
Emergency contraceptives, can only be taken 3 times a year?

After contraceptive failure, we often use oral emergency contraception to avoid pregnancy.

But there's a saying circulating online that emergency contraception can only be taken 3 times a year.

So is this true?

Emergency contraceptives, can only be taken 3 times a year?

First, the principle of emergency contraception contraception

What we usually call emergency contraception mainly refers to levonorgestrel drugs, that is, over-the-counter emergency contraceptives that we can buy in pharmacies.

It works by rapidly inhibiting ovulation by supplementing with a large amount of progesterone, making the cervical mucus viscous, preventing sperm from passing, and preventing the fertilized egg from implantation to prevent pregnancy.

Emergency contraceptives, can only be taken 3 times a year?

Second, can emergency contraception really only be taken 3 times a year?

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers:

There is no evidence that repeated use of emergency contraception can lead to health risks such as infertility or cancer;

Within a year, it can be taken multiple times, with no limit on the number of times.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) believes that:

Even during the same menstrual cycle, emergency contraception can be taken multiple times.

Therefore, the statement that you can only take emergency contraception 3 times a year is not scientifically based, so don't take it seriously.

Emergency contraceptives, can only be taken 3 times a year?

Emergency contraception cannot be used as a daily contraceptive method

Low effectiveness: Emergency contraception is only about 80% effective, far lower than contraceptives such as short-term contraceptives, condoms or IUDs.

Although it will not affect fertility, it will have side effects: such as nausea, fatigue, dizziness, vomiting, vaginal bleeding, menstrual irregularities, etc.

Therefore, emergency contraceptives can only be used temporarily, urgently and are not routinely recommended contraception.

Emergency contraceptives, can only be taken 3 times a year?

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