
When a man ages, 3 organs send "signals", none of which are, or that you are still young

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Everyone will go to aging, this is an unavoidable natural law, coupled with the pressure of today's social life work, some people are young "white head", the skin of the face and hands also looks very rough, more old, especially some male friends, usually do not pay attention to maintenance, coupled with poor diet and living habits, it will accelerate the aging process, when men begin to age, in fact, the body's organs will also give some signals, I hope friends pay attention.

When a man ages, 3 organs send "signals", none of which are, or that you are still young

1, the waist began to have problems

In medicine, the waist mainly includes bones, as well as the spinal nerves inside the bones, the surrounding muscles, ligaments, fascia and deep organs, and the scope is still very large. Some men reach a certain age, will find that they often feel back pain, sometimes often stiff, which is also a more common symptom in the clinic, in general, the most common cause is cold, overwork and stooping weight bearing, sedentary standing, etc., these physiological reasons, generally after adequate rest or hot compresses, etc., symptoms can be significantly improved.

In addition, the more common is kidney deficiency and lumbar muscle strain, and it is likely that there are accompanying symptoms at the same time, such as kidney deficiency, waist pain at the same time is likely to have vertigo tinnitus, five upset heat, hot flashes night sweats, restless nights, upset irritability or cold limbs, four tepid, frequent nocturnal urination and other symptoms, Chinese medicine believes that the symptoms of kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency are also very different, so it is also necessary to make clinical diagnosis according to the actual situation of the individual, generally speaking, men before the age of 30, kidney deficiency is less, but after more than thirty years old , the kidney qi is not so sufficient, coupled with irregular diet, pressure is relatively large, it is easy to appear waist circumference thicker, the strength of the waist muscles become smaller, these actually indicate that the waist began to have problems.

When a man ages, 3 organs send "signals", none of which are, or that you are still young

2, the leg began to have problems

Limbs are one of the most used parts of the human body, especially our legs, but also very "labored", with age, our legs are also in the aging, when young, the legs and feet are flexible, the recovery ability is also better, but after a certain age, the function of the legs and feet has declined, and there will be more and more problems, such as the most common osteoporosis, arthritis, etc., which are more common clinical diseases. Studies have shown that the service life of people's knees is only about 60 years, and if they often carry out unreasonable exercise or long-term bad living habits, it is easier to accelerate the aging rate of legs and feet, especially the aging rate of knees, so this is especially important for middle-aged and elderly friends, avoid strenuous exercise on weekdays, take calcium appropriately when necessary, and eat more foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, which are conducive to leg and foot health.

When a man ages, 3 organs send "signals", none of which are, or that you are still young

3, the prostate began to have problems

Prostate tissue is located in the front of the exit of the bladder, such as guards guarding the bladder mouth, so it is called the prostate, it is a male-specific organ, the prostate is also an organ that is prone to disease, common diseases include acute and chronic prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer, prostate cysts, prostate calcification, etc., of which, prostatitis is relatively high incidence, although it is a benign lesion, but it is also very affecting life, patients can appear frequent urination, urgency and perineal swelling and other symptoms. In addition, prostatic hyperplasia is also a disease that occurs in middle-aged and elderly men, mainly after the age of 50, and according to the data, the older the age, the higher the incidence, the clinical main manifestations are dysuria, frequent urination, thin urine line, etc., it can be said that it is also very affecting the normal life of middle-aged and elderly friends.

If you want to prevent prostate disease, you must start from daily life: First, diet, avoid spicy, raw and cold foods, avoid drinking, pay attention to a light diet, you can eat more vegetables and fruits, usually drink more water, you can dilute the blood, but also effectively dilute the concentration of urine. Secondly, frequent urination, holding urine is very unfavorable to the bladder and prostate, do not sit for a long time, because sitting for a long time will compress the prostate and easily induce prostate disease. In addition, it is recommended not to stay up late, to exercise properly, go to bed early and get up early, which also helps to avoid prostate disease. The last is to pay attention to the local warmth of the perineum, develop good hygiene habits, and at the same time adhere to exercise, life rules, do not stay up late, maintain an optimistic attitude, and improve the body's resistance.