Chiang Kai-shek vigorously defied public opinion and made Kong Xiangxi the governor of the central bank in the new government.

In just 10 years after that, Mr. and Mrs. Song Established 30 Banks Across the Country, hoarded themselves in wartime, bought low and sold high, and made huge profits through arms transactions.

However, with the expansion of selfish desires, the infinite scenery of the Kong family inevitably went to disillusionment.

When the Pacific War broke out in 1941, the U.S. government decided to lend China $500 million. This loan not only exceeds the size of any U.S. loan to China, but even exceeds the sum of all previous borrowings to China.

Song Ziwen relayed the news from Washington back to Chongqing, and Song Yiling immediately used Kong Xiangxi's energy to collect 50 million US dollars in installments and batches into his own pocket by writing blank checks from the central bank.

This incident aroused the anger of the Chinese people, and celebrities such as Yu Youren and Ma Yin junior wrote letters demanding that Kong Xiangxi be punished. The impact of this incident was so great that even Chiang Kai-shek could not quell it.

Eventually, Kong Resigned under pressure and led his family to leave China in 1947 to settle in the United States.

When Song Left the United States and returned to China that year, all she had had was a college diploma. However, when she left China to settle in the United States in 1947, she had more property than the treasury of the Nationalist government at the time.

Former U.S. President Harry S. Truman once ordered the FBI to secretly investigate the Kong family's property in the United States.

It turned out that Song's deposits in the New York Public Bank were $80 million. A large part of Kong Xiangxi's current assets in the United States are in his Bank of China in New York. Since the banks are directly controlled by Kong Xiangxi, it is impossible to thoroughly investigate their assets.

Truman was furious, but there was nothing he could do about it.

She has created a family legend, and without her, China's history could have been rewritten

On October 19, 1973, Song Died in the United States at the age of 84.

In the history of the Republic of China, the four major families have had an important impact on the development of history, of which the role of the Song family cannot be underestimated, and the three sisters of the Song family are the outstanding representatives of the Song family.

At that time, when Song Xialing graduated from university and left the United States, many American media predicted that Song Xialing would definitely become the president's wife in the future.

Song Did not become the President's Wife, but she created the legend of the Song Dynasty.

The New York Times once commented on Song Xialing:

This is a woman who has made great achievements in finance, the richest woman in the world who has accumulated wealth by her own shrewd means, a matchmaker who married Soong Mei-ling and Chiang Kai-shek, the creator of the soong family myth, and the designer who brought the Soong dynasty to power.

Some say that without Song, China's history could have been rewritten.


About the Author:

At the age of 15, he wrote novels,

At the age of 38, he was admitted to the Graduate School of the University of Chinese, Hong Kong, and has 20 years of experience in Chinese education.

She single-handedly trained her daughter to become a Bachelor of Honors from the University of Hong Kong.

The World's Number One Master of Education from the University of London School of Education.

Only one year after graduation, the little girl's annual salary has reached 500,000.

Baby sister's parent-child education article, warm and powerful,

Help you to be cheerful on the road to parenting and take fewer detours.

WeChat public account: Meet Baby Sister (ID: gaobaobao-522).

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