
What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

author:Sit on a landscape day

Whenever a whale is seen eating, people are frightened, and with this big mouth, the three generations of the fish's grandchildren may be wiped out. At the same time, this has also aroused the imagination of human beings, if this mouth is swallowing people, will we still have the possibility of survival?

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

The body of the whale is so large that it can be described as shock

However, according to human records, the probability of whales hurting people is relatively low, and a few cases are because of the original whaling ship. And the whales just crashed the boat and didn't eat people. We don't have a case to refer to, but we can imagine it based on the body structure of a whale.

How do whales swallow people? What happens after entering the whale's stomach? How should we help ourselves? What do whales usually eat? What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? An unarmed man, will there still be a chance to escape?

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

Man is very small compared to whales

How do whales swallow people?

There are two types of whales, baleen whales and toothed whales, and the two swallow food in different ways. Baleen whales include blue whales, fin whales and humpback whales. Baleen whales are the kind of "deep feelings, a mouthful" that we often say, and its mouth is so large that it can swallow the whole person.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

Species of whales

The advantage is that the baleen whale has no teeth, it does not bite people to pieces, and the disadvantage is that its baleen is very rough and may brush the person off a layer of skin. The composition of whale baleen is the same as that of human fingernails, both of which are cuticles, acting like a sieve to filter seawater. In order not to slip away the food while filtering, these baleen are three layers inside and three layers outside. Imagine hundreds of millions of fingernails scratching on a person's skin, all "unfolding" the skin.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

Baleen whales and this group of small fish have a deep affection, it is a mouthful

However, although the baleen whale grows large and has a large mouth, the fish almost cut off its grandchildren in one bite, but its esophagus is small and not very dilated. As a result, they can't swallow prey with a cross-section larger than an apple.

Man is too big for baleen whales! When eaten in the mouth, the baleen whale spits out the person. In 2021, a fisherman was unfortunately swallowed by a whale and spat out about 30 seconds later. Fortunately, the fisherman's brother was wearing a diving suit and had oxygen on his body, so that he would not be choked to death in the mouth of the whale. And the wetsuit also protected the brother's skin very well, but he suffered some skin trauma.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

Baleen whales have large bodies and large mouths, but their esophagus is small

In general, after being swallowed in the mouth by baleen whales, they will basically be spit out, but the baleen will scratch people.

Toothed whales are a large span of taxons, most of the members of the toothed whales are dolphins, it does not even bite people, how to swallow people. The only people in the tooth whales who can really bite people into their mouths are killer whales and sperm whales. First of all, the sperm whale, which is currently the largest toothed whale, and the male sperm whale is the protagonist of the recorded overturning of the whaling ship, which looks like a submarine.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

Toothed whale structure

In fact, the sperm whale's main food is squid, not too good at biting prey, so even if it sends people to the mouth it does not want to bite, but it may be curious to bite or play directly with humans, because of its size, this light touch may be directly burped by humans.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

In the face of your favorite food, sperm whales will not let go

Killer whales are the fighting force of the entire whale family and the predators at the top of the marine food chain. Killer whales have the ability to bite, and in theory, prey of human size will be torn into several pieces and then into the stomach. The person who can enter the stomach of the killer whale is no longer a complete person, not even conscious, so there is no feeling. Although killer whales are called killer whales, according to records, killer whales in the wild have not yet killed people, so the probability of being swallowed by them is relatively small.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

It is worthy of the combat strength of the whale family to serve as a killer whale

In summary, baleen whales and large toothed whales have the ability to swallow people into their mouths, baleen whales cannot swallow into the stomach, sperm whales do not want to swallow the stomach, killer whales theoretically can, but in fact do not swallow the stomach. I have to say that whales are really a relatively gentle taxon.

Of course, they don't swallow in the stomach, and we humans can imagine ourselves entering the stomach of a whale.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

We and the gentle whales can also be friends

What happens after entering the whale's stomach?

Whales have four stomachs, and a few whales, such as the Chu beaked whale, have fifteen stomachs. This makes people feel strange, there are also four stomachs on land, that is, deer, cattle and sheep. Whales are really related to these animals, they are relatives, they belong to the same order of even-hoofed, and the ancestors of whales were still ignorant "fawns" about 55 million years ago.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

Whales have four stomachs

However, the four stomachs of whales do not ruminate, the first stomach is part of the esophagus evolved, the main purpose is to store food, food here will not be digested, there is no probiotic fermentation, just storage. At this time, if people are swallowed in, they will first stay here for a while. The second stomach is involved in digestion, and the second secretes hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes to dissolve and digest food.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

It's no exaggeration to have four stomachs

For indigestible parts, such as the harder parts of the prey, the whale will secrete mucus in the third stomach, wrapping it up to avoid scratching its intestines. With this foreign body, the whale either pulls it out or spits it out.

The whale's fourth stomach is the anterior evolutionary future of the duodenum, and its role is to continue to digest food and absorb its nutrients. After walking through these four stomachs, the food is basically no longer visible, and then it enters the intestine, is continued to be absorbed, and finally becomes feces and returns to the sea.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

The whale's digestive ability is still super powerful

Therefore, after humans enter the stomach of the whale, at the second level, that is, the beginning of entering the second stomach of the whale, there is no possibility of survival, so whether you can save yourself, when you are in the first stomach, you must grasp it!

How to help yourself?

Although the whale does not ruminate, it does not mean that it will not vomit, when stimulated, the whale will spit out the food it swallows into the stomach, so desperately stimulating its first stomach is the key to saving itself.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

What would you do to save yourself if it was swallowed into the belly of a whale?

The method is very plump, the reality is very bone, because the whale's first stomach is very large, it is stuffed, people and fish are locked together, not to mention whether it is possible to find the whale's stomach wall in the dark stomach, the anaerobic state here is enough for humans to bear.

If it is an unarmed person, after entering the first stomach, it will be under the contraction of the whale's stomach, and the fish will squeeze around inside, and soon the symptoms of hypoxia will appear, in this case, the human is powerless to stimulate the whale's stomach wall to make it regurgitate.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

If a person were in such a whale's belly, he would lose consciousness

Soon, the person loses consciousness in the first stomach, and then, in the case of ignorance and unconsciousness, enters the second stomach and is digested. Therefore, after entering the whale's stomach, the chance of survival is very small, there is almost no chance to escape, and self-help is avoided.

Fortunately, all this is human imagination, because baleen whales and toothed whales do not eat people, we want to enter the belly of whales, and people whales do not want to eat it! So what do whales eat?

What exactly do whales eat?

Killer whales, located at the top of whales, eat food span from sharks to fish, and eat whatever is abundant locally. For example, killer whales in Antarctica eat penguins and seals, and killer whales in the waters of California eat sea lions. Killer whales are the most likely to eat people of all whales, but there is never a record of wild killer whales eating people, and the few times killer whales hurt people occur in aquariums, because captivity causes depression and thus becomes irritable.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

The killer whale of the aquarium brings us joy while it itself?

Although killer whales are top predators, they still can't escape the fate of mammals, that is, aging teeth. Killer whales have only one pair of teeth in their lifetime. Although they are very powerful, they should also be concerned about the wear and tear of their teeth, and eat food as fine as possible, such as they eat sharks only eat liver, eat baleen whales only eat tongues, and killer whales will also eat some mollusks, such as sperm whales' favorite squid.

Compared with killer whales actively preying, baleen whales are much more Buddhist, they are filter animals, and their food is some small fish and shrimp. The most desperate is the blue whale, the largest animal in the history of the earth, which actually feeds on krill, and other baleen whales are not much better.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

The world's largest animals feed on krill

It is precisely because of this Buddhist life that baleen whales should be the most gentle temper in the ocean, they never bully other animals with large sizes, like humpback whales and also work part-time marine police, specializing in sabotags and killer whale predation plans.

Baleen whales generally have a long lifespan, and it is not a problem to live for dozens of years, like baleen whales can live for more than 90 years. When whales die naturally, the carcasses nourish creatures in all directions, and even the lowest microbes will not be missed. "A whale falls, all things live" is the last tenderness of the whale.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

Whales fall on everything

However, these gentle beasts are facing an unprecedented crisis. Due to human fishing, many large baleen whales are short of food, and marine pollution also endangers their lives. The most shameful thing is that Countries such as Japan hunt whales for scientific research purposes, and the global number of whales is not very optimistic.

What does it feel like to be in a whale's belly? Does an unarmed person have a chance to escape?

In the face of a stranded whale we have to save it, not hurt it

When we assume that humans are swallowed into the wombs of whales, there are actually whales that are swallowed by humans. We met the whales, and maybe the whales wanted to escape.

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