
Ayurvedic Diet – A classification of pleasant, irritating and inert foods

author:Neheananda Yoga Yoga Yoga

Also derived from the Vedic classics, Yoga is known as the sister system of the "life sciences" of Ayurveda, which divides the world into three categories: pleasant, irritating (acute) and inert. These three properties are the basis of all existence.

Irritation is the most active life force in the human body, which moves the sensory and non-sensory worlds in the universe into pleasure and inertia, respectively. Therefore, pleasure and inertia are immovable, potential energies that require the active dynamics of transgenderism to generate movement.

Sattva is the potential to create (Brahma);

Stimuli (Rajas) are active, active, protective (Vishnu);

Inertia (tamas) is the potential destructive force (Mahesha).

Creation, protection, and destruction are the three manifestations of the first cosmic silent sound AUM, which operate continuously in the universe.

There is also energy in food, which is also divided into these three categories according to the energy they contain.

Pleasant food: provide good energy, give us a pleasant mood, delicate perception ability, the power of self-awareness and affirmation, let us be full of gratitude and joy for life.

Irritating (acute) food: Immediately refreshed, but after a few hours, you may feel exhausted. Emotions are prone to ups and downs, anxiety, restlessness, easy anger, inexplicable excessive tension, excitement, fear and hatred, and these inner moods are phenomena caused by the influence of transgender forces.

Inert food: Let people have an inertial force that tends to indulge in the material world, which is a spiritual force that depends on, clings to the edge of matter, adsorbs non-positive, and is representative of sluggish procrastination, passive laziness, destruction and decay, and illness and death.

(The picture shows the classification of three characteristic foods)

——Excerpt from Neheanada Yoga public account

Ayurvedic Diet – A classification of pleasant, irritating and inert foods
Ayurvedic Diet – A classification of pleasant, irritating and inert foods
Ayurvedic Diet – A classification of pleasant, irritating and inert foods
Ayurvedic Diet – A classification of pleasant, irritating and inert foods
Ayurvedic Diet – A classification of pleasant, irritating and inert foods
Ayurvedic Diet – A classification of pleasant, irritating and inert foods

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