
Entertainment Live Streaming Tips Eight ways to stimulate fan tips

Entertainment Live Streaming Tips Eight ways to stimulate fan tips

First, establish a single person design

1, with the fan big brother hinted that he is single

2. Fans can get contact information by brushing gifts

3. Then make a connection

4. Anchor and operation analysis "big brother" consumption skills ability

Second, hit the pk through the script "hate"

1. Establish "hatred" between anchors and anchors

2. Invitation "PK"

3. Emotional rendering, stimulating fans with brotherly feelings

4. Trigger fans' "collective sense of honor"

5. Iron powder (operation) bullet screen brush screen to drive the atmosphere

6. Fan recharge and tip

Third, platform activities, special days

1, on a big day such as the anchor's birthday or live broadcast anniversary, fans will naturally offer blessings with actions

2. Express your thoughts in the live broadcast room and what kind of ranking you want to get

3. Fan help, add bricks and tiles to the "boss" to recharge and brush tickets

4, win thanks, lose cry

5, the official competition on the platform is also a good time to enhance the cohesion of fans

Fourth, create a fiery live broadcast room atmosphere

Users have just entered the live broadcast room, mainly to see the atmosphere of the live broadcast room.

When the anchor interacts with the fans, especially with a group of fans, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room is the best.

Drive fans to type on the public screen and create a lively atmosphere.

The better the atmosphere, the more users want to express themselves, but also want to attract the attention of anchors or other fans, and they have the urge to brush gifts.

Entertainment Live Streaming Tips Eight ways to stimulate fan tips

Fifth, vanity satisfaction

For tourists who give gifts, the anchor must pay enough attention.

The first time to express gratitude, your surprise, screaming, your praise will make the tourist feel worthwhile.

In particular, the powerful local tycoons, in addition to thanking themselves, must also encourage the rest of the fans to thank, which greatly satisfies the vanity of the local tycoons.

In addition, to give their own big gold lord face, occasionally use video capture and other ways to appear on the live broadcast interface, but also let the big gold lord be sought after by the rest of the fans.

Sixth, the guild number brushing method to guide users to consume

Seven, build a "fan corps" family

Eighth, innovate talents, develop welfare, and attract consumption


The above several methods can stimulate users to tip

And how to use it specifically, which details need to be paid attention to, you need to pay attention to the anchor himself to observe the user's feedback.

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