
As long as this zodiac sign begins to rely on a person, it will not actively leave

As long as this zodiac sign begins to rely on a person, it will not actively leave

My opinion on Gemini's sense of security is that Gemini is a person who will be insecure, but he doesn't admit it to the outside world.

Because Gemini is often not insecure about someone or something, but someone or something affects his mood, the environment in which he lives, makes him feel very uncomfortable. From a contradiction that cannot be faced to the wrong state of the whole person, to looking at this environment and looking at the current life, everything feels wrong.

Eventually, he will find the source of his insecurity and break away.

The reason why I always say gemini is that gemini is not a delicate person but sensitive enough.

A lot of small changes, small contradictions he saw in his eyes, but he felt that it was not a big deal.

Until something doesn't happen that affects his crisis, he generally doesn't have any corrective behavior. Instead, it will be left to its natural development.

This leads to gemini always having an idea suddenly, but they will feel that the idea has existed for a long time, and then follow the idea to trace the reason.

To put it bluntly, a thing, both positive and negative Gemini will consider, but will decide which direction he will push according to his mood state.

For example, Gemini will always be sweet and sometimes tired in a relationship.

When sweet, you will constantly feel that the other party is very good, thinking about the future, and in this process of high expectations, you will be uneasy because the other party has not met this expectation.

Then when you feel tired, you will feel really tired together, can't see the future, and don't want to be together.

It's true when you love, and it's true when you don't want to love.

He doesn't know when this thought will come or how long it will last, he will only use this state to deal with the other party.

Just like when he is in good shape you make a joke with him and he laughs and giggles and doesn't react, when he is not in good shape, the same joke will make him explode.

If you ask him at this time why he wasn't angry last time, this time he's angry.

He will only go along with this point, in fact, the last time he was angry, but he did not show it, and he joked again and again, and he was really angry.

Whether or not the last time you were really angry, there is no way to investigate, and there is no need to figure it out. The root of the problem is that as long as it is in a bad and uneasy situation for Gemini, no matter how you argue with him, he will only give you the worst answer.

He will not feel guilty about this, but will only think about why he said this, is it true that his feelings have deteriorated?

When you are thinking about whether your feelings have deteriorated, you can only show that it is really deteriorated.

This is the logic of the Gemini.

As long as this zodiac sign begins to rely on a person, it will not actively leave

Therefore, there are many people who really can't understand Gemini, don't know how to run in, and will always continue to contradict each other because of the same problem.

In my opinion, the core point of this contradiction is, is this really the same problem?

For example, a friend complained that Gemini is particularly unpunctual and always late at the agreed time, which caused a lot of contradictions.

But in the vision of the Twins, this contradiction is not like this, the last time was because there was an urgent meeting to be held, the last time was suddenly unwell, the last time was because of traffic jams on the road, the last time was because .....

Some friends may say, isn't this a sophistry? Being late is being late, where are so many excuses?

Ultimately, being late and quarreling are not the root causes of feelings.

This attitude, this sentence, is the source of Gemini's uneasiness.

Gemini is indeed a man of argument, but he hates being considered sophistry the most. Because he can disdain how the other person understands him, he doesn't need to argue at all.

You say he's sophistry, he can say, and it doesn't matter what you think. If you think he's shirking responsibility, then why should he care about your feelings? He can also not explain it.

So, if you can't understand the expression of gemini, you will have countless contradictions, and you will think that this is all caused by the same problem.

But if you think so, Gemini will feel that this is the result of countless contradictions among you, and the two people are not suitable at all.

Let's keep it simple.

Two people are noisy, sweet and happy and quarrelsome. Gemini will think that this is normal, two people together where there is no contradiction.

But if you're looking for Gemini to run into, saying that two people have a conflict to resolve, it's tiring to be together. Gemini will be uneasy because of your attitude, so as to think about whether two people really have contradictions, with this state, Gemini will find countless contradictions.

When they learn that you are unhappy living with him, Gemini will be even more unhappy because of it. He thought you would have fun, but he didn't expect you to complain.

It can be as simple as trusting you completely, or it can be so complex that you can't see through it. The shift in this may just be because of one of your eyes.

Some friends may ask, "So what kind of eyes can make Gemini trust me?" ”

This is the wrong question.

Gemini doesn't want a look of trust in your eyes. It's that he doesn't want to see any information in your eyes.

For example, he is late, he does not want to see disgust, blame, complain, and he does not want to see tolerance and thoughtfulness. What he wants is that you don't care about this at all, you won't be angry about it, and you won't tolerate and then be wronged by it.

Some friends may say again, "That twin is also too good, obviously they are wrong, but also ask others how to do." ”

This is the biggest point of error with gemini thinking.

Gemini did do something wrong, he knew it very well, but he hoped to be able to solve it on the spot, to solve it immediately.

You can be late next time, you can scold him, you can ask him how to compensate. But he's going to read that you have no other meaning in it.

If you take the opportunity to get angry, or if you don't care about your grievances, or accuse and complain, this will make Gemini panic, because he doesn't know what you're thinking.

He can only think that the feelings have deteriorated, that you have put up with him for a long time and will leave him sooner or later.

This feeling of being blamed, like being criticized by a teacher as a child, can make Gemini uncomfortable. He didn't want to show weakness, and he didn't want to please. So I thought about how to escape, how to retreat.

The feeling of always having to guess the heart can put a lot of pressure on him. And once Gemini feels that there is something in the other person's words, he will think that this is the other party's rejection of himself.

And the reason why I always say that Gemini needs guidance is that many times, Gemini does not want to say it, but does not know whether the other party wants to hear it or not.

If you are willing to talk, Gemini will definitely remember it.

If you are willing to listen, Gemini will definitely tell you well.

But he doesn't take the initiative to ask if you want to say it, whether you want to hear it.

Gemini's three most irresistible labels are intellectual, easygoing, and direct.

Because Gemini is really like a child in his relationship, many times he is in a state of not knowing what to do.

There was a contradiction, the other party did not say a word, and the twins were at a loss. Surprises were created, but the effect was not achieved, and the Twins were at a loss. The two people chatting suddenly awkwardly, there was nothing to say, the Twins were at a loss...

If they could, Gemini really didn't want that to happen. But if you can avoid these scenarios, Gemini will always be the best with you.

As long as gemini can get into a habit, he will rely on you, as long as he starts to rely on you, he will not take the initiative to leave.

The environment has changed, the atmosphere has changed, and often you have changed, and gemini will change.

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