
"Privatized Tesla" tweet ruled for false information Musk will seek appeal

"Privatized Tesla" tweet ruled for false information Musk will seek appeal

Elon Musk is reportedly trying to appeal the judge's ruling after the judge found Musk's tweet in 2018 about taking Tesla private as false information.

Musk, along with other defendants in the shareholder lawsuit filed over the tweet, asked U.S. District Judge Edward M. Thompson of San Francisco to file a lawsuit against the U.S. District Attorney for the People's Republic of America. Edward M. Chen certified the order so they could appeal. Normally, pre-trial orders cannot be appealed.

These shareholders claim that Musk's "indisputable fake tweets" in August 2018 and subsequent tweets on Twitter caused them to lose billions of dollars in the face of Tesla's stock price ups and downs. The trial is scheduled for January. Chen ruled on April 1 that the jury could not conclude that Musk's tweet was not misleading.

"Privatized Tesla" tweet ruled for false information Musk will seek appeal

But a court filing on Friday showed Musk's lawyers arguing that the judge "parsed individual phrases for each tweet and pointed out that certain other messages should accompany the tweet, even though social media platforms such as Twitter limit the number of characters per tweet."

Musk's lawyers said the court must consider that the statements were made on social media rather than in regulatory documents when analyzing whether a statement was misleading. "The defendants are not seeking appeal for delay; rather, the defendants are not seeking to suspend the trial originally scheduled for January 2023 and are expected to proceed expeditiously before the trial to resolve the case in the Ninth Circuit," the lawyers said in the documents. ”

Source: Sina Technology

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