
Have you ever heard of a 10-round death sentence? The Hell House Sacrifice Seal takes you to unlock super offensive skills!

Have you ever heard of a 10-round death sentence? The Hell House Sacrifice Seal takes you to unlock super offensive skills!

Today is Saturday, April 23, 2022. Advisable: Pharmacy - Light Dan. A small partner who has learned medicine can try to make it today, and the probability will produce double parts of light Dan. Today's horoscope is still auspicious and high, it seems that the life of the young hero these days is very good, Oh, Saturday has begun, the young heroes enjoy the holiday to the fullest.

After the launch of the magic weapons of each sect, the performance in the battle is very eye-catching. Among the three auxiliary sects, the Miyin Zen Bell of the Huasheng Temple and the Qionghua Yulu of Putuo Mountain relied on their strong injury reduction ability, and the effect was remarkable at the decisive moment.

With the elimination of the Martial God Altar Group last week, the popularity of the Difu Sect has continued to increase, and its Sect Magic Treasure Sacrifice Seal has also been developed into various powerful uses, which have shined in the competition. Today, let's follow Ling Er to study the attack secrets of the Underground Palace Sacrifice Seal!

NO.1 Magic weapon attributes

1. Two instrument properties

Have you ever heard of a 10-round death sentence? The Hell House Sacrifice Seal takes you to unlock super offensive skills!

Just from the perspective of the two attributes, the yin and yang attribute bonuses are very tempting for the prefectural government. Whether it is the acceleration of the yang attribute or the yin attribute plus the object defense, these two attributes are very useful in battle. Therefore, we must start from the effect of the four elephant attributes to select the two instrument attributes to match.

2. Four-elephant attribute

Have you ever heard of a 10-round death sentence? The Hell House Sacrifice Seal takes you to unlock super offensive skills!

Sun: A certain probability that it will act on a random enemy unit

The Sun attribute has certain limitations in actual combat use, and extra units are more difficult to play. On the one hand, it is because the key skills are generally monolithic, such as death imprisonment, soul charms, etc. Acting on extra goals doesn't make much sense; on the other hand, extra goals are random. Even if you attach a key skill to your opponent's second unit, you can't guarantee that the Seal will work accurately on the second unit.

But from another point of view, adding an extra unit will also have the potential for windfalls.

Shaoyang: Additional fixed damage

This is more suitable for the second-speed underground house, which is used before the opponent assists the shot. And since it is a fixed damage, there is no need to consider the impact of various buffs on the opponent. For example, a level 115 character with 3 negative states on his body can deal 2070 "true damage" with your Sacrifice Seal, which is very impressive.

Taiyin: Extend 1 turn

This is where the 10-round Super Death Restraint comes from. In the state of poisoning of the opponent, he is locked by the Hell House Soul Judge and becomes dead for 6 rounds. After being sealed by the Taiyin Sacrifice, the Death Imprisonment was directly turned into 10 rounds! Gives you 10 rounds of 5-on-4 battles and your win rate is close to pulling full.

Less Yin: Randomly dispels the buff state on the target

This is more suitable for point killing, dispelling the spirit, King Kong, Arhat, etc. on the opponent, so that it is convenient for the opponent to better complete the point killing. One operation, which has a double effect.

Summary: The attributes of the four elephants are very good, and the young hero can choose according to his own team needs and personal preferences.

NO.2 Tips

1. Paired with death confinement

Have you ever heard of a 10-round death sentence? The Hell House Sacrifice Seal takes you to unlock super offensive skills!

The Shuangdi Mansion ruthlessly sacrificed the seal and directly added a 10-round death imprisonment to the Spectator Fang Yue Palace, which if the point kill was successful, it would basically be victorious.

In the case of a normal team single-place house, 10 rounds of death imprisonment are unlikely. Far beyond the regular number of death restraints of 2 or 3 rounds, it is still completely stress-free.

2. Paired with powerful sealing skills

Have you ever heard of a 10-round death sentence? The Hell House Sacrifice Seal takes you to unlock super offensive skills!

For example, the square inch of the soul charm, the pictogram of the lion hump ridge, is the most incomprehensible.

The pictogram was combined with the sacrifice seal and forcibly sealed for 3 turns. In the case of square inches, plus the bonus of the sacrifice seal, 7 rounds of heart loss, 6 rounds of fixation, 5 rounds of leaving the soul, is not strong enough?

3. Mix with others

In addition to the above two ideas, we can also think from various angles such as weakness, serious injury, and the magic weapon of the daughter village gate sect. As long as you can limit your opponents, the Hell House Sacrifice Seal can make you more effective.


Practical explanation

From the 72nd Martial Arts Altar Group Elimination Tournament, a wonderful fight between The Fallen City vs. Heavenly Girl Scattered Flowers.

In the 44th round, after killing the spectator fang, the opposing party chose to shoot at the spectator Moon Palace. The direct lock soul judge of the second speed of the battle side pointed directly at the Moon Palace of the spectator party;

In the 45th round, the opponent's quick difu sacrifice seal successfully extended the death confinement round on the spectator's moon palace, and in the case of guessing that the spectator would make waves, the opponent was not in a hurry to kill;

In the 46th round, the opposing side Ersu Difu once again sacrificed the seal. After the opposing side Of the Tang Dynasty attacked the east and west, swept through a thousand armies and killed the spectator side square inches, triggering the gas to swallow mountains and rivers;

In the 47th round, the Battle Side Shuangdi Mansion Sacrifice Seal directly extended the death restraint on the spectator Fang Yuegong to 10 rounds! Against the warring tang swept through thousands of troops. Unfortunately, the wonderful defense of the Moon Palace of the spectator party, plus the summoning of the spirit top blood, successfully defused the current round of attack on the opposing side;

In the 48th round, the spectator side attacked with a backhand, and the death summoned Lingjia rain pear flower needle to descend to defense, successfully killing the opposing side square inch;

In the 50th round, the spectator Fang Difu Lock Soul Judge struck, and all the members gathered fire against the battle party Datang. The opposing side super prejudged the water clear + waves, and successfully saved datang;

In the 51st round, the spectator Fang Yuegong Lingji moved the moon condensation to control the Tang Dynasty, but the opponent was superior, and the second speed difu directly returned to the real treasure to shoot. The opposing party successfully locked the moon palace of the spectator party;

Unfortunately, the disadvantage of summoning spirits against the battle side is too great, even if it is locked in the case of the Moon Palace of the spectator party, it is difficult to advance. In the end, the spectators relied on the advantage of summoning spirits to successfully kill the opposing party Datang and won the final victory.

The level of competition between the two sides in this battle is super high, especially the point kill stage is a wonderful operation, which is very exciting for players to watch the complete battle.

This concludes today's sharing of the seal of the festival

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