
Torchlight Unlimited Unlimited Test Countdown! How to participate at a glance

Torchlight Infinity International is finally about to open its second unlimited test. Torchlight Unlimited official release news will open the test at 21:00 on April 24, and the test version is the international service version. Since the last beta, Torchlight Infinity has attracted a large number of players to participate. But many Mengxin do not know how to play to the torchlight infinite test suit, today Xiaobian will share a super simple tutorial with you.

Torchlight Unlimited Unlimited Test Countdown! How to participate at a glance

In fact, so far, the torchlight infinite test suit is the most attractive point for new players: in the pre-game process, the game will allow new players to slowly master the game skills through simple beginner guidance and story tasks, and gradually learn the three major cultivation systems of skills, talents and equipment, so that players can also complete the main line plot and master the combat skills.

Torchlight Unlimited Unlimited Test Countdown! How to participate at a glance

After some players have mastered the combat skills, they can initially build their own BD, thus challenging the more dangerous Otherworldly levels, in general, the design of the Otherworldly level is full of randomness. Players may encounter great opportunities here, or they may encounter more difficult challenges, each opening has a different level effect, and survival will become more important than output.

However, the improvement brought by the Otherworld to the player is also very large, as long as it can challenge the Otherworld Lord and the Otherworld Ruler, the player will have a higher probability of obtaining legendary equipment, which is quite tempting for Xiaobian. So although the test international service has not yet come out, but the editor has already done a good job in advance, in order to be able to play the game for the first time, today also to share it with you.

Before the test, Xiaobian downloaded and logged in the Qiyou mobile game acceleration tool.

Players who want to play the international service version for the first time only need to book the "Torchlight Unlimited Test Suit" in the acceleration tool, so that after the game is launched, they can download and accelerate into the game with the strange game.

Torchlight Unlimited Unlimited Test Countdown! How to participate at a glance

Screen of the previous test suit:

Torchlight Unlimited Unlimited Test Countdown! How to participate at a glance

The above is all about the Torchlight Infinite Non-Measurement Test Entry Guide, I hope that this guide provided by Xiaobian can help interested players.

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