
Regardless of the conditions of women, these 5 kinds of food should eat more, nutritious and nourishing, young and not old

author:Tien Shan cocoa

Regardless of the conditions of women, these 5 kinds of food should eat more, nutritious and nourishing, young and not old

As the saying goes: Women are pleasing to themselves. Since ancient times, women have made a lot of efforts to have a better appearance. Especially in this "face-looking" society, women are very important for the maintenance of their faces, and even some people will use knives on their faces in order to become beautiful.

Regardless of the conditions of women, these 5 kinds of food should eat more, nutritious and nourishing, young and not old

But in fact, if you want to maintain effectively, you don't only use expensive skin care products and medical beauty, sometimes you may get unexpected gains through some diets. Today for everyone to reduce 5 kinds of nutritious food, not only to relieve hunger delicious and nutritious, often eat more youthful, come and see if there is anything you love to eat.

1. Ejiao black sesame pills

Ejiao can be said to be one of the most common nourishing products in daily life, especially for women, often supplement some ejiao and beauty and beauty effects. And ejiao black sesame pills are rich in precious ejiao.

Regardless of the conditions of women, these 5 kinds of food should eat more, nutritious and nourishing, young and not old

In addition, there are black sesame seeds, black rice, mulberry and black goji berries, pure ingredients made of it is worth mentioning that the production of ejiao black sesame pills follows the tradition, inherits the ancient process, and truly achieves nine steaming and nine suns, restoring the original nutrition and deliciousness of the ingredients, delicious soft glutinous and chewy.

2. Yellow fish crisp

As we all know, fish is rich in high-quality protein and rich dietary fiber and a variety of amino acids, the nutritional value is very high, very suitable for nourishing and nourishing the body.

Regardless of the conditions of women, these 5 kinds of food should eat more, nutritious and nourishing, young and not old

The yellow fish puff pastry is selected from the highest deep sea cod, dried and roasted at low temperatures, and is healthier to eat without frying. The fish head and fish bones are manually removed and chewed directly, without wasting anything.

Regardless of the conditions of women, these 5 kinds of food should eat more, nutritious and nourishing, young and not old

3. Red dates with walnuts

Regardless of the conditions of women, these 5 kinds of food should eat more, nutritious and nourishing, young and not old

A large and plump red date contains a complete walnut kernel, and when you enter the mouth, you can not only eat the fragrant sticky of the red date, but also taste the fragrance of walnuts, and the dual nutrition is effectively combined to bring an unprecedented experience to the taste buds.

Regardless of the conditions of women, these 5 kinds of food should eat more, nutritious and nourishing, young and not old

And the red date sandwich walnut directly saves the trouble of peeling the shell and spitting out the core, tearing open the package can directly eat two kinds of delicious, one bite down, full of happiness, more suitable for "lazy cancer" attack you.

4. Whole wheat five-black belly button cake

Nowadays, girls pay great attention to body management, and they prefer to replace refined rice noodles with grains. And the emergence of whole wheat five-black belly button cake just satisfies our psychology.

Regardless of the conditions of women, these 5 kinds of food should eat more, nutritious and nourishing, young and not old

Its main ingredient is whole wheat flour, coupled with the blessing of grains and grains, the taste is more abundant, and the rich and mellow grain flavor instantly fills your mouth, and the taste is soft and tender and chewy.

Regardless of the conditions of women, these 5 kinds of food should eat more, nutritious and nourishing, young and not old

The combination of brown sugar filling makes the whole wheat five-black belly button cake taste slightly sweet, and it can be put in the microwave to bite and burst the pulp. Moreover, the transparent sachet is packed to eat as much as you want, and it is also very convenient to carry it when you go out.

5. Seven degrees of square yiyan cake

Made from grain coarse grains, the yiyan cake is healthy and satisfies one's discerning taste buds.

Regardless of the conditions of women, these 5 kinds of food should eat more, nutritious and nourishing, young and not old

It is made of red dates, red beans, peanuts, goji berries and other ingredients, making it taste more mellow and rich, nutritional intake is more balanced, and the grain nutrition is chewed and eaten.

Regardless of the conditions of women, these 5 kinds of food should eat more, nutritious and nourishing, young and not old

Love beauty is the nature of all women, want to have a good face, may wish to eat more of these 5 kinds of food in life, nutrition and relief at the same time can also help nourish the skin, so that you look more youthful.

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