
In the special period of sending and receiving couriers, these steps can not be less →

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Is it safe to send and receive couriers?

What is the probability of transmission of covid-19 by couriers?

How to minimize the process of sending and receiving couriers

What is the risk of contracting COVID-19?

Let's find out


In the special period of sending and receiving couriers, these steps can not be less →

In the past two years or so, the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic has found that the new crown virus may be transmitted through "material to human" methods, but it is not the main way of transmission of the epidemic. In general, the risk of human infection caused by surface contamination of objects is relatively small, but if we repeatedly contact many times, and do not pay attention to hand hygiene, do not pay attention to personal protection, its risk of infection will be significantly increased. This path can be cut off simply and effectively by washing your hands. Keeping hands clean and hygienic can effectively reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection.

Send and receive couriers securely

Attention general population

● Express delivery and delivery is preferably in a contactless way, after removing the outer packaging, you need to clean your hands.

● When going out to collect the courier, wear a mask, gloves, maintain one meter social distancing, etc.

● The surface packaging of the express delivery is required not to be brought indoors, and when it is really to be brought in, it can be disinfected with disinfectant wipes on six sides or spray disinfection.

● Be sure to do hand hygiene after handling the courier, including washing your hands with running water or wiping your hands with disinfectant.

In the special period of sending and receiving couriers, these steps can not be less →

Prevention and control of the new crown virus

Please note to courier practitioners

●Express delivery employees should keep abreast of the epidemic risk level of the area responsible for sending and receiving couriers. Check the quantity and quality of personal protective equipment such as work clothes, masks, gloves and hand disinfectants before taking up work, and measure body temperature, if there is an abnormality in body temperature, you should report to the unit and seek medical treatment in time.

● Try to use non-contact methods such as using smart express boxes (letter boxes) to complete the mail express mail. Wear a medical surgical mask or above throughout your work. After the mask gets wet or dirty, replace it in time.

●When riding the van elevator, you need to wear a mask and pay attention to maintaining a certain safe distance from others.

●During the period of respiratory disease, try to go out as much as possible, and if you need to go out, you should wear a mask correctly and do a good job of hand hygiene.

●Reduce participation in activities such as dinners and gatherings. Reduce travel to enclosed, non-circulating public places and crowded places.

Source/ National Health Commission official website, Healthy China

Design & Production/Guo Xiaohui

Proofreading/Miao Deyu

Audit/Uyunfu Bai Xiaodong

In the special period of sending and receiving couriers, these steps can not be less →