
Which exercises have good anti-cancer effects? These 4 sports are the most popular

author:Healthy Lifestyles for All Initiative
Which exercises have good anti-cancer effects? These 4 sports are the most popular

Can exercise prevent cancer?

Many experiments have shown the positive effects of exercise in fighting cancer.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has published a paper using big data to demonstrate the remarkable role of exercise in fighting cancer.

The researchers conducted an 18-year survey of the daily exercise of 1.44 million people in Europe and the United States and found that the incidence of at least 13 types of cancer was significantly reduced in the long-term exercise population.

Among them, esophageal adenocarcinoma had the largest rate of reduction, at 42%, followed by liver cancer (27%) and lung cancer (26%).

Lung cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal adenocarcinoma, liver cancer, and bowel cancer, which have the highest incidence in mainland China, are listed among the 13 cancers whose incidence decreases with exercise.

Women who exercised for a long time also had a 10% lower incidence of breast cancer.

Exercise to prevent cancer where is the truth

First of all, when exercising, the muscles of the whole body produce heat, which can play a role in killing cancer cells to a certain extent.

  • The body's breathing and sweating during exercise help to expel harmful substances and carcinogens from the body.
  • The role of exercise in strengthening human immunity is also recognized.
  • In addition, exercise can promote the body to secrete dopamine, a neurotransmitter that can make people feel happy, can effectively improve mood fluctuations, and help people eliminate some negative emotions. As we all know, long-term negative emotions and depressive states are the triggers for certain cancers.
Which exercises have good anti-cancer effects? These 4 sports are the most popular

Second, exercise can prevent and improve obesity, which is an independent risk factor for cancer.

  • Data from studies have shown that breast cancer patients with a BMI of ≥25 have lower mortality rates if they are actively active than those who do not exercise.
  • In addition, exercise can enhance physical fitness and muscle tone, thereby reducing wrestling, improving balance, and increasing bone density.
  • Third, the preventive effect of exercise on gastrointestinal cancer is particularly obvious. Proper exercise helps the body to defecate. The longer the feces stay in the large intestine, the more likely and time that some carcinogens contained in it will contact the intestinal wall, and the greater the possibility that the human body will suffer from bowel cancer and other gastrointestinal cancers.

What kind of exercise anti-cancer effect is good

The website of the American "Medical Daily" has summarized 4 popular and life-prolonging sports: brisk walking, running, swimming and badminton.

Come on

Strengthens the heart and lungs and increases the strength of the lower limbs

A study by the University Hospital de Saint-Etienne in France found that the risk of early death was reduced by 22% in the elderly by insisting on brisk walking for 15 minutes a day.

Brisk walking is a good choice for exercise treatment and rehabilitation for chronic diseases. It can promote blood circulation, enhance metabolic capacity, help regulate blood sugar, blood lipids, blood pressure, prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease; also exercise the strength of the lower limbs, can strengthen the bones, prevent osteoporosis, improve respiratory circulation, enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation.


Regardless of the length and speed, it can reduce premature death

Data analysis of 14 related studies involving 230,000 people over 35 years found that regardless of the length of the run, the speed and speed of the run can reduce the risk of early death, and running can reduce the risk of all-cause death, cardiovascular disease death and cancer death by 27%, 30% and 23% respectively.

The intensity of running is greater, more conducive to promoting blood circulation and improving cardiopulmonary function, but also to enhance immunity, often running and exercising people, the overall level of physical fitness is better.

Which exercises have good anti-cancer effects? These 4 sports are the most popular


Exercises the heart and lungs and coordinates the muscles of the whole body

A 10-year follow-up survey of more than 80,000 people at the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom found that regular swimming reduced the risk of early death by 28%; those who swam regularly reduced their risk of dying from stroke or heart disease by 41%.

Swimming has a significant improvement in cardiopulmonary function, and also has a good exercise on the muscles of the shoulders, back, waist and legs, especially to enhance muscle strength and coordination. Because the water has buoyancy, it is not good for the joints, especially for people with sports injuries or chronic diseases, there is a good rehabilitation training effect.


It protects the heart and coordinates the whole body

A study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that swinging exercise reduced the risk of all-cause death by 47%, and sports such as table tennis, tennis and badminton reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease death by 56%.

In the process of playing badminton, the body needs to use the upper and lower limbs and the trunk to coordinate the force, the batting requires rapid response, running and jumping more during exercise, which can exercise the whole body, which is a comprehensive sport with both strength, speed, endurance, balance, flexibility, reaction and other sports qualities.

Which exercises have good anti-cancer effects? These 4 sports are the most popular

Do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a day, at least 5 times a week; on this basis, if you do 2 more strength exercises, you can get good exercise benefits. The elderly, people with poor physical fitness or cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases can choose sports such as brisk walking and tai chi with less intensity.

Why do people who keep exercising also get cancer?

The occurrence of cancer is a complex process, not caused by one factor. Exercise and cancer are not causal. If you don't exercise, you must not get cancer, and you must not get cancer if you exercise, and these two judgments are not correct.

Exercise can only reduce certain factors that induce cancer, but the factors that cause cancer may be other factors that are not affected by exercise.

Sports, regardless of race, age and gender, are low-threshold anti-cancer methods. So, don't make any excuses, get moving!

Source: Comprehensive Self-Health News, Life Times


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