
"Ginseng in the water" is on the market, the most tender in early summer, do you pick flat or round?

author:Information News
"Ginseng in the water" is on the market, the most tender in early summer, do you pick flat or round?

Zibai, also known as bamboo shoots and bamboo shoots, is one of the "three famous dishes in Jiangnan", it is not only tender and refreshing, rich in nutrition, can be used as a vegetable, can also be used as a medicinal material, has the reputation of "ginseng in the water". Whether it is stewed soup, cold mix or fried with eggs and green peppers, Zibai is one of the seasonal vegetables that Suzhou people love in summer. Recently, after visiting the major farmers' markets, the reporter learned that the current price of zibai is between 10 and 13 yuan per kilogram, which is lower than the price when it was just listed.

"Ginseng in the water" is on the market, the most tender in early summer, do you pick flat or round?

At the Loumen Farmers' Market in Gusu District, most of the vegetable vendors have purchased zibai, which can be seen at every stall. Zibai contains sterols, which prevent melanin production and soften and lubricate the skin. Zi bai also contains more protein, carbohydrates and proteins, etc., but the calories of zi bai are very low, high in water, and have a strong sense of fullness, and regular consumption can not only strengthen the body, but also lose weight. The owner of the vegetable stall said that now Zibai has been listed for about a week, 12 yuan a catty, "the price has come down, expensive when sold to 18 pieces of a catty!" Now it can sell more than a hundred catties a day, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and Suzhou people like to eat zibai. ”

"Ginseng in the water" is on the market, the most tender in early summer, do you pick flat or round?

The reporter learned that most of the zibai sold in Fengmen Hengjie is from Zhejiang, Wuxi, Jiangsu and other places, and a small amount of local zibai is sold very cheaply. Xiao Liu, the stall owner, said that the zibai he sold was picked by the family itself, and the appearance was not too big, so it was sold cheaply, five yuan a handful, a handful of about four or five, and the size was relatively small.

"Ginseng in the water" is on the market, the most tender in early summer, do you pick flat or round?
"Ginseng in the water" is on the market, the most tender in early summer, do you pick flat or round?

Zhao Laobo, who was purchasing vegetables, saw the newly listed Zibai, raised his interest, and carefully selected it. "You can see the shape of this white, round and full white taste is the best, while the flatter white contains less moisture and has a worse taste." Zhao Laobo shared his experience in selecting Zibai to reporters: "I want to choose those whose appearance is round and full, long and straight, looks relatively smooth and shiny, and feels very smooth." Then this color should be selected to choose the shell green and shiny, and then look at the root to choose the top of the expansion, so that the taste will be tender and juicy. ”

It should be noted that there are some peeled whites on the market that look very good, white and tender and bright, and everyone needs to choose and buy them carefully. Because these "high-value" peeled russet whites are likely to be "poisonous whites" floated out with sulfur dioxide, this kind of white generally does not smell and does not have the unique fragrance of normal white, which needs to be carefully distinguished.

Editor-in-charge: Wu Hao [Submission, regional cooperation please email Information News 3469887933 reply within 24 hours. 】