
Talk about singer Li Shuangjiang

author:The Economic Observer

Li Yong / Wen

It is said that singer Mao Amin is a star, who can say that Mao Dun is a star? Mao Dun is an artist. Li Shuangjiang is not a star, he is a well-deserved singer, one of the few big artists in the contemporary music scene; he is also a music educator, peach and plum all over the world, has trained a large number of military singers such as Han Hong, Wei Jindong, Xia Mili and so on. Li Shuangjiang always kept in mind that he was a military artist, and the phrase he often hung on his lips was: "Serve the soldiers and sing for the people"!

Teacher Li Shuangjiang in my mind has always been a very tall image, his passionate singing style and metal-like natural timbre, I personally think that there is no singer in China who can surpass the "Shuangjiang height", especially his natural and smooth timbre grasp in the high pitch area, it is unattainable, he is really with love, with "heart in singing"...

I remember that in the mid-1990s, I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Shuangjiang at work, and since then I have cooperated with him many times, so I have more understanding of his old family, and I admire his tireless pursuit of spirit in art, his extremely serious attitude in the face of music teaching work and singing works, and the personality charm full of passion in life.

Teacher Li Shuangjiang has sung many classic songs, his artistic experience and various legends in the society, positive and negative, including those hearsay and demonism, etc., Presumably most of my friends are familiar with it, even more than I know and understand, I want to say more is to repeat. But I know very well in my heart that over the years, there have been many rumors on the Internet that slandered him, and even false gossip about his personal attacks, especially after the accident between him and Li Tianyi, the son of Mengge, and the news of online rumors and insults slandering his old man's home was even more overwhelming. In the face of the sudden wave of negative public opinion many years ago, Teacher Shuangjiang has always been very indifferent, and his old man has always remained silent, neither coming out to refute rumors, nor standing up to clarify the facts to defend himself and pursue the legal responsibility of those who deceive the public. Whenever I talked about those things with Teacher Shuangjiang, he told me with a faint smile and let the world comment!

Here, I would like to tell my friends a few small things that the media have never reported. I remember that at the beginning of 1997, Shaanxi Province held a large-scale literary and art evening, teacher Li Shuangjiang served as the music director of that evening, I served as the chief planner, the performance was very smooth, and the cooperation with Teacher Shuangjiang was also very pleasant. What is unforgettable is that dozens of cast members were going to return to Beijing the day after the end of the performance, and they encountered a rare foggy weather in Xi'an for many years, and due to weather reasons, it was impossible to fly back to Beijing. That morning, dozens of people arrived at the airport and were arranged to return to the hotel, Teacher Shuangjiang and I followed the local leader in charge of reception, rushed to the Xi'an Railway Station without stopping, coordinated the station leaders to ask the railway superior department as soon as possible to approve the addition of a soft sleeping car, and arranged for many actors to return to Beijing. On the way back to Beijing by train, Teacher Shuangjiang, in order to thank the railway department for its support, organized Han Hong and other young singers to go to the dining car to party with the crew and some passengers, and he himself went to the radio room to sing a song for all the train passengers. Little things embody the lofty spirit of "singing for the people" of Teacher Shuangjiang!

One day many years ago, I also had the honor to accompany Teacher Shuangjiang to lunch with his old squad leader, old company commander and other military friends when he was a soldier in Xinjiang in the early days. At that time, his old company commander was a reigning general, while his old squad leader was a factory fitter who was retiring. What is deep camaraderie? After the meeting, Teacher Shuangjiang hugged his former old squad leader and burst into tears, tearfully telling them about the interesting little things they did when they were in the Xinjiang army, and the exciting scene not only moved the friends present, but also made me vividly remember it. Shortly after that, he also specially invited the old squad leader to the CCTV character interview program, and invited the old brothers to talk about the unforgettable years. Such a sentient and righteous thing, Teacher Shuangjiang always enjoys doing it tirelessly.

Teacher Shuangjiang loves and cares for his students, but his professional requirements are very strict. I remember that it was also the end of the 1990s, when we invited his student Han Hong to sing a song at the party, when he was producing in the military art recording studio, he actually came to the recording studio himself after hearing the news and directed Han Hong to record. After listening to the song sample, Teacher Shuangjiang asked Han Hong to re-record in person, and that stern look directly cried Han Hong's criticism. Han Hong is a proud protégé of Teacher Shuangjiang, and she is also very serious about the art of singing, when she dried her tears and stabilized her emotions, she quickly threw herself into the recording of the song, singing over and over again, until the Shuangjiang teacher in the prison was satisfied...

You are busy and I am busy, it is inevitable that I will not see you. I haven't seen Mr. Shuangjiang for many years, and although I call or text and greet him on WeChat every New Year's Day, I have never been able to get together. A few days ago, a friend invited me to a party to drink, and someone mentioned Li Shuangjiang during the banquet, so I called Teacher Shuangjiang and asked him to have a light meal together at noon the next day, meet and talk about the past, and Teacher Shuangjiang gladly accepted. As a result, at noon the next day, I and a few friends waited for his old man in the hotel and did not come, and I dialed two calls to his mobile phone and no one answered. Later we were all drunk and full of food on the way to evacuate, his old man's phone finally came, it turned out that I did not say clearly after drinking the night before, his old man made the agreed noon or dinner time wrong, so he immediately made an appointment with me to meet for dinner, this time the Shuangjiang teacher is to let his driver book the time and place, I believe this old man will not be mistaken again.

At six o'clock that night, Teacher Shuangjiang arrived as promised with two bottles of old wine, and after entering the door and embracing me warmly, he shook hands with other friends one by one with a spring breeze on his face and invited everyone to taste the old wine of his hometown. When he talked about his big brother ~ the famous tenor teacher Li Guangxi had just passed away, the old man's voice was obviously low, and he repeated a few words to himself: "He is too tired, he is too tired..."

Of course, there is another topic in the dinner that can not be avoided in any way, that is, his youngest son Li Tianyi, when the child was over a hundred days old, I also bought gifts. Teacher Shuangjiang told us with great affection that his son would be able to return to his side next year, and that the child would be almost twenty-six years old and should grow up... Maybe it was a little excited after drinking a few glasses of wine that night, and he couldn't help but sing a few words impromptuly for everyone, and enthusiastically took a group photo with the friends present, wishing everyone a healthy and happy life every day...

Mr. Li Shuangjiang's singing voice has influenced generations, and his classic songs will continue to be passed down in the music world. It is no exaggeration to say that he is an iconic symbol of contemporary Chinese singers, and he is a benchmark artist in the vocal music industry that is difficult to surpass. Today, he is an elderly man, but he still has an optimistic and cheerful attitude towards life and maintains a positive and upward sunshine passion, which really makes me a junior admire! Teacher Shuangjiang said: "People say that we have a large lung capacity when we sing and can live for a long time..." Here, I also sincerely wish The People's Artist Mr. Li Shuangjiang health and longevity, and eternal artistic youth!

Talk about singer Li Shuangjiang

This article is written by Mr. Li Shuangjiang

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