
Dandelions can kill cancer cells and treat throat inflammation, really? The three major effects are known long ago

author:Dr. Jiaojiao popular science

For customers to use this wild vegetable, we can use it to cook soup to eat, you can also dry it and soak it in water to drink, which is good for our human body.

Especially in the dry season of spring, drinking more dandelion tea can play a very hot role in clearing heat and removing fire, which can make our liver healthier.


Can dandelion tea be drunk every day?

Dandelions can not be drunk every day when drinking in daily life, because drinking too much will bring certain harm to our bodies, the main reason is because dandelions themselves are cold, if you eat too much, it will bring some burden to the gastrointestinal tract.

Dandelions can kill cancer cells and treat throat inflammation, really? The three major effects are known long ago

Therefore, dandelion tea we only need to drink about 4 times a week, the amount of each consumption is preferably between 5 and 10 grams, which is the best amount to drink, and we must stop drinking when we are unwell.


Dandelions can kill cancer cells and treat throat inflammation, really?

Can dandelions treat laryngitis?

Folk often have some of their own dietary therapy formula, eat more than a certain type of food can prevent a certain disease, in fact, many are indeed correct, such as dandelion can play an auxiliary treatment effect on throat inflammation.

However, we need to note that dandelion is not a drug, it is just a wild vegetable that can go to the fire and can play an adjuvant therapeutic effect when taken with drugs, but if you abandon the drug and only rely on drinking more water to recover, this is a very unrealistic thing.

Dandelions can kill cancer cells and treat throat inflammation, really? The three major effects are known long ago

Drinking some dandelion water in daily life, although it has a certain effect on the treatment of laryngitis, it is still necessary to use drugs.

Can dandelions kill cancer cells?

Cancer is a castle that has been conquered by the medical community today, but now that industry has the effect of killing cancer cells, does it mean that dandelions have helped to treat cancer many times?

This statement was first gradually circulated on the Internet by a foreign website, a professor at the University of Windsor in Canada, by extracting a certain component of dandelion found that it can kill cancer cells, so this conclusion has some basis, but there are three points to point out:

Dandelions can kill cancer cells and treat throat inflammation, really? The three major effects are known long ago

The first point: this test is based on animals, and it does not prove that dandelions have a killing effect on human cancer cells.

The second point: this experiment uses dandelion extracts, and the amount of such substances in dandelions is not certain, which does not mean that dandelions can inhibit the onset of cancer cells.

The third point: this is only the result of a person's experiment, and it has not been affirmed by the medical community, so it is not possible to fully believe their conclusions.

Dandelions can kill cancer cells and treat throat inflammation, really? The three major effects are known long ago

So, while it is true that there are experiments that prove that dandelion extracts can kill cancer cells, this claim is still questionable on the mainland.

Therefore, we cannot eat dandelions as anti-cancer foods, which may delay our own disease, and the treatment of cancer will still be based on the doctor's diagnosis.


Common dandelions, what are the three magical uses?

- Diuresis

Spring because the climate is relatively dry, so many people will have a dry mouth, often because of the weather causes difficulty urinating.

Dandelions can kill cancer cells and treat throat inflammation, really? The three major effects are known long ago

At this time, you can go to the wild grass to find a few dandelions to go home to soak in water to drink, which can not only promote the secretion and formation of urine, but also alleviate the inflammatory response caused by the heat in the body.

——Nourish the liver and protect the kidneys

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that dandelion through the liver meridian can achieve the effect of nourishing the liver and protecting the kidneys, dandelion belongs to a kind of cold food, drink more dandelion water can clear the heat and fire, and it also has a certain auxiliary effect on alleviating diabetic diseases.

Patients with high blood sugar may wish to drink more dandelion water, which also has many benefits for their recovery.

Dandelions can kill cancer cells and treat throat inflammation, really? The three major effects are known long ago

——Beauty and beauty

Dandelion can achieve the miraculous effect of beauty and beauty, and many female friends will drink through dandelion soaking water in daily life to maintain the lubrication of the skin.

This is mainly because some of the substances contained in dandelions can improve inflammation and have a complementary effect on improving various skin diseases caused by inflammation and heat toxicity.

Dandelions can kill cancer cells and treat throat inflammation, really? The three major effects are known long ago


When picking dandelions, we should also pay attention to the following three points

- Don't go to too dangerous places to pick

If the number of people picking is large, some people may not be enough to pick more, and some steep and remote places to find the whereabouts of dandelions, in fact, this practice is very undesirable, these places may occur if you are not careful, there may be a certain danger.

- Do not pick dandelions around chemical plants

In order to develop the economy, many places will build some polluting factories in the suburbs, and some harmful substances in these factories may pollute the surrounding groundwater, which will also pollute the various plants and wild vegetables that grow.

Dandelions can kill cancer cells and treat throat inflammation, really? The three major effects are known long ago

Dandelions grown in this kind of place may contain a large number of heavy metals, and the long-term consumption of the substance will not only be useless, but will lead to the phenomenon of poisoning in the human body.

—— Dandelion should be rinsed several times after picking

Many parks and urban meadows, in order to prevent pests and diseases in the early morning, will regularly spray a large number of pesticides to deworm.

Dandelions can kill cancer cells and treat throat inflammation, really? The three major effects are known long ago

If you do not soak and rinse many times after picking, it will cause a large amount of pesticide residue on the leaves to enter the body, which is also a situation that many people do not want to see, so it is always harmless to copy it several times.


How is dandelion tea made? Six easy solutions!

1, first of all, we should prepare an appropriate amount of dandelion leaves, and then wash with water, and then soak in salt water for about 10 minutes, because the dandelion growing environment will have a lot of soil and dust, under the soaking of edible salt, these dirty things will be removed.

2, after cleaning the dandelion, we have to cut it into small pieces for later use, then prepare a casserole, and then put the prepared dandelion into the casserole dish and turn on the low heat, slowly sauté.

Dandelions can kill cancer cells and treat throat inflammation, really? The three major effects are known long ago

3, when programming the dandelion, the grasp of the heat is very critical, must not use the fire, can not use the real fire, but use the small fire for wheatgrass, and so the dandelion can be fished out after the frying.

4, in addition to the grasp of the heat is very critical, the control of time is also very critical, do not fry the dandelion for too long, otherwise it will lead to a large number of nutrients gradually lost, if the control is not good, you can also use steaming to replace the way of frying for about 5 minutes.

Dandelions can kill cancer cells and treat throat inflammation, really? The three major effects are known long ago

5, after the stir-frying of the dandelion, everyone should put it aside, and then put it in a clean place to spread out and dry for about three days, and after the paint is completely dried, it can be sealed and preserved in a clean bottle.

6, when the dandelion is preserved, we must put it in a dry and sealed place, can not be placed in a humid place for preservation, etc. When you need to drink, you only need to take the appropriate amount of dandelion in the cup, and then soak it with boiling water to drink directly.