
The creation of Chinese history, "Three Emperors" and three emperors to open civilization

author:Stones say history

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1. Nine Emperors and Ten Chronicles

The human beings created in the early days are like a newborn baby, like a blank piece of paper, without any connotation and culture, without any cognition and carrying capacity of the natural world, and without formed thoughts and consciousnesses.

Just as parents in the world teach their children to learn to talk and walk, in different historical periods, some gods in the upper realm have successively descended into the world, reincarnated as saints, exercised miracles, left divine words, imparted different cultures and skills to human beings, and guarded mankind through a long historical process. Once upon a long period of history, mankind was in an era of being directly indoctrinated and led by saints with great divine powers, such as Fuxi and Shennong. The gods live in the world in the form and state of man (demigods), leaving behind a special historical period and splendid cultural display that directly shows the "presence of man and god", which has been passed down from generation to generation in the form of myths and legends.

Since then, the heavens and the gods have been arranging, caring for, and enlightening the fascinated world in different ways at different times in history. That is to say, "the coexistence of man and God" has been interpreted in different ways in the world since then, so that people will not be completely lost, and even have the opportunity to return to God. It's just that people are more and more fascinated by the reality in front of them, and more and more forget to look up at the heavens and that primitive piety, and they are far away from the Road. This is an afterword, please refer to the history of the later dynasties.

The creation of Chinese history, "Three Emperors" and three emperors to open civilization

Shennong statue

The Legend of the Three Emperors

Human history is so vast. Above the earth, through the ages, endless beings, each person's long or short life, recorded, is a historical biography, this is the breadth of history. The whole human race, spanning the vast historical years, going through vicissitudes and vicissitudes, reincarnation and extinction, to today, the endless time it has experienced can be seen as the depth of history. In the face of the vast river of history, human knowledge is so humble and pitiful, a drop in the sea due to the long time, coupled with the various natural disasters and man-made disasters that have occurred in the process of human development, a large number of ancient historical materials have been lost, from the existing myths and legends and ancient book records, we can only sort out the general historical process and some major events, waiting for continuous discovery and improvement. But these precious legends and records are enough for us to understand the noble origin and vast history of the Chinese nation, and to be sincerely grateful.

The term "Three Emperors" was first mentioned in the Zhou Li, followed by the Lü Shi Chunqiu. In Sima Qian's "History of Qin Shi Huang Benji", dr. Qin Chao was quoted as saying: "In ancient times, there were emperors, there were earth emperors, there were Thai emperors, and the Thai emperor was the most expensive." ”

It is generally believed that the three emperors refer to the emperor, the earth emperor, and the human emperor, but there are many theories about who these three emperors are:

The "Customs and Customs" quotes the "Spring and Autumn WeiYun Dou Shu" as saying that the three emperors are: Fu Xi Clan, Nuwa Clan, and Shennong Clan.

The White Tiger Tongyi believes that the three emperors are: Fuxi, Shennong, and Zhu Rong.

The Shang Shu Da Biography considers the three emperors to be: the Fu ren clan, the Fu Xi clan, and the Shennong clan.

The "Century of Kings" believes that the three emperors are: Fuxi, Shennong, and The Yellow Emperor.

The "Theory of The Hidden Husband" said: "The Three Emperors and Five Emperors are passed down from generation to generation, and most people think that Fuxi and Shennong are the Three Emperors. One of them is either Sui Ren, or Zhu Rong, or Nuwa. Its yes and no are unknowable also. ”

Now it is generally accepted that the "Shang Shu Da Biography" said that the three emperors were the Fu ren clan, the Fu Xi clan, and the Shennong clan.

Nine Emperors and Ten Chronicles

According to other ancient books, the Lingren clan, the Fuxi clan, and the Shennong clan mentioned in the "Shang Shu Da Biography" only refer to the three emperors of the later, and before that, there were also the first three emperors and the three emperors of the middle. It is believed that the first to appear are the first three emperors (hatsu emperor, hatsuji emperor, and first human emperor), then the middle three emperors (middle emperor, middle earth emperor, Tai emperor), and finally the last three emperors (Furen clan, Fuxi clan, Shennong clan), so there are nine emperors, and after the nine emperors are the five emperors.

In the historical materials left at present, there is almost no record of the first three emperors, and the records of the three emperors are very rare. The emperors of the Middle Three Emperors period were called the Tai Huang clan, and from the beginning of the Tai Huang clan onwards, they could be divided into ten epochs in chronological order, followed by the Jiutou Period, the Five Dragons Period, the Regency Age, the Heluo Age, the Connecting Age, the Shu Ming Period, the Circular Age, the Inti Age, the Zen Tong Age, and the Shu Qi.

The creation of Chinese history, "Three Emperors" and three emperors to open civilization

Emperor's Zodiac Koshi

The first era is based on the Tai Emperor clan, known as the Nine Heads Period; the tenth era is based on the Yellow Emperor of the Five Emperors, known as the Shu Qi. During this period, a large number of ancient emperors appeared, such as the Juling clan, the Juqiang clan, the ZhuoGuang clan, the Hook Array clan, the Huang Shen clan, the Shen clan, the Plough Ling clan, the Da Qi clan, the Ghost Ling clan, the Yi zi clan, the Tai Clan, the Ran Xiang clan, the Gai Ying clan, the Da Dun clan, the Yunyang clan, the Wu Chang clan, the Tai Yi clan, the Kong Sang clan, the Shenmin clan, the YiDi clan, the Submin clan, the Chenfang clan, the Shushan clan, the Bei puppet clan, the Hun Chao clan, the Dong Clan, the Huang Qin clan, the Qi Tong clan, the Ji clan, the Ji clan, the Ji Clan, the Youchao clan, the Xuanren clan, the Yongcheng clan, the Shi Huang clan, the Bai Huang clan, Zhonghuang clan, Dating clan, Li Lu clan, Kunlian clan, Huxu clan, Ge Tianshi, Zunlu clan, Zhu Rong clan, Haoying clan, Zhu Xiang clan, Wuhuai clan, Fuxi clan, Shennong clan, Xuanyuan clan...

Perhaps each epoch is a different cycle of human civilization, and after each epoch of human civilization is destroyed, it enters the next epoch.

The Spring and Autumn Wei records that from the beginning of the Tai Emperor's clan to the fourteenth year of the Duke of Lu 'ai (481 BC), the ten calendars, a total of 3.267 million years.

In the Weishu and Taoist books of the Han Dynasty, there are many records about the Nine Emperors and Ten Ages, and there are also many quotations in later books. Probably by the time of the Han Dynasty, there are still many historical records about the ancients. The Song Dynasty Luo Bi compiled the ancient history of the Nine Emperors and Ten Ages into the "Road History", which is a relatively comprehensive record at present. In addition, during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, the famous historian Sima Zhen supplemented the Records of History, supplementing the Three Emperors' Chronicle and adding parts of the Nine Emperors and Ten Chronicles.

However, in different ancient books, the records of the Nine Emperors and Ten Ages are not the same. For example, the order of emperors in the Ten Ages recorded in the "History of the Road" is different from the order of emperors published in the "Book of Han and the Table of Ancient and Modern People". These may be the false transmission caused by the loss of data in the long process of circulation, and there is no way to verify it at present, but can only make a general understanding.

The creation of Chinese history, "Three Emperors" and three emperors to open civilization

The Emperor of the Earth sets the sun, moon, and stars,

Ancient imprints

In ancient times, the most important ritual was to worship heaven and earth, and the most solemn worship of heaven and earth was to seal Zen Taishan. If you count from the beginning of Qin Shi Huang to the end of the Qing Dynasty, There were more than 400 emperors in China, and only six emperors in the historical record actually sealed Mount Tai.

In the Spring and Autumn Period's "Guan Zi Feng Zen" records that from ancient times to the Zhou Dynasty, there were seventy-two emperors who sealed Mount Taishan, and only twelve emperors could be recognized by Guan Zi, in order of Wu Huai, Fu Xi, Shennong, Yan Di, Huang Di, Huang Huang, Di Zhao, Yao, Shun, Yu, Shang Tang, and Zhou Chengwang.

The Western Han Dynasty's "Han Poetry Biography" records that there were more than 10,000 emperors who sealed Mount Taishan in ancient times, and Confucius could not be fully identified (possibly due to the loss or destruction of ancient texts) ... Confucius climbed Mount Taishan to check the emperors with different surnames who had been sealed in Taishan, and there were more than seventy who could be distinguished, and there were more than 10,000 who could not be distinguished.

The "On Balance" also records that among the relics left behind by the emperors who sealed Mount Tai in ancient times, there are seventy-two families that can be identified, and there are countless indistinct and unrecognizable due to age and damage.

The "New Treatise on Huan Tan" also contains: Above Mount Tai, there are more than 1,800 stone carvings left by the ancient emperors, and there are seventy-two that can be known.

According to these records, it can be speculated that before antiquity, there was still a distant history of Chinese civilization and a large number of imperial dynasties, which are time-proof enough to confirm the prehistoric civilization. Or from another point of view, it should be said that the discovery and gradual confirmation of "prehistoric civilization" in modern times confirm many legends and historical materials of ancient China.

In the surviving ancient historical materials and legends, there are some records that are in conflict, and the biggest conflict is that the same person has appeared in different historical periods, confusing the time. For example, the Nüwa clan appeared before the Three Emperors and appeared again after the Fuxi clan; there was the Chao clan, which appeared before the Furen clan and appeared after the Fuxi clan; and there were also the Nüwa clan, the Gonggong clan, the Houyi clan, and so on, all of which appeared at the same time in different historical periods.

The creation of Chinese history, "Three Emperors" and three emperors to open civilization

Ninkobu Mikawa 9 ward

In ancient legends, most of the same people who appeared in different historical periods at the same time should not be the same person, but different people. It may be that the names are similar or identical, so in the long process of circulation, they are mixed as one person; it may be that in different periods of human civilization, they have taught similar cultures to human beings, or they have done the same thing, so they have been mixed into one person; or it may be that in the long process of circulation, the names of these people have been blurred by the years and mistransmitted and mixed into one person.

But in any case, although the existing historical materials seem to be somewhat chaotic, it is not difficult to see that they reflect the same central message: in ancient times, there was an extremely long historical period of demigod ruled by the "Three Emperors". These emperors have great magic, educated the human world, led mankind from ignorance to enlightenment, step by step into the fishing and hunting civilization and agricultural civilization, and finally entered the Era of the Yellow Emperor, which opened this round of five thousand years of humanistic indoctrination.

Next, we will give a brief introduction to this period with the five most representative demigods that have been widely circulated during this long Period of the Three Emperors: youchao, Furen, Fuxi, Nüwa, and Shennong.


1. "Guan Zi Feng Zen"

2. The Tale of Han Poetry

3. "On Balance"

4. The New Treatise on Huan Tan

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