
Reading Day Reading together

23 April is the 27th World Book Day. In order to enrich the spiritual life of the masses and create a strong reading atmosphere for the whole people, Yuqi Wusitang Township, Kuqa City, Xinjiang has carried out various forms of reading activities to make books fill the countryside and help the construction of rural spiritual civilization.

"Outside the sword, it is suddenly rumored that jibei will be harvested, and the first smell of tears will fill the clothes", in the classroom of the fifth grade of the yuqi Wustang Township Central Primary School in Kuqa City, the students are studying the Tang poem "Wenguanjun Collects Henan Hebei" under the guidance of the teacher. The reading voice in the classroom is childish and crisp, and the expression is focused and joyful. Under the guidance of the teacher, they discussed in groups to talk about reading experience, share reading stories, and summarize the harvest of reading.

Reading Day Reading together

It is understood that in order to broaden students' interest in reading, Yuqi Wustang Township Central Primary School will from time to time carry out theme reading days, excerpts of good books, class reading clubs, reading famous works, poetry appreciation and other activities to help students open the door to reading classics, stimulate students' identification with the glorious history and splendid culture of the Chinese nation, enhance students' understanding of the profound cultural heritage of the motherland, enable students to understand the truth of life in reading, and cultivate correct values.

In front of the Yuqi Wustang Township Entrepreneurship Market, The Kucha Branch of Xinhua Bookstore carried out the book delivery activity with the theme of "Absorbing the Power of Reading, Building a New Era, Striving for a New Journey, and Welcoming the Twenty National Congresses", bringing books and periodicals focusing on hot issues in the daily production and life of the rural masses such as planting and breeding technology, family education, and cooking skills for the masses to read, and also providing reading consulting services on the spot, attracting the participation of many villagers.

Reading Day Reading together

In Baish Geranmu Village, Yuqi Wustang Township, villagers are reading books such as red stories and policies to benefit the people in a newly built small amusement park. Everyone at the scene discussed the experience of daily reading, shared their own reading stories, learned from each other, and talked about experience.

Reading Day Reading together

Villager Bahagu Azaizi said: "The village often organizes various forms of reading activities. Through these activities, we not only learned the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, but also learned about the various policies of the state to benefit the people, and I benefited a lot from reading. In the future work life, I will continue to read and increase my knowledge. (Fan Kai, Liu Yinchuan) (China Daily Xinjiang Reporter Station)

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