
Prophet Qi: From Qi Benyu's famous article, talk about the Qi Benyu I know

author:History of Phantom Taste


There are many people who know Qi Benyu, but there may be few people who know the Prophet.

In this article, I will take you to know a different Qi Benyu from the perspective of the Prophet Qi.

First of all, let's first know who the Prophet Was?

Prophet Qi: From Qi Benyu's famous article, talk about the Qi Benyu I know

He had been Tian Jiaying's secretary, Qi Benyu had also worked in the secretary's office in his early years, and Qi Prophet had known him for more than ten years.

Also as a person who has come from an era, then we will roughly understand a different Qi Benyu from the perspective of a person who has come over.

Qi Ben Yu qi people

Let's start by understanding his personality and conduct, and then we will explore his famous articles.

The Prophet Qi's evaluation of Qi Benyu was not very good, he only recognized Qi Benyu's literary talent, but did not recognize his character.

In his view, Qi Benyu's utilitarianism is relatively heavy.

Once a person's utilitarianism is dominant, then the person's actions will naturally have more ideas of personal interests.

Personally, I also agree with prophet Qi's assessment.

Qi Benyu is indeed a person with a relatively heavy sense of utilitarianism, of course, we are not saints, we do not want to do to others, nor do we criticize whether "utilitarianism" is good or bad.

Prophet Qi: From Qi Benyu's famous article, talk about the Qi Benyu I know

In my case, "utilitarianism" is a double-edged sword, and it is a good thing to grasp it well, and once it is not grasped, it will make itself an unbound, unbridled wild horse of desire.

Before 1963, Qi Benyu was just an unknown figure.

For him, who is over thirty years old, there seems to be a pain of wasting time, which is also very understandable.

For people who have a "sense of ambition" in life, it is more painful to watch the time pass and still stand still, or take only a small step.

Prophet Qi's evaluation of Qi Benyu, an old colleague, is also relatively objective, why?

Because he made a comprehensive evaluation from both positive and negative aspects, this attitude is still relatively favorable.

We have been with Qi Benyu for more than ten years, and we do not know him in general. He works hard, loves to study problems, has the ability, and can speak the tao.

Here, the "we" mentioned by The Prophet Qi includes Lü Cheng, Shen Dongnian, Wang Xiangqian, and others, all of whom are also people who have come from an era and who have worked with Qi Benyu for many years.

Let's take a look at the opposite evaluation:

But there are many problems with (him): individualism is supreme, he tries his best to climb up by any means, he always wants to get ahead, his jealousy is very strong, and he has done a lot of things that are angry and resentful.

At this point, I personally feel that Qi Benyu is somewhat similar to Chen Boda, and the two people are the same, both want to get ahead.

The difference is that Chen Boda's ideal of getting ahead seems to be a bit of a literati angry: his articles can let the people of the world know, and they are satisfied.

Qi Benyu is different, in addition to the literary world, but also attached to the promotion of power position.

Prophet Qi: From Qi Benyu's famous article, talk about the Qi Benyu I know

An article, Fish Leaping Dragon Gate

Qi Benyu is a good hand at writing historical and political papers, but why did he specialize in this field?

This is evident from the foregoing, for what great men like is history and philosophy. In terms of philosophy, Guan Feng is from a serious class, and both the theoretical level and the literary talent are skilled.

Therefore, Qi Benyu chose to deepen his cultivation in the field of "history".

I have to say that Qi Benyu is a very intelligent person, he is very smart, not just reading history, but combining the current events that are happening at the moment with the past history (this article is original by today's headline "Strange Taste Hu Dou History", and other platforms are ported).

Therefore, the historical and political papers he wrote are very attractive.

In 1963, Qi Benyu was 32 years old, and his life was officially inserted in this year.

In this year, Qi Benyu, as the editor-in-chief of "Reflections of the Masses," was still working in the secretary's office; it was also in this year that he, who had accumulated "internal merits in history," published an article in the "Historical Studies" entitled "Commenting on Li Xiucheng's Self-Description and Discussing with Mr. Luo Ergang, Liang Yuanlu, Lü Jiyi, and others."

It is this article that makes Qi Benyu famous and gradually enters the high-level vision.

Li Xiucheng is a character, the point of controversy is that after he was captured by Zeng Guofan, did he really surrender in the end? Or a fake surrender?

Prophet Qi: From Qi Benyu's famous article, talk about the Qi Benyu I know

According to the mainstream view, Li Xiucheng is a positive person, and there are more sympathies for him for the surrender and defection.

Qi Benyu is different, he directly criticized Li Xiucheng as a surrender and apostasy, as I said earlier, Qi Benyu is best at "borrowing the ancient metaphor for the present."

Combined with the more complex factors of the times in the 1960s, Qi Benyu's article can be described as a stone stirring up thousands of waves, causing a lot of controversy, but also bringing a lot of traffic to himself.

And the intended theme of his article also caters to the appetite of the leader, and the front is the peak of his Qi Benyu's life.

His article was praised by great people, and then he wrote a series of critical articles around "Li Xiucheng".

Around the issue of "traitor", he constantly went online, and thus became "famous".

Also in 1963, as his reputation continued to rise, Qi Benyu was transferred to the "History Group" of Hongqi Magazine as an editor.

Prophet Qi: From Qi Benyu's famous article, talk about the Qi Benyu I know

It didn't take long for him to be promoted directly to the head of the history group.

This history group is not good, you must know that the great man cares most about history and philosophy, Guan Feng is the leader of the philosophy group, in contrast, the leader of this history group has a higher status.

Let's put it this way, at this time, Qi Benyu's status is already equivalent to the level of chief.

Later, after Tian Jiaying's death in 1966, Qi Benyu replaced him as a central figure in the center of power.


There is a saying that is very good: thought determines behavior, behavior determines habits, habits determine character, and character determines destiny.

Prophet Qi: From Qi Benyu's famous article, talk about the Qi Benyu I know

A person who always wants to get ahead, his behavior must be with a strong sense of utilitarianism and purpose, and these, in daily life, will slowly penetrate into the bone marrow and form habits.

Look at his people, not at his words, but at his deeds.

Qi Benyu's utilitarian spirit is both a good thing and a bad thing; it has achieved him and destroyed him.

Only for us personally, reading history, from the traces of those who have passed, we can draw useful lessons.

We cannot turn a blind eye to what has happened in the past, and this history, which repeats itself in others, will eventually play out in ourselves.

We should learn how to avoid, not escape.

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